1.This paper emphases researched studied N、P_2O_5、K_2O contents change of different growth period duration on seeding-watermelon plant,and different recipe-proportion of N、P_2O_5、K_2O、Zn with form of seeding-watermelon yield,and response to fertiliner equation of N fertilizer.重点研究了打瓜不同生育期植株内N、P2O5、K2O含量的变化,及N、P2O5、K2O、Zn不同组分配比对打瓜产量的作用及N肥肥料效应曲线方程,提出了打瓜的施肥时期为甩蔓期和幼瓜膨大期,前者重施N、P肥。

1.Processing Technics Design and a Set of Equipment of 6GZ-1.2 Melon Seeds Product Line6GZ-1.2打瓜子加工工艺设计及成套设备
2.The Occurrence and Chemical Controlling of Watermelon Powdery Mildew打瓜白粉病的发生及化学药剂防治试验
3.Hating you is cucumber, eating you is watermelon, scolding you is wax gourd, hit you this is goofy.恨你是胡瓜,吃你是西瓜,骂你是冬瓜,打你这傻瓜。
4.The general beat the man to death with a hammer.将军挥舞着金瓜, 一下就把那人打死了。
5.This (His) pumpkin broke the world record set in 2006.他的南瓜打破了2006年创造的世界纪录。
6.None but fools and knaves lay wagers.[谚]只有傻瓜和骗子才同别人打赌。
7.Studies on Mechanism of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.) "Blunt with Blossom" in Greenhouse;日光温室黄瓜“花打顶”形成机理的研究
8.Effect of Topping and Fruiting Node on Physiological Charecteristics, Yield and Quality of Muskmelon in Solar Greenhouse;打顶和坐瓜节位对日光温室网纹甜瓜生理特性、产量和品质的影响
9.Better a slap from the wise than a kiss from a fool.宁可让贤明的人打一耳光,也不愿傻瓜来亲一口。
10.I still remember how funny I looked the way I was dressed -- in a blue cloth gown with a short sleeveless jacket over it, and with a scull cap on the head.我记得那时我的打扮挺滑稽的,穿着蓝布大褂、小坎肩,戴瓜皮小帽。
11.Very coolly, very deliberately, Michael fired the next shot through the top of his white-haired skull.迈克尔开了第二枪,打穿了他那披满白发的脑瓜盖。
12.Fred played tennis with her, and took her to show and such, but with no complication.莱德陪她一块儿打网球,领她去看戏等等,不过并没什么瓜葛。
13.God bless you all, you marvellous gang of fighting fools.上帝保佑你们,你们这帮呱呱叫的会打仗的傻瓜蛋。
14.Well, that was war, and only fools thought it could be waged with kid gloves on.嘿,战争就是这样,只有傻瓜才会以为打起仗来还能那么温良恭让呢。
15.They are weak minded, and the established impresses itself upon them easily.他们脑筋迟钝,正统思想很容易在他们脑瓜上打上烙印。
16.They were going to lick the Yankees in a month, the poor, gallant fools.他们曾想用一个月时间打败北方佬,这些可怜而英勇的傻瓜。
17.The young fool got both eyes blackened when he picked a quarrel with a man in the pub.这个小傻瓜在酒店里与一个男子汉吵嘴,两个眼睛都被打肿了。
18.Studies of the Morphological, Anatomical, Cytological Characters and the Identity of the Related Genes of Cucumber "Blunt with Blossom;黄瓜“花打顶”形态、解剖、细胞学特征及相关基因的分离与鉴定

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) blunt with blossom黄瓜"花打顶"
3)watermelon powdery mildew打瓜白粉病
1.The results from the investigation carried out in 2008 showed that watermelon powdery mildew happened at the beginning of July in Fuhai County,when climatic conditions was suitable for occurrence of the diseases,it reached high peak at the end of July or early August,percent infection was up to 100%,in wide area with serious damage.打瓜白粉病是打瓜上最严重病害之一,给生产带来了严重影响。
4)Cucumber makes me belch.黃瓜吃得我打嗝。
5)melon hitting(kegua jida)戏剧中的搕瓜击打
1.Melons,Peach,Bamboo and Human Birth:A Comparative Study on Mythologies of Idolizing Plants between Minority People of Southwest China and Japanese People;瓜、桃、竹与人的出生——中国西南少数民族与日本植物崇拜神话比较
