1.Effects of crystal nucleation region temperature,crystal growth region temperature and mass fraction of crystal in magma on system energy consumption and p-xylene yield were studied.9%为目标,考察了成核区温度、生长区温度和回流晶浆中晶体含量对系统能耗和PX收率的影响。
2.The system error of infrared photometric measurement on the saturation temperature and supersaturation of crystal magma were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed.对于红外光度法测量晶浆饱和温度、过饱和度的系统误差作了定性和定量的分析。

1.Application of precipitation process of returning slurry in production of yellow cake返晶浆沉淀工艺在黄饼生产中的应用
3.Parental Magma Compositions of the Jinchuan Intrusion,Gansu Province and MELTS Thermodynamic Modelling of Fractional Crystallization金川岩体母岩浆成分及其分离结晶过程的熔浆热力学模拟
4.6.9 Adding 20 tons Barite to raise mud weight of this pit to the 1.20 S.G.加20吨重晶石将这池泥浆的密度提到1.20 S.G.。
5.9 Adding 20 tons Barite to raise mud weight of this pit to the 1.20 S.G.加20吨重晶石将这池泥浆的密度提到1.20S.G.。
6.As the liquid cooled, the carbon changed into diamond crystals.当这种岩浆冷却后,碳就变成了钻石晶体。
7.fruit cooked in sugar syrup and encrusted with a sugar crystals.在糖浆里煮的水果,表面形成晶状糖的外壳。
8.Pegmatites seem to form during a late magmatic stage.伟晶岩似乎是在较晚的岩浆阶段形成的。
9.The Researches of Producing Process of Semi-solid Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy Slurry;半固态过共晶Al-Si合金浆料制备工艺研究
10.Fabrication and Extrusion of Semi-solid Slurry of Hypoeutectic High Chromium Cast Iron;亚共晶高铬铸铁半固态浆料制备及挤压成形
11.Fabrication and Extrusion of Semi-solid Slurry of Hypereutectic High Cr Cast Iron;过共晶高铬铸铁半固态浆料制备及挤压成形
12.Study on the influence of attapulgite clay on the property of mortar with capillary crystalline waterproof agent凹土对掺渗透结晶防水剂砂浆性能影响的研究
13.The Effect of Soybean Milk on the Iron(Ⅲ) Residue in Sucrose Syrup and Its Crystal豆浆对蔗糖溶液及其晶体中铁残留量的影响
14.As magma cools, the first minerals to crystallize are olivine and pyroxene, which are rich in iron and magnesium.随著岩浆冷却,首先结晶出的矿物是橄榄石和辉石,富含铁和镁。
15.The final crystal slurry is sent to a separator, which produces a stream of pure concentrate and an ice product, which may contain low levels of product.最终的晶体浆液被送到分离器中,生产纯浓缩物蒸汽和冰生成物。
16.Experimental study of piezoelectric quartz crystal sensor for detecting plasma thrombin time压电石英晶体传感器检测血浆凝血酶时间的实验研究
17.Detection of blood plasma fibrinogen with piezoelectric quartz crystal sensor压电石英晶体传感器检测血浆纤维蛋白原方法的研究及应用
18.The pyroxenite xenoliths could be accumulates of the high-pressure fractional crystallization of the parental magma.辉石岩类捕虏体是由该母岩浆高压分离结晶堆积的产物。

crystallizing slurry晶化料浆
1.Moving-chamber belt vacuum filter was used in the separation and wash of 4A zeolite crystallizing slurry.用移动室带式真空过滤机对4A沸石晶化料浆进行了一系列的分离洗涤试验,试验结果表明,该设备完全可以代替原有XMZ压滤机,并且,其产能是原来的10倍以上,洗涤水耗是原来的60。
3)syrup crystallizing糖浆结晶
4)barite slurry重晶石浆
5)magmatic crystallization岩浆结晶
1.This paper gives an introduction to the developments in simulation of magmaticcrystallization and related metallization, mainly including magmatic crystallization of an-hydrous mafic and hydrous felsic systems.本文回顾了80年代以来国际上关于岩浆结晶及成矿作用过程的计算机模拟这一领域的研究进展,主要包括镁铁质干岩浆体系、长英质湿岩浆体系的岩浆结晶作用模拟,以及有关的岩浆矿床成矿作用、岩浆热液成矿作用的模拟。
6)amorphous slurry非晶质浆液
1.Alumina-containing amorphous slurry and sodium aluminate green liquor from sintering process are mixed in a given proportion to produce a solution with an extreme supersaturation.用一种含AI2 O3的非晶质浆液与烧结法铝酸钠精制液以一定比例混合 ,使溶液具有极大的过饱和度 ,从而自发分解产出平均粒径在 0 。
