1.Self-stabilization modeling and simulation on ship-sway of a photoelectric tracker;光电跟踪器船摇自稳定建模及仿真
2.Study on the Self-stabilization Problem of the Shipborne TV Tracker;船载电视跟踪仪自稳定问题研究
3.In order to ensure the TV tracker s measuring stabilization and precision on the sea,the mathematical self-stabilization model of the ship-swaying is established based on the position data of the roll,pitch and yaw obtained from inertia naviga.为了保证电视跟踪仪海上跟踪测量的平稳性和准确性,基于惯性导航系统给出的横摇和纵摇位置数据,建立了包含艏摇的完整的三自由度船摇自稳定数学模型,并且在M atlab仿真环境中采用闭环增益成形控制算法进行了三自由度船摇自稳定系统的数字仿真,结果表明所设计方法能够提高舰载电视跟踪仪的跟踪精度并使电视图像清晰。
2)self stabilization自稳定
1.This paper elaborates the principle of measuring the signals of thermal resistance and thermocouple by differential quotient, and analyzes the characteristics of its self calibration and self stabilization.阐述了热电阻热电偶信号的差商测量原理,分析了差商测量的自标定自稳定特点,从而为电阻和mV信号的测量提供了一种新的参考方法。
3)natural stability自然稳定

1.A Design of the Cheap&Simple Automatic Pilot Applicable to the Low-speed /small-scaled/nature-stability UAV;一种使用简单、廉价、广泛适用于低速、自然稳定小型无人机的自动驾驶仪方案
2.Stability Analysis on Plant Community in Quanshan Nature Reserve泉山自然保护区植物群落稳定性分析
3.Study of the Stability of RB Natural Convection in a Fluid with PCM Particles;含相变微粒流体RB自然对流稳定性研究
4.The Unification of Objective Natural Attribute and the Process of Logic Thought;论客观自然的稳定性与思维逻辑化过程的统一
5.Instabilities of boundary layers along a tilt plate dissipating uniform heat flux恒热流斜板自然对流边界层的稳定性研究
6.Composition and Thermal Stability of the Mineral Traditional Chinese Medicine Pyrite (Zirantong)矿物中药自然铜的组成与热稳定性研究
7.Study on Community Stability of the Oak Natural Secondary Forest in Baotianman Nature Reserve;宝天曼自然保护区栎类天然次生林群落稳定性研究
8.Pendulum is a unlinear, coupling, variable and natural unsteadiness system.倒立摆系统是非线性、耦合、变量和自然不稳定的系统。
9.Inverted pendulum is a typical nonlinear, coupling system.倒立摆系统是典型的非线性、耦合、变量和自然不稳定的系统。
10.We must lose no time in solving the problem of water shortages in some areas and build the south-to-north water diversion project.稳定低生育水平。 合理开发和节约使用各种自然资源。
11.With the natural population growth rate down to 6.45, China has entered a new period of low and stable birthrate.人口自然增长率降到6.45‰,进入了稳定低生育水平的时期。
12.Keeping a relaxed, natural and steady mood when listening to some materials.在作听力练习时,力求保持放松,自然和稳定的心态.
13.I had, however, from the beginning my own sure, steady source of information.然而,我从开始就有我自己可靠的、稳定的情报来源。
14.At first sight it is natural to regard resonances as merely composite states of more stable part particles.乍看起来,自然会认为共振态不过是较稳定粒子的复合态。
15.Research on Species Diversity and Community Stability of Minqin Liangucheng Nature Reserve;民勤连古城自然保护区物种多样性与群落稳定性研究
16.Case Study on the Influence on the Jiangxi Typical Natural Slope Stability of Rainfall Infiltration;降雨入渗对江西典型自然边坡稳定影响的实例研究
17.To Build Natural, Stable and Graceful Urban Forest Landscape: The Planning and Design of Ecological Recreational Forest in Chongming Island in Shanghai;营建自然、稳定、优美的城市森林景观——上海崇明生态休闲林规划设计
18.Heat convection enhancement and stability in suspensions with micro-PCM particles相变微粒乳液自然对流强化传热与稳定性研究进展

self stabilization自稳定
1.This paper elaborates the principle of measuring the signals of thermal resistance and thermocouple by differential quotient, and analyzes the characteristics of its self calibration and self stabilization.阐述了热电阻热电偶信号的差商测量原理,分析了差商测量的自标定自稳定特点,从而为电阻和mV信号的测量提供了一种新的参考方法。
3)natural stability自然稳定
4)Spin stabilization自旋稳定
5)self stabilization自稳定性
1.Two verification mothods for self stabilization of communication protocols are put forward.提出了通信协议自稳定性的两种验证方法。
1.In this paper, a kind of self-stability of combinatorial system, which has special construction, is studied.研究了一类具有特殊结构的组合系统的自稳性,在给定系统满足某种条件下的两个关于系统二次自稳定性的定理,使对称系统稳定性的判断更加容易。
