维持年份,maintenance year
1)maintenance year维持年份
1.Based on statistics and analysis of Chinese and American patent,this paper studies the country distribution,maintenance year and top applicant of communication technique research.文章对通讯技术领域的中美专利进行国家分布、维持年份、高产申请人分析,分析结果表明:我国目前通讯技术领域的研发实力还非常落后,相关产品如果试图走向全球,将很容易遭受到国外的专利壁垒,并且面临发生专利纠纷的风险很高。
1.Comparison of Agronomic Characters of Bt Transgenic Cotton with Insect-Resistance in Varied Years;陆地棉抗虫品种不同年份间农艺性状的比较
2.The Influence of Variety、Sowing Time and Year for the Content of Soybean Isoflavone and Soyasaponin;品种、播期和年份对大豆异黄酮及皂甙含量的影响

1.Vintage, year of vintage The year in which a wine was made.年份、酒年份:生产葡萄酒的那一年。
2.Year of Award考获学衔/资格之年份
3.YY = the last two digits of the year.YY=年份的后两位数。
4."Specify the maximum year for which two-digit years are interpreted as being 21st century:""指定第 21 世纪的两位数年份的最大年份:"
5.The year of birth must be a four-digit number. Please retype the year of birth.出生年份必须是四位数字。请重新键入出生年份
6.The data refer to a variety of years, generally not more than two years distant from those specified.这些数字涉及的年份不同,但一般不超过所指年份的前后两年。
7.The base year shall be the first profit-making year of the enterprises.基期年份为此类企业第一个盈利年。
8.Jeff: The year: 1968, I think.杰夫:我想出版年份是一九六八年吧!
9.Non-Vintage: A wine without a fixed year usually blended with many.无酿制年份:没有具体年份的葡萄酒,通常是由不同年份的葡萄混合而酿制出来的。
10.An election year is one in which all four members are evenly divisible by four.选举年是年份的四位数字能被4整除的年。
11.2002: The Most Abnormal Year of Phenology in Beijing for the Last 150 Years2002年:北京150年来自然物候最为异常的年份
12.When a two-digit year is entered, interpret it as a year between在输入两位数的年份时,将其解释为介于下面范围内的年份
13.For instance, the average annual growth rate of43 years since1949 is listed as average annual growth rate of19501992 without listing the base year1949.从某年到某年平均每年增长速度的年份,均不包括基期年在内。
14.Enter all four digits of the year you want to display.输入要显示年份的所有四位数字。
15.An Annual General Meeting is held in January.每年年会在一月份举行。
16.The new year cards were sold out in December.12月份贺年片就卖完了。
17.At the end of 2001, the assessment was 27.6 per cent.2001年底,这一份额是27.6%。
18.There are twelve months in the year.一年有十二个月份。

1.Comparison of Agronomic Characters of Bt Transgenic Cotton with Insect-Resistance in Varied Years;陆地棉抗虫品种不同年份间农艺性状的比较
2.The Influence of Variety、Sowing Time and Year for the Content of Soybean Isoflavone and Soyasaponin;品种、播期和年份对大豆异黄酮及皂甙含量的影响
1.The effects of wine variety,vintage,yeast,pectase,SO2 and clarificant on resveratrol content in dry-red wine were studied.研究了葡萄品种、年份、酿酒酵母、果胶酶、SO2、澄清剂等对干红葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量的影响。
5)a particular year年份
6)holding identity持有身份

维持1.维系;保持。 2.维护;帮助。 3.主持;保持。