1.On generality and individuality in pharmacology;浅谈药理学中的共性与个性
2.A new probe into the generality and individuality of typical figure;典型形象共性与个性内涵新探
3.Discussion of the aesthetic generality and specialty between the art of film and that of TV;试论电影与电视艺术审美的共性与特性

1."Public" and " Art"--The Individuality and Commonness of Teaching Public Art;“公共”与“艺术”——公共艺术教学的个性与共性
2.Simultaneous Extension of Cultural Generality and Individuality in Globaliza tion;全球化中文化共性与个性的共时扩大
3.The General Characters and Specific ones of Capitalism and Socialism;两种经济制度的共性、个性、历时性和共时性
4.Analyzing the publicity of Chinese public administration and public management;中国公共行政与公共管理之“公共性”辨析
5.Non-publicity of public policy--A new perspective for the research on public policy;公共政策的非公共性——公共政策研究的新视角
6.From Individuality to Publicity:The Nature and Course of Public Power;从私人性到公共性——论公共权力的属性和归宿
7.Common-Individual-Common:Historical Changes of Linguistic Value Orientation;共性—个性—共性:语言学价值取向的历史变迁
8.Study on Lack and Cure of the Commonality of Public Admininstration in China;论我国公共管理公共性缺失及其救治
9.On the Change of the Public Goods Characteristics and it s Provision;公共物品公共性的变化及其有效提供
10.acute cerebellar ataxia急性小脑性共济失调
11.Catholicity and Sameness--An Exploration of Man s Extramundane Existence;共通性与共同性——从中国哲学看人的超越性存在
12.Properties of modified PTT fiber blending with basic copolyamide碱性共聚酰胺共混改性PTT纤维的性能研究
13.magnetic resonance imaging磁性共振成象(技术)(磁共成象)
14.On Publicity and Public Conditions of Human Being;论人的类存在的公共属性及公共条件
15.Criminal Law Complicity Stipulation Carrying out to Theory of Complicity Dependency;刑法共犯规定对共犯从属性说的贯彻
16.The Dynamic Co-establishment and Sharing of Document Resources Among Universities高校校内文献资源共建共享的动态性
17.Effects of the Blend Ratios on the Properties of the ACM/FKM Blend共混比对ACM/FKM共混胶性能的影响
18.Public Rationality:Negotiation,Public Service and Co-governing with Virtue公共理性:协商、公共服务与协同善治

1.A Study to the Commonness of China and India s Roles in the Asia Economic Development;中印两国在亚太经济发展中作用的共性研究
2.On the basis of commonness between direct air-cooling and mechanical draft cooling tower, considerations on some related issues including air-cooling platform direction, layout of platform in mountain area and air-cooling condenser heat radiation mode, etc.根据直接空冷和机力通风冷却塔有着某些方面的共性,故对空冷平台的朝向、山区空冷平台的布置以及空冷凝汽器的散热方式等问题引发了一些思考。
3.Through the analysis and comparison of the metaphor concept in both Chinese and English,we find that,as the essential tool of human beings in the cognitive activities,the metaphor has its commonness and difference.通过对英汉两种语言中隐喻概念的分析比较,我们发现隐喻作为人类基本的认知活动具有其共性和差异。
1.On similarities of rhetorical devices between English and Chinese proverbs英汉谚语在修辞手法上的共性
2.This paper analyses the similarities of English and Chinese proverbs in choosing words,sentences,rhetorical devices and rhyme through the comparison of linguistic characteristics.分析了英汉谚语在选词、句式、修辞和声韵上的共性,通过了解英汉谚语的共性,有助于对语言与文化更深入的理解,增长语言知识,提高语言修养。
3.The author of this article ana- lyzes different stages of children s mother tongue acquisition,sums up the differences and similarities between mother tongue acquisition and foreign language acquisition,points out some common errors made by children and proposes some constructive ideas.在分析儿童习得母语不同阶段不同特点的基础上,总结了母语习得与外语习得的区别和共性
4)general character共性
1.The general characteristics and tendency of advanced production paradigms are pointed out.具体分析了现代集成制造系统 (CIMS)、精益思维 (L T)、全能制造系统 (HMS)、分形企业 (FC)、敏捷制造 (AM)、知识网络化企业 (KNE)等面向 2 1世纪的先进生产模式的本质特征 ,指出了先进生产模式的共性及发展趋势 ,并就我国发展先进生产模式提出了几点看
2.This article respectively surveys particularity and universality of contradiction of each developing process of life and animal,aswell as particularity and universality of contradiction of aech developing stage of mandind and Home sapiens,according to which e-laborates the dialectics of the individual character and general character.本文分别考察了各个生命发展过程和动物发展过程中矛盾的特殊性与普遍性,以及各个人类发展阶段和新人发展阶段中矛盾的特殊性与普遍性,在此基础上论证了个性与共性的辩证法。
1.A dialectical uniformity of universality and peculiarity ——A suggestive understanding of Deng Xiaoping s theory as the modern Marxism in China;一个共性与个性辩证统一的科学命题——如何正确认识和把握“邓小平理论是当代中国的马克思主义”
2.This paper elaborates on the universality and individuality of art design and the relationship between them.论述了艺术设计的共性与特性及其相互关系 ;阐明作为有几千年传统文化的中国 ,应在艺术设计共性中突出自身特性的重要。
3.Through analyzing universality and individuality of cheerleading and aerobics,the paper proved that the idea that,regarded the cheerleading as a kind of aerobics was incorrect.通过啦啦队运动与健美操运动共性和特性的比较,证明啦啦队运动是健美操运动一种形式的观点是错误的,并对形成这种认识的主要原因进行分析,希望纠正人们对啦啦队运动的错误认识。
6)common character共性
1.At the same time,there exists the common character between these physical culture that serve as the shared cultural measure of mankind.体育文化作为文化的一个分支,不可避免地会受到各自不同国家、民族和地区的文化背景的影响,而深深地打上各自极具国家、民族和地区鲜明特点的烙印,但与此同时,体育文化作为全人类共同的文化财富,它们之间存在着共性
2.Ah Q in Lu Xun s "The True Story of Ah Q" and Yun Chi won in Chae Man shik s "Taepyongchonha(Peaceful World)"bore common character traits.《阿Q正传》和《太平天下》两部作品的主要人物阿Q和尹直员身上存在着一些共性
