1.Study on the Growth Effect of Interplanting Altingia gracilipes under the Forest Canopy of Pinus massoniana Lamb.;马尾松林冠下套种细柄阿丁枫生长效果研究
2.Studies on Model of Interplanting Tripterygium in Huanghua Pear Orchard;黄花梨园套种雷公藤栽培模式研究
3.Variety of Chinese Traditional Medicinal Herbs Interplanted in Camellia oleifera and the Technology of Interplanting;油茶林套种中药材品种及其种植技术

1.The Practical Popularization and Exploration of Comprehensive Matching Techniques of Watermelon Interplanting in Young Orchard幼龄果园套种西瓜综合配套技术推广探索
2.Inter-planting models were designed with various species of crops ripening at different times.果园内实施多熟作物覆盖、间种套种
3."associated crops, cropping: Growing two or more different crops on the same piece of land."间种;套种:在同一块地上种植两种或两种以上的不同作物
4.The holder for such records.唱片套,磁带套存放此种唱片或磁带的套子
5.Two sets of this kind of postcards, please.请拿两套这种明信片。
6.a cover to protect the mattress.一种保护床垫的外套。
7.A trap for catching flies.捕蝇器一种捕蝇的圈套
8.To catch with or as if with such a long rope.用套索套捉用或仿佛用这样一种长绳索来捕捉
9.A leather case shaped to hold a pistol.(系在腰上的)手枪皮套一种用来装手枪的皮质套
10.Their promises are a snare and a delusion.他们的诺言是一种圈套,也是一种欺骗。
11.Integrated Technique to Obtain the High Yield of Seed Production for Chinese Milk Vetch(Astragalus sinicus)紫云英新品种种子高产配套技术研究
12.a suit of dittos=a ditto suit)用同一种料子做的一套服装
13.a warm tubular covering for the hands.套在手上暖手的一种筒儿。
14.A protective covering or sheath.鞘一种保护性的覆盖物或套
15.We have both hand-cut and color-processed tea sets我们有磨花和套色的两种
16.It can be compatible with a wild range of antirust primers.可以在各种船底防腐底漆上配套使用。
17.Harmonious in colour and fashionaBle in style, this kind of suit is a Best seller.这种套装,颜色调和,款式新颖,畅销于市。
18.Various styles of suits are displayed in the shopwindows.各种款式的套装被陈列于橱窗中。

1.Effects of intercropping peanut with medicinal plants on soil microbial community;花生与药材套种对土壤微生物区系的影响
2.Demonstrative Effects of Intercropping and Sparse Planting Hybrid Rape “Huayou 2790” among Cotton Rows;棉花行间稀植套种杂交油菜“华油2790”的示范效果
3.Effects of flue-cured tobacco intercropping with sweet potato on chemical composition and smoking quality of tobacco leaves;烤烟套种甘薯对烟叶化学成分及评吸质量的影响
1.Efficiency analysis of soybean and corn interplant cultivation in early-maturing area;早熟区大豆玉米套种栽培效果分析
2.Study on the Cultivation Patterns of Interplanting Tree Honeysuckle with Vegetable;树型金银花与蔬菜套种栽培模式的研究
3.Study on Yield Increase Effect of Edible Fungi and Rice Interplant and its Field Microclimate;稻菇套种的增产措施及其田间小气候变化的研究
4)interplanted tree species套种树种
5)interplant green manure绿肥套种
1.Our study illustrates that interplant green manure may remarkably increase.研究表明,通过绿肥套种可以明显提高土壤有机质;而开展沼气工程,施用沼肥对果园土壤有机质含量的提高,具有十分显著的促进作用,可以在相对较短的时间,较大程度地提高土壤有机质含量。
2.Based on the analysis on the relation between interplanted plants and fruit trees, the structure and function of the model of ecological fruit industry in which the fruit tree plant is dominant, animal husbandry, interplant green manure and protection forest are supplementary, are analyzed systematically.通过分析套种作物与果树的运作关系,对以果树种植为中心,养殖业、绿肥套种为补充,辅之以防护林的绿肥套种生态果业模式的结构和功能进行了系统分析。
1.Effect of N application on yield and stubble nutrient characteristics of intercropping patterens in new irrigation area of Gansu;施氮对新灌区不同间套种植模式产量及茬口养分特性的影响
