1.Pb Pollution Analysis and Precaution Measure is Surface Soils of Urban Parks of Jinhua;金华市区公园表层土壤铅污染分析及预防措施
2.Investigation of Fluorine Intake to the Endemic Fluorosis Area of Jinhua;金华市地氟病病区摄氟总量调查
3.Main weeds species in gardening plant nursery in Jinhua City and its occurrence characteristics;金华市常见绿化苗圃主要杂草种类及发生特点

1.The Study on Village Layout in Orient Region of Jinhua Based on GIS;基于GIS的金华市金东区村庄布点研究
2.The Distillation of Culture in the Enterprises--An Analysis on the Cultural Competitive Strength of the Great World Department Store of Jinhua;文化在企业中升华——析金华大世界的文化竞争力
3.Inter-regional Economy Cooperation and Jindong District of Jinhua Municipality Merging into the Changjiang River Delta;区际经济合作与金华市金东区融入“长三角”
4.Huang Binhong (1865-1955) was born in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province.黄宾虹(1865-1955)出生于浙江金华
5.Jinhua Dikang Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.金华迪康化学工业有限公司
6.Help300 million Chinese people to speak good English!让百万金华人讲一口流利的英语!
7.'It's a lie, 'Joaquin said.“那是胡扯,”华金说。
8.Prime of Life (Vigorous Tribe)金色年华(动感部落)
9.an inch of land in the Busy section is worth an inch of gold.繁华地段,寸土寸金。
10.And lavish cowslip,wildly scattered round,华丽的立金花,撒满一地,
11.House of Spirits, The金色豪门/英华世家
12.The third winner is Sherron Watkins.第三位是雪伦?华金丝,
13.A Cultural Analysis of"Huayan Jin Stele";辽金西京佛寺“华严金碑”的文化研究
14.Man of Gold" in the Gallery of Literature of the Chinese Diaspora--on Xiong Guo-hua s American Dream: The Life and Times of Maurice Chuck;华文文学长廊中的"黄金人"——评熊国华的《美国梦:美籍华人黄运基传奇》
15.A New Inspiration of Wall Street Financial Strom and Financial Supervision Pattern华尔街金融风暴与金融监管模式的新启示
16.Trust Fund for the Implementation of the Ottawa Convention on Landmines执行渥太华禁雷公约信托基金
17.EDWARD GREEN: Barlow House, Canary Wharf.爱德华.林:金丝雀码头的巴罗公寓。
18.Hwa Nan Bank, Chang Hwa Bank, First Bank,Taiwan Cooperative Bank华南银行, 彰化银行, 第一银行, 合作金库

Jinhua ham金华火腿
1.Research progress on characteristic flavour substances of Jinhua ham;金华火腿特征风味物质研究进展
2.Study on the characteristics of lipolysis during processing of Jinhua ham;金华火腿生产过程中脂质水解特性研究
3.Modern process and equipment for fermenting-ripening of Jinhua ham;金华火腿发酵成熟现代工艺及装备研究
3)Jinhua City金华市
1.Calculation and analysis of Jinhua City′s ecological footprint in 2004;金华市2004年生态足迹计算与分析
2.A Survey on the Recognition and Behaviors of 296 Persons in Jinhua City at Free Blood Donation;金华市296例公民无偿献血认知行为的调查分析
3.Development Level of Mechanization Farming of Both Total Assessment and Region Contrasting in Jinhua City;金华市农业机械化水平的总体评价和地区比较
4)Jinhua fingered citron金华佛手
1.Jinhua fingered citron has a grown history more than 400 years, and has possessed some spontaneous mutations.对金华佛手品系进行了生物学表型特性观察、生理学指标测定和RAPD分析。
5)Jinhua oil field金华油田
1.Jinhua oil field is located in the centre of Sichuan basin.金华油田位于四川盆地中部,其产层下侏罗统大安寨段介壳灰岩为滨湖高能生物介壳滩相沉积。
1.Determination of Copper in JinHuaSu by Atomic Absorption Spectrophtometry;原子吸收分光光度法测定金华素中铜的含量

金华【金华】 (杂名)金波罗华之略。即金色之莲华也。