1.Study on Export Qing-geng-cai to Answer for Japanese Positive List System;出口青梗菜应对日本“肯定列表”之研究

1.Study on Export Qing-geng-cai to Answer for Japanese Positive List System;出口青梗菜应对日本“肯定列表”之研究
2.lobeline hydrochloride盐酸洛贝林(山梗菜碱)
3.crisp carrot and celery sticks.鲜嫩的胡萝卜和芹菜梗
4.Green vegetables, cabbage, beancurd, bean paste.青菜,白菜,豆腐,豆花
5.B: You can have a choice of two vegetables-- broccoli, spinach, baked potatoes and string beans.乙:您可以选两种青菜--花菜、菠菜、烤马铃薯、菜豆。
6.The chidren crunched the celery sticks.孩子们大声地咀嚼着芹菜梗。
7.She eats only vegetables and abstains from eating meat.她光吃青菜, 不吃肉。
8.You should strain off the water from the vegetables.你该把青菜中的水滤去。
9.green beans, spinach and tomatoes.青豆、菠菜和西红柿。
10.Yes. And the other dish is shrimp and green pea .对,另一个菜是青豆虾仁。
11.I want a bowl of carrot and cabbage soup.我要一碗萝卜青菜汤。
12.Asparagus is the vegetable of the day," announced the waiter.今天的青菜是龙须菜”,侍者说。
13.You have a choice of vegetables, green beans, or spinach.(你可以选择蔬菜:青碗豆或菠菜。)
14.You have a choice of vegetables?asparagus, green peas or spinach.你们要什么菜??芦笋、青碗豆,还是菠菜?
15.A: You have a choice of vegetables, green beans, or spinach.(你可以选择蔬菜:青碗豆或菠菜。
16.We grow our own green vegetables in the garden.我们在菜园里自己种青菜。
17."Asparagus is the vegetable of the day," announced the waiter.“今天的青菜是龙须菜”,侍者说。
18.Processing of dehydrated dieffenbachia and pakchoi脱水蔬菜(万年青、油冬儿菜)加工方法

green-stem cabbage buds青梗菜花
1.Study on Effects of Lobelia Chinensis Lour Alkaloid and Lobeline on Proliferative Human Umbilical Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells Induced by Endothelin-1;半边莲生物碱和山梗菜碱对内皮素-1诱导的人脐动脉平滑肌细胞增殖作用的机制研究
2.The Molecular Mechanisms of Endothelial Protection of Lobelia Chinensis Lour Alkaloids and Lobeline on Human Vascular Endothelial Cells Treated with Endothlin;半边莲生物碱和山梗菜碱对人血管内皮细胞保护作用的机制研究
4)Lobelia Cardinalis L红山梗菜
5)Lobelia sessilifolia山梗菜
1.Studty on alkaloids in Lobelia sessilifolia by ESI-MS~n;山梗菜生物碱类化合物的ESI-MS~n研究

祛痰菜碱 ,盐酸山梗菜碱药物名称:洛贝林英文名:Lobeline 别名:洛贝林;祛痰菜碱 ,盐酸山梗菜碱外文名:Lobeline ,Lobeline Hydrochloride, Inflatine, Lorbon, Racemic, Unilobin适应症: 用于新生儿窒息、一氧化碳引起的窒息、吸入麻醉剂及其它中枢抑制药(如阿片、巴比妥类)的中毒及肺炎、白喉等传染病引起的呼吸衰竭。 用量用法: 皮下注射、肌注成人1次3~10mg(极量1次20mg,1日50mg,儿童1次1~3mg)。 静注成人1次3mg,极量1日20mg;儿童1次0.3~3mg。必要时每30分钟可重复1次。 注意事项: 静注须缓慢;大剂量可引起心动过速、传导阻滞、呼吸抑制,甚至惊厥。 规格: 注射液:每支3mg(1ml);5mg(1ml); 10mg(1ml);20mg(1ml)。 类别:神经系统药\中枢兴奋药