1.Surveillance on AIDS and Syphilis among the High Risk Population in Baoshan District of Shanghai;上海市宝山区高危人群梅毒、艾滋病监测结果分析
2.An investigation and analysis the infection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus,Hepatitis B virus,Hepatitis C virus and Syphilis in pregnant women;孕妇HIV、HBV、HCV及梅毒感染的调查与分析
3.Analysis on HIV and syphilis infection situation among married immigrant women in rural areas;农村外省籍嫁入妇女HIV和梅毒感染状况分析

1.of or relating to or infected with syphilis.梅毒的,与梅毒有关的或患梅毒的。
2.syphils serodiagnosis analyzer梅毒血清诊断分析仪
3.syphilitic spinal muscular atroph梅毒性脊髓病性肌萎缩
4.Kahn flocculation test康恩梅毒絮状沉淀试验
5.aortitis syphilitica obliterans闭塞性梅毒性主动脉炎
6.meningovascular neurosyphilis脑膜血管性神经梅毒
7.a congenital idiot, syphilitic, etc先天性白痴、 梅毒患者等.
8.The Analysis of Diseases with Biologic False Positive of Syphilis and Comparison with Syphilis梅毒血清学假阳性疾病分析及与梅毒的对比
9.Detection of hepatitis virus markers in patients with syphilis梅毒患者246例肝炎病毒标志物的检测
10.A substance present in the blood of individuals having a positive serological test for syphilis.梅毒反应毒个体血液中的一种物质,可对梅毒产生向性血清反应
11.Ssurvey on HIV and syphilis infection among drug users in detoxification center in Shenzhen戒毒所吸毒人员艾滋病及梅毒感染状况调查
12.Mei-refoulement Norm Pregnancy Syphilis Treatment Outcome Study of Serum TRUST妊娠梅毒规范驱梅治疗后血清TRUST转归的研究
13.This kit was also tested with 920 non-syphilis sera, the false-positive rate was 1.0% for TPHA, and no false-positive for FTA-ABS.共检测1125份血清(其中梅毒血清205份,非梅毒血清920份).
14.Prevalence rate of HIV infection and syphilis as well as factors associated with syphilis among female sex workers in Beijing,2006-20082006-2008年北京市暗娼人群梅毒和HIV感染率及梅毒感染率影响因素
15.Exploration of the posibility of the detection in blood syphilis by TP ELISA梅毒螺旋体酶联免疫吸附试验对梅毒筛检的可行性探讨
16.Impact of TRUST titre and antenatal intervention on incidence of syphilis妊娠梅毒TRUST滴度及产前干预对先天梅毒发病的影响
17.Expression of Recombinant Protein of Treponema pallidum and Development a Sandwich Antigen ELISA on Serodiagnosis of Syphilitics梅毒螺旋体重组抗原的表达及在梅毒血清学诊断中的应用
18.Suvery on Syphilis and HIV Prevalence among Drug Users in Lanzhou From 1999 to 2000兰州市1999-2000年吸毒人员梅毒及艾滋病现状调查

Pregnant syphilis妊娠梅毒
1.[Methods] The patients with pregnant syphilis were divided into group Ⅰ and group Ⅱ according to whether they received penicillin anti-syphilis treatment or not before pregnancy.【目的】探讨妊娠梅毒孕期内和妊娠前抗梅毒治疗对分娩结果的不同影响。
1.Analysis of the late-stage neurosyphilis with general paresis of insane;晚期神经梅毒——麻痹性痴呆3例临床分析
2.Neurosyphilis and AIDS/HIV Positive;神经梅毒与AIDS/HIV阳性
4)Syphilis antibody梅毒抗体
1.Detection of the syphilis antibody in serum from gratis blood donors in Jining;无偿献血者血清梅毒抗体的检测
2.Syphilis antibody testing of patients is necessary,for it provides science basis of timely detection,early treatment,and effectively control the spread of syphilis.目的:了解住院患者人群中梅毒抗体的阳性率及其分布情况,为防治梅毒提供依据。
5)Syphilis infection梅毒感染
6)Syphilis diagnosis梅毒诊断
