三家运营商模型,triple firms model
1)triple firms model三家运营商模型

1.An Analysis on the Efficiency of Bilateral Access Pricing in China Telecommunication Industry:A Triple Firms Model我国电信业双向接入定价的有效性分析——三家运营商模型
2.Research on 3G Operation Business Network Core Competitive Ability Model;3G运营商网络核心竞争力模型的研究
3.Reasearch on Internationalization Strategic Decision Model of Telecom Operators电信运营商国际化战略决策模型研究
4.The empirical analysis on operators' assessment model of social channel社会渠道运营商分级模型及实证研究
5.The model and application on value class of operators' VIP costumer运营商大客户价值细分模型及营销应用
6.The Research on New Commerce Operation Model of Export Lamp Manufacturing Enterprise出口型灯具企业新型商务运营模式的研究
7.E-commerce Model of Hi-tech Products Three-period Marketing Segmentation;高科技产品的三阶段细分营销电子商务模型
8.Business Model of Telecom Service Providers and the Countermeasure Research on Telecom Operator Transformation;通信服务商的商业模式和应对电信运营商的转型对策研究
9.Impact Study on the Transformation Modes of Telecommunication Operators to the Development of Value-added Services;电信运营商转型模式对增值业务发展影响研究
10.Research on the Follower of Mobile Market to Cross the Subscriber Chasm追随型移动运营商客户规模裂谷跨越研究
11.A Study on Business Model and Strategies of ICT Business at Home for Telecom Operators通信运营商家庭信息化商务模式及发展策略研究
12.On the Eco-Industry Operating Mechanism of Three-dimensional Theory Model in China;我国生态产业运营机制的三维理论模型研究
13.Operation Development of the Important Project in Telecom Operator in China;固网运营商重大项目的运营模式研究
14.On telecom operator s operation model of mobile internet;电信运营商移动互联网运营模式研究
15.The Design and Implementation of Telecom Operators' Marketing Strategy Model in 3G Era3G时代电信运营商市场营销策略模型设计与实现
16.Relation Model Between the Service Providers and Mobile Operators;移动运营商和增值服务提供商关系模型构建研究
17.The Design of E-Commerce Business Model and Market Strategy for FTNS Orporators;固网运营商的电子商务商业模式设计与运作
18.Mobile Operatormarketing Channels Rese Arch and Planning Model;移动运营商营销渠道模式研究与规划

operator transformation运营商转型
3)large-scale communication enterprises大型运营商
1.Innovative retailing management mode of CORO;承包商营运模式下的零售经营管理创新
5)fixed network operator transformation固网运营商转型
1.Then,with the examples on VOIP service,SMS service and the fixed network operator transformation,the constructed model was expatiated.通过分析电信产品创新的动力之源,构建电信行业在位者与进入者关于产品创新问题的博弈论模型,并结合Skype VOIP网络电话、移动短信、固网运营商转型等实例阐述了所构建的模型。
6)commercial operation商业运营
1.The curriculum\'s teaching make students full experience the inseparable relations of industrial design and the commercial, and make students grasp some elementary knowledge in the commercial operation.通过该课程的教学能够让学生充分的体会工业设计与商业密不可分的关系,掌握商业运营中的一些基本知识。

三家1.极言人户之少。 2.指春秋鲁大夫孟孙氏﹑叔孙氏﹑季孙氏。 3.指春秋晋之三卿韩﹑赵﹑魏。 4.指汉代传《诗》的齐﹑鲁﹑韩三派。 5.指汉代传《尚书》的欧阳﹑大夏侯﹑小夏侯三派。 6.指解说《春秋》的左氏﹑公羊﹑谷梁三派。 7.指古代天文学中的盖天﹑宣夜和浑天三种学派。 8.指三皇。 9.指夏﹑商﹑周。