1.The Performance of Five Raspberry Varieties in Tianjin;五个树莓品种在天津地区的表现
2.Genetic Analysis on Characters of Hybrid Seedlings in Raspberry;树莓杂交后代实生苗部分性状的遗传变异分析
3.Study on Thornless Trait of Hybridization in Raspberry;树莓无刺性状杂交试验初报

1.Study on the Ecology of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi from the Rhizospere of Raspberry and Blackberry;树莓和黑莓根际AM真菌生态学研究
2.pulped raspberries through a sieve;用筛网把树莓变成浆状;
3.Effect of Water and Fertilizer on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Raspberry and Blackberry;水肥对树莓和黑莓光合作用影响的研究
4.Studies on Virus-free and Rapid-propagation of Raspberry and Blackberry for Seedling Culture in Factory;美国红树莓和黑莓脱毒快繁及工厂化育苗研究
5.Study on the Raspberry and Blackberry Introduced to Ya an, Sichuan Province;四川雅安地区树莓和黑莓引种试验研究
6.Introduction and Tissue Culture Propagation of Raspberry and Blackberry;树莓、黑莓引种驯化及组培快繁技术的研究
7.Interspecific hybridization among raspberry cultivars,Rubus cratagifolius and Rubus parvifolius树莓品种与牛叠肚及茅莓种间杂交研究
8.Investigation on Phenophase of Blackberry and Raspberry in Nanjing Area黑莓与树莓品种在南京地区的物候期观测
9.This insect attacks the raspberry crop and transmits virus disease.这种蚜虫危害树莓并传播病毒
10.Study on the Chemical Constituents of the Leaves of Bramble;树莓叶水提物降血糖活性成分的研究
11.Study on the High Efficient Industrial Culture Techniques of Tulameen Raspberry;Tulameen树莓工厂化高效育苗技术研究
12.Genetic Diversity and Enhancement of Germplasm in Rubus树莓种质资源遗传多样性及创新研究
13.Studies on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Raspberry Canes under Natural Overwintering Condition树莓自然越冬枝条生理生化特性研究
14.Investigation and Causal Analysis of Epidemic of Raspberry Gray Mold in Liaoning Province辽宁树莓灰霉病流行调查及原因分析
15.Study on extracting essential oil of raspberry leaves with supercritical carbon dioxide fluid超临界CO_2萃取树莓叶片精油的研究
16.Study on Occurrence of Raspberry Gray Mold and the Pathogen Identification in Liaoning Province辽宁树莓灰霉病发生危害及病原鉴定
17.Analysis on 31 wild raspberries with RAPD markers31份野生树莓资源的RAPD分析
18.A small drupe, such as one of the many subdivisions of a raspberry or blackberry.小核果一种小的核果,如树莓或黑刺莓诸多亚门中的任一种

1.Study on the extraction technology of polysaccharide from bramble;树莓中多糖提取工艺的研究
2.Preliminary study on stability of bramble pigment;树莓色素稳定性初步研究
3)Rubus idaeus树莓
1.Determination of Volatile Compounds of Rubus idaeus Fruits and Their Fermented Products;树莓果及其发酵产品挥发性成分的分析
2.Photosynthetic Characteristics of Three Rubus idaeus;三种树莓光合特性的研究
4)red raspberry红树莓
1.Development of compound fermentation beverage with coprinus comatua and red raspberry鸡腿菇红树莓复合发酵饮料的研制
2.Study on the ability to antioxidation and bacteriostasis of crude extract of red raspberry anthocyanins红树莓花色甘粗提物抗氧化性能与抑菌作用研究
3.The optimal technology of extracting SOD from red raspberry was studied by optimizing pH value, bulk multiple and extraction times of phosphate buffer solution buffer.通过对红树莓SOD抽提缓冲液的pH、抽提体积和抽提次数进行优化探讨红树莓SOD的最佳提取工艺,并采用(NH4)2SO4盐析沉淀法对红树莓SOD实现初步的分级分离。
5)Raspberry leaves树莓叶
1.Study on processing technology of volatile oil from raspberry leaves by SDE;同时蒸馏萃取树莓叶片中挥发油的工艺研究
2.Efficacy components of raspberry leaves and foreground of its development and utilizing;树莓叶的主要功效成分及开发利用前景
3.Extraction of flavonoid from raspberry leaves;树莓叶黄酮类物质提取工艺条件优化
1.Flavonoids in red-raspberry was extracted by ultrasonic extraction, and the extraction was optimized by orthogonal experiment of L9(33).以红树莓为试材,利用L9(33)正交实验,采用超声波法提取黄酮类物质,确定最佳提取条件是:95%乙醇溶液,固液比为1∶8(g/mL),超声波功率360W,提取45min。

树莓  蔷薇科悬钩子属(Rubus)落叶半灌木。全世界有450种以上,主要分布在北半球的寒带和温带。中国约有210种,南北各地野生。人工栽培树莓最早始于欧洲。主产国有苏联、波兰、美国、加拿大等。中国仅东北地区栽培。聚合果柔软多汁,色泽鲜艳,味酸甜而富芳香。适于鲜食,而大量产品主要用于加工制作果酱、果酒、蜜饯和果汁等。枝条常密生皮刺或刺毛,叶互生,羽状复叶,3~5小叶。两性花,多数雌蕊着生在突起的花托上,发育成为聚合核果。果色红、黄、黑、紫不一。栽培种主要有4大类:树莓、黑莓、露莓和乐甘莓。中国东北栽培的欧洲树莓(R.idaeus)又名覆盆子,果实结合成覆盆状,成熟时易与花托分离。露莓是美国新驯化的栽培种,适宜在南方栽培。黑莓和乐甘莓的分布地区界于上述两者之间,其中乐甘莓是树莓与黑莓的杂交种。三者的果实成熟后与肉质的花托均不易分离,收获时连同花托、花萼一齐采下。    树莓易生萌蘖,多用分株法繁殖;根插也易成苗。有些种类枝常下垂,梢尖触地容易生根,可用顶端压条繁殖。枝条寿命仅 2年,每年从茎基部的根状茎抽生新枝,或由根的不定芽发生萌蘖枝。当年可形成花芽,第2年开花结果。栽培上常把采果后的二年生枝尽早剪去,以改善新枝生长的光照和营养条件。枝条长而软,常需设支架和整形。根系较浅,要求疏松土壤和较好的肥水管理。