1.Research on processing technology and changes of physicochemical properties of fermented sausage;发酵香肠工艺及理化性质变化研究
2.Quality change of vacuum-packaged dairy fan with different water content;真空包装条件下不同水分含量乳扇的品质变化
3.Study on the changes in chemical components of Houttuynia cordata Thunb during storage;鱼腥草贮藏过程中化学成分含量变化的研究

1.innumerable variations无数的变化 [变形]
2.presto Chango剧变, 迅速的变化
3.the strong conjugation强变化((由母音变化而成))
4.method of minimal change最小变化法 最小变化
5.Likely to change or vary; subject to variation; changeable.易变的可能变化或改变的;服从变化的;可变的
6.The state or quality of being variant or variable;a variation.变动作为变化的或可变化的状态或特点;变化
7.Changes in price normally vary with changes of supply and need.价格变动一般随供求变化变化
8.The act, process, or result of varying.变化,变更变化的动作、过程或结果
9.Something that varies or is prone to variation.易变的东西变化或易于变化的东西
10.To alter(a word)by inflection.变化字尾通过词尾变化改变(一词)
11.All changes of matter fall into two broad classes:physical and chemical changes.物质变化分为两大类:物理变化和化学变化
12.This change of state is a physical change and not a chemical one.这种状态的变化是物理变化,而不是化学变化
13.linearly changing seasonal variation线性变化型季节变动
14.The change in heat content is called the enthalpy change, △H.热焓的变化称为焓变△H.
15.Can you tell a physical change from a chemical one?你能辩别物理变化和化学变化吗?
16.These are physical changes while those are chemical changes.这些是物理变化而那些是化学变化
17.This is a chemical change, not a physical one.这是一个化学变化,而不是物理变化
18.Physicals changes have nothing in common with chemical changes物理变化和化学变化没有共同之处。

1.Texture of fish meat and its changes during process;鱼肉的组织质地及其在加工过程中的变化
2.Eco-security in Dongting Lake watershed: Its changes and relevant driving forces;洞庭湖流域生态安全状态变化及其驱动力分析
3.Changes in serum C-reactive protein in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD.;C-反应蛋白在COPD急性加重期患者血清中的变化分析
1.Studis on the Interannual Variation Law of the Nutrient Salts of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Bohai Bay;渤海湾氮磷营养盐年际变化规律研究
2.Dynamic Study on Quantity Variation of Microbe in the Air of Kaifeng City;开封市空气中微生物数量变化动态研究
3.Gas logging variation rules and interpretation method improvement for Baolang Oilfield;宝浪油田气测变化规律及解释方法改进
1.Preliminary study of the variety of indoor Formaldehyde density;室内空气中甲醛浓度的变化规律初探
2.Analysis on variety of the cockroach population in Huangpu district;黄浦区蟑螂种群变化分析
1.Reform and Opening up and the Transformation of Social Values;试论改革开放与社会价值观的变化
2.The Transformation of the Martial Law Throughout the Tang Dynasty;唐代军事法律的前后变化
3.Study on the Impact of Industrial Structure Transformation on Workforce Allocation;我国产业结构变化对劳动力配置影响研究
1.Analysis on the Drought of Spring-summer and on Climatic Variance During the Recent 50 Years in Luoyang;洛阳2001年春夏连旱及近半个世纪气候变化分析
2.The variance of binding phosphorus in lateritic soils under acidulated condition and their correlation;红壤中结合态磷在酸化条件下的变化及其相互关系
3.Study on the variance of nutrient components of pickle in nature fermentation;泡菜在自然发酵过程中营养成分变化规律的研究

变化【变化】 (术语)转换旧形,名为变,无而忽有,名为化。佛菩萨之通力,能变化有情非情之一切也。法华经曰:“神通变化不可思议。”义林章七本曰:“转换旧形名变,无而忽有名化。变与化异,是相违释。”