1.This paper introduces the data transfer between MDC Electronics and DAQ system in BESIII,and it describes the design of a high speed read out circuit based on VME master device,which is used for data read out and transfer on VME bus,includes the PCB design and the implementation of FPGA program,the test method and the result are also provided.本文简要介绍了BESⅢ主漂电子学和数据获取系统之间的数据传输相关情况。
2.RADFET multi-channel detector will be used to measure the integrated dose near the BESIII crystal calorimeter.RADFET多通道探测器将要用来测量北京谱仪BESⅢ中量能器附近的累计剂量。

1.Proportional Counter Used as the Monitor of BESⅢ Drift Chamber;正比计数器作BESⅢ漂移室性能监控
2.The Design and Research on the Framework of Event Selection Software of BEijing Spectrometer Ⅲ;BESⅢ事例选择软件框架的设计与研究
3.The Research and Realization of BESⅢ Data Flow Information Monitoring System;BESⅢ数据流信息监测系统的研究与实现
4.The Research on the BESⅢ Offline Calibration System and the Software Configuration Management Methods;BESⅢ数据处理系统及其环境配置
5.Determination of J/Ψ Total Number via J/Ψ→μ~+μ~-at BESⅢ通过J/Ψ→μ~+μ~-确定BESⅢ上J/Ψ总数
6.The Tuning of the Space Charge EffectBESⅢ dE/dx中空间电荷效应修正
7.The Design and Implementation of Tuning Software for the BESⅢ Main Drift ChamberBESⅢ主漂移室模拟真实化调试软件
8.Design and Development of BESⅢ Main Drift Chamber Track Reconstruction Software;BESⅢ主漂移室径迹重建软件的设计与开发
9.The Research on Simulation of EEMC on BESⅢ;北京谱仪BESⅢ端盖晶体量能器EEMC的模拟研究
10.The Development of the VME Crate Fast Controlling Module for the Global Trigger System in BESⅢ;BESⅢ主触发系统VME机箱快控制插件的研制
11.Design of Testing Software for BESⅢ Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter Electronic System;BESⅢ电磁量能器电子学系统测试软件设计
12.Design and Implementation of Data Acquisition System for BESⅢ Superconducting Magnet;BESⅢ超导磁体数据采集系统的设计与实现
13.The Optimization Design of VME Control/Fan-out Module in BESⅢ Muon ElectronicsBESⅢ Muon电子学VME控制扇出插件的优化设计
14.Experimental Studies on LED-fiber Monitor of BESⅢ CsI(Tl) CalorimeterBESⅢ CsI(Tl)晶体量能器LED-光纤监测系统的研究
15.Temperature Compensation for Charge Measurement of BESⅢ TOF ElectronicsBESⅢ飞行时间电子学电荷测量电路的温度补偿
16.Studying the Influence of Noise and the Methods of Rejecting Noise at BESⅢ Reconstruction SoftwareBESⅢ时间起点计算软件的排除噪声方法研究
17.The Design and Implementation of the BESⅢ Offline Data Management SystemBESⅢ实验离线数据管理系统的设计和实现
18.The Measurement of Relative Gain of Preamplifier in the CsI(Tl)Crystal Calorimeter of BESⅢBESⅢ CsI(Tl)晶体量能器前置放大器相对增益的测量

BESⅢ drift chamberBESⅢ漂移室
1.Cosmic ray test of a prototype of the BESⅢ drift chamber;BESⅢ漂移室模型的宇宙线测试
2.All index of CFRP outer-tube of BESⅢ drift chamber are qualified.本文介绍了BESⅢ漂移室碳纤维复合材料外筒的主要结构形式、技术要求、筒体成型技术、原材料选择和达到的技术指标。
3)BESⅢ detectorBESⅢ探测器
1.π-meson punchthrough effect in BESⅢ detector;π介子在BESⅢ探测器中的穿透效应
2.An Object-Oriented Monte Carlo program BOOST based on Geant4 toolkit has been developed for BESⅢ detector simulation.BESⅢ探测器的模拟软件包BOOST,是基于Geant4开发的面向对象的模拟软件。
4)BESⅢ spectrometerBESⅢ谱仪
1.The new safety interlock slow control system of BESⅢ is designed to ensure that the BESIII in- terior equipments and the accelerator control center to work in coordination,and to guarantee the safety of the operating staff and all the important equipments at the same time.新一代北京谱仪BESⅢ安全联锁系统完成北京谱仪内部装置以及与加速器中央控制室间的协同工作,保证系统运行时的重要设备与人身安全。
2.This paper gives an introduction of the design of BESⅢ Slow Control HV System and its implementation which is based on Labview.本文介绍了北京谱仪BESⅢ Slow Control高压系统的方案设计和基于Labview的具体实现。
3.The article gives a detailed introduction to the design of Gas and Security Interlock System of BESⅢ Slow Control.本文介绍了国家重点工程——北京正负电子对撞机北京谱仪BESⅢ慢控制系统中供气系统、安全联锁系统的方案设计。
6)BESⅢdata analysisBESⅢ数据分析

(一)Corydalis turtschaninovii Bess.f.yanhusuo Y.H.Chou et C. C. Hsu 罂粟科植物(二)Rhizoma Cory-dalis元胡分子式:CAS号:性质:中药。延胡索的干燥块茎。辛、苦,温。主要含生物碱(近20种)如黄连碱、原阿片碱、d-海罂粟碱等;另含大量淀粉和少量黏液质、树脂及挥发油。具有活血,利气,止痛,抗溃疡,抑制胃分泌,解胃痉挛,促进肾上腺皮质分泌等作用。用于胸胁,脘腹疼痛,经闭痛经,产后瘀阻,跌扑肿痛。毒副作用:血压略降,心率减慢,呼吸短暂兴奋,增大量呼吸抑制;镇静较深的催眠作用,四肢震颤性帕金森氏综合征。尿中有管型,数天后恢复。