运动阻力,kinetic resistance
1)kinetic resistance运动阻力
1.The kinetic resistance of hydraulic cylinder during step-down motion is the key parameter in the hydraulic cylinder structure design and step-down analysis.水压缸是控制棒水压驱动机构的主要部件,水压缸的动作包括步升过程和步降过程,水压缸步降运动阻力是水压缸结构设计和步降运动分析的关键参数。

1."Viscous friction is the fiction, or resistance to relative motion, between adjacent layers of liquid. The resistance of motion between these oil layers is called viscous friction. "粘性是液体流层问相对运动而产生的摩擦力或阻力。油层间所产生的运动阻力称为粘性摩擦力。
2.Approach and Apparatus of Perpendicular Move Friction Test to Small Submersible Implement;小型潜器纵向运动阻力试验方法和装置研究
3.The Influence of Temperature,Barometric Pressure and Elevation upon Resistance for Cycling;气温、气压和海拔高度对自行车运动阻力的影响
4."Friction, or resistance to motion, increases with the load. The higher the load, the greater the friction,"摩擦力或运动阻力增加了负载,负载越大,摩擦力也越大。
5.Analysis of the Impetus and Resistance for the Rock-climbing Sports at University;高校开设攀岩运动的推力与阻力分析
6.the phenomenon of resistance to motion through a fluid.物体在流体中运动受到阻力的现象。
7.any mechanical force that tends to retard or oppose motion.倾向于妨碍或阻滞运动的机械力量。
8.The Particle Law of Motion in the Resistance Air Dielectriuc;有阻力的空气介质中质点的运动规律
9.Research on Motive Force and Resisting Force of Dancesport Development in China;我国体育舞蹈运动开展的动力与阻力研究
10.The total kinetic resistance of a moving part(a firearm bolt) was acquired by experiment because water resistance was difficult to be got accurately.因水阻力较难准确求得,可利用实验确定活动件(枪机)运动总阻力。
11.On the impetus and resistance of the open operation of administrational power;论行政权力公开运行的动力、阻力和发展趋势
12.To impede the force or movement of.阻碍阻止…的作用或运动
13.Without force sufficient to overcome the resistance, bodies at rest will never move .没有足够克服阻力的力,静止的物体决不会运动。
14.Study of the Drag and Optimization Analysis on Propulsion in Swimming;游泳运动中的阻力研究及推进力的最优化分析
15.Dynamic Research of the Flexible Mechanism Involving Joint Damping;考虑运动副阻尼的弹性机构系统动力学研究
16.Resisting Force and Pushing Force of Medium in Motions of Celestial Bodies and Particles Moving at a Speed Greater than the Speed of Light天体运动中介质的阻力和推力与超光速运动的粒子
17.Little resistance during operation, capable of starting onload and conveying material at high speed.运行阻力小,能有载启动,可高速输送物料。
18.As friction manifests itself as a resistance that opposes motion, it is usually considered as a nuisance.摩擦是运动的阻力,因此常被看成讨厌的东西。

total motion resistance总运动阻力
3)resistanceless motion无阻力运动
4)Friction drag coefficient of motion运动阻力系数
5)internal motion resistance内部运动阻力
6)external motion resistance外部运动阻力

肺循环阻力(或全肺阻力)肺循环阻力(或全肺阻力)pulmonary circulation resistance  血液在肺部血管内流动时和血管壁之间的摩擦力和血液内部的摩擦阻力。肺动脉管壁较薄,分支短而管径大,故肺动脉的可扩性较大,对血流的阻力很小,仅0.12PRU(外周阻力单位)。肺循环动脉部分总的阻力和静脉部分总的阻力相等,故血液流动时在动脉部分的压力降落和静脉部分的压力降落相等。