1.The paper takes an example of the switch of Ruijie company s S2126,S3550,introdues the technology of three switching and VLAN and shows the achievement of the function.以锐捷公司的S2126,S3550为例,介绍了三层交换技术和VLAN技术,并以具体事例展示了VLAN功能的实现。

1.Solution for Problem of A ARP Spoofing Attacks by Using Ruijie Layer 3 Switch锐捷三层交换机上防范ARP欺骗攻击的解决方案
2.The Co-evolution of Enterprise Capabilities and Emerging Technology--A Case Study of Ruijie Network Company企业能力与新兴技术的共生演化——基于锐捷网络公司的案例研究
3.The answer was quick and sharp, devoid of humour.回答迅捷而尖锐,干巴巴的,毫无幽默感。
4.Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight.敏锐,聪明判断或洞察力的快速,准确及敏捷
5.a penetrating mind, question, thinker敏捷的头脑、 尖锐的问题、 有洞察力的思想家
6.old breed of tall swift keen-eyed hunting dogs resembling greyhounds; from Egypt and southwestern Asia.高大敏捷、视力敏锐的古老品种,与灰狗相象;来自埃及和亚洲西南部。
7.and he was a skilful controversialist, quick, logical, and incisive.他能争善辩,思路敏捷,说理逻辑严密,批判尖锐辛辣。
8.His gifts, as a quick and intuitive politician of charm and tenacity, are formidable.思维敏捷、觉敏锐、力超群、格坚韧,他的天赋不可思议。
9.In the earliest times, prehistoric humans wore animal skins and bones and prayed to somehow become as swift or keeneyed or strong as the animals with which they shared the world.在远古时期,史前的人类穿戴着兽皮和兽骨,祈祷能变得像动物一样敏捷或者锐目或者强壮。
10.Automatizace n.《自动化》(捷克)
11.an incisive mind; a keen intelligence; of sharp and active intellect.锐利的头脑;敏锐的智力;具有敏锐而活跃的智力。
12.keen [dull] sense of smell敏锐[迟钝]的嗅觉
13.visual acuteness视觉分辨率[锐度]
14.a trenchant wit [style]锋锐的机智 [格调]
15.pierce with a sharp stake or point.用尖锐的树桩或者尖锐点刺穿。
16.So keen and perceptive as to seem preternatural.离奇的敏锐或锐利得近乎不可思议的
17.wound by piercing with a sharp or penetrating object or instrument.用尖锐或者敏锐的物体或者工具刺伤。
18.Create Internet Shortcut创建 Internet 快捷方式

R uijie switch锐捷交换机
3)a quick mind; a ready wit.敏捷的头脑;锐利的头脑。
6)Mentally alert and sharp; keen.机智的头脑机灵和敏锐的;敏捷的

捷捷1.举动敏捷貌。 2.贪食貌。引申指贪得。