探测阈值,Detection Threshold
1)Detection Threshold探测阈值
1.A testing method on detection threshold for channel vehicle radiation monitoring system to γ radionuclide activity was discussed.论述了通道式车辆放射性测控系统对γ放射性核素活度探测阈值的测定方法。

1.A Testing Method on Detection Threshold for Channel Vehicle Radiation Monitoring System to γ Radionuclide Activity通道式车辆放射性测控系统对γ放射性核素活度探测阈值的测定
2.personnel neutron threshold detector个人中子阈值探测器
3.Temperature probe warning threshold( s) set successfully.(温度探测器警告阈值已成功设置。
4.Temperature probe warning threshold value(s) set successfully.(温度探测器警告阈值已成功设置。)
5.Voltage probe warning threshold( s) set successfully.(电压探测器警告阈值已成功设置。
6.Fan probe warning threshold( s) set successfully.(风扇探测器警告阈值已成功设置。
7.Current probe warning threshold( s) set successfully.(电流探测器警告阈值已成功设置。
8.Voltage probe warning threshold(s) set successfully.(电压探测器警告阈值已成功设置。)
9.Investigation of the CCD-detector's Saturation Irradiated by Continuous Laser连续激光辐照CCD探测器饱和阈值研究
10.The Correlativity between the Threshold Acquired with ASSR and PTA;不同听力水平听性稳态反应阈值与纯音测听阈值比较
11.Comparison of Thresholds Acquired with ASSR and PTA in Normal-hearing Subjects;听力正常人听性稳态反应阈值与纯音测听阈值的比较
12.Macula Fovea Color Threshold Detection for Primary Glaucoma原发性青光眼的黄斑中心色阈值检测
13.Study of GaAs Threshold Voltage Uniformity and Measurement System;GaAs阈值电压均匀性与测试系统的研究
14.Image Processing Technologies in Laser Damage Threshold Testing;激光损伤阈值测试中的图像处理技术
15.Improved Self-adaptive Threshold Canny Edge Detection改进的自适应阈值Canny边缘检测
16.Research on Edge Detection and Thinning Algorithm of Improved Prewitt about Dynamic Threshold动态阈值Prewitt边缘检测与细化算法研究
17.Real AdaBoost face detection method based on multi-threshold多阈值划分的连续AdaBoost人脸检测
18.Adaboost detector based on multiple thresholds for weak classifier基于多阈值弱学习的Adaboost检测器

threshold detection阈值探测
3)threshold detector阈值探测器
4)threshold detection theory阈值探测理论
1.Based on the photon noise fluctuation theory,linear filter theory,the threshold characteristics and visual theories of the human eye, the new threshold detection theory and apparent distance detecting equations for LLL (low light level) imaging system will be established and derived in this paper.在对各种阈值探测理论和视距探测方程进行深入研究分析的基础上 ,从人眼阈值特性和微光视觉理论出发 ,建立微光夜视系统新的阈值探测理论模型 ,导出微光夜视系统新的视距综合探测方
5)Gap detection threshold间隔探测阈值
6)Constant fraction threshold (CFT)浮动阈值探测

探测1.探求测度。 2.测量。