全部流失,complete losing
1)complete losing全部流失
2)total loss全部丧失

1.partial or complete loss of hearing.听力部分或全部丧失
2.Kidney failure (or renal failure ):Partial or complete loss of kidney function.肾功能衰竭:肾脏功能部分或全部丧失的一种病理状态。
3.temporary total disability暂时全部劳动能力丧失
4.Reluctance to give up part of our territory resulted in the loss of it all.不愿意丧失一部分土地,结果丧失了全部土地。
5.Total Paralysis (Permanent physical Disablement)全身瘫痪(永久丧失全部劳动能力)
6.deprive completely of money or goods.使丧失全部的钱财和物品。
7.Partially or completely lacking in the sense of hearing.聋的,重听的部分或完全丧失听觉的
8.The loss of all his fortune was a great trial to Antonio.安东尼奥丧失了全部财产,这对他是极大的不幸。
9.Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of use of Toes丧失或永久完全丧失脚趾的功能
10.Permanent Total Loss of Sight of both Eyes永久完全丧失双眼视力
11.temporary total incapacity暂时完全丧失工作能力
12.permanent partial incapacity永久丧失部分工作能力
13.temporary partial disability暂时部分劳动能力丧失
14.All big man-agement jobs are beastly: they are stressful and frustrating and almost always end in failure.所有管理职位都很讨厌、充满压力、让人沮丧,且几乎全部以失败告终。
15.Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of use of four Fingers and Thumb of right hand丧失或永久完全丧失右手四只手指及姆指功能
16.Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of use of one Limb丧失一肢或任何一肢完全失去功能
17.For the temporary loss of part of our territory is the price we pay for the permanent preservation of all our territory, including the recovery of lost territory.因为暂时地部分地丧失土地,是全部地永久地保存土地和恢复土地的代价。
18.total and permanent disability完全和永久丧失工作能力

total loss全部丧失
3)total loss全部损失
4)part losing部分流失
5)total defluidization完全失流
6)total loss only [TLO]全部灭失险

全部1.整个部类。 2.完全。