1.Study on Oviposition Site Selection and Overwinter Strategy of Chrysopids (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in Agroforestry Environment;农林复合环境草蛉产卵场所选择及越冬对策研究

1.a variety of green lacewing.绿色草蛉虫的一个变种。
3.pale green unpleasant-smelling lacewing fly having carnivorous larvae.淡绿色草蛉,发出难闻的气味,幼虫食肉。
4.Studies on the Adult Diapause and Cold Hardiness of Chrysoperla Sinica (Tjeder);中华通草蛉成虫的滞育与耐寒性研究
5.Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms of Adult Overwintering and Diapause of Chrysoperla Sinica (Tjeder);中华通草蛉成虫越冬与滞育的生理生化机制
6.Reproductive Biology of Chrysoperla Sinica (Tjeder) Adults in the Process of Diapause Development;中华通草蛉滞育发育中的生殖生物学研究
7.The Functional Response of Chrysopa sinica Tjeder to Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldemann) Larvae中华草蛉对刺槐叶瘿蚊幼虫的捕食功能反应
8.Any of various insects of the superfamily Hemerobioidea, having four gauzy wings, threadlike antennae, and larvae that feed on insect pests such as aphids.草蛉任一种褐蛉属的昆虫,长有两对薄而轻的透明翅膀和线状触角,其幼虫以蚜虫等昆虫为食
9.One possibility is that pre-prepared potion ingredients can be bought on the open market, for example, pre-stewed lacewing flies.一个可能性是市场上可以买到制好的配料,如熬好的草蛉虫。
10.Any of various lacewings of the family Chrysopidae having yellow or copper-colored eyes.金眼蝇一种脉翅目的草蛉属的昆虫,具有黄色或古铜色眼睛
11.its enemies have 12 species including ladybug, Pirates, fleahopper, flower bug, vespa, Chrysopa, syrphus fly and spider.天敌有瓢虫、猎蝽、盲蝽、花蝽、胡蜂、草蛉、食蚜蝇等昆虫及蜘蛛12种;
12.Demographic Variation and Habitat Selection of Coccinellidae and Chrysopidae in Central Hebei Province;冀中农区瓢虫和草蛉类昆虫种群动态和栖息地取向研究
13.Study on Oviposition Site Selection and Overwinter Strategy of Chrysopids (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in Agroforestry Environment;农林复合环境草蛉产卵场所选择及越冬对策研究
14.Study on Microstructure of the Compound Eye and Phototactic Behavior of Chrysoperla Sinica Tjeder and Chrysopa Formosa Brauer (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)两种草蛉成虫复眼显微结构及其趋光行为的研究
15.Effects of Fenoxycarb and Pyriproxyfen, Juvenile Hormone Analogs, on Harmonia Axyridis and Chrysoperla Sinica保幼激素类似物苯氧威和蚊蝇醚对异色瓢虫和中华通草蛉的影响
16.Influence of light and dark on the feeding amount of Chrysoperla sinica Tjeder adult with removed antenna光暗条件与触角去除对中华通草蛉成虫取食的影响
17.an order of insects including: lacewings; antlions; dobsonflies; alderflies; fishflies; mantispids; spongeflies.昆虫的一个目;包含草蜻蛉;蚁狮;蛇蜻蜓;蜻蜓科昆虫;鱼蛉;螳蛉;水蛉。
18.There were ants, lacewings, ladybirds, and beetles.里面有蚂蚁,草蜻蛉,瓢虫,和甲虫。

Chrysopa pallens大草蛉
1.Effect of photoperiod on induction of prepupal diapause and larval development in Chrysopa pallens(Rambur)(Neuroptera:Chrysopidae);光周期对大草蛉(Chrysopa pallens)滞育及发育的影响
2.Activities of Major Digestive Enzymes in the Midgut of Chrysopa pallens(Rambur) Larva Fed on Artificial Diets;大草蛉幼虫人工饲料最优配方的饲养效果及其中肠主要消化酶的活性测定
3.Selective Predation of Hylyphantes graminicola,Chrysopa pallens,Chrysoperla sinica to Ectropis obliqua and Empoesca flavescens;草间钻头蛛、大草蛉和中华通草蛉对茶尺蠖、小绿叶蝉的选择效应
3)Chrysopa sinica中华草蛉
1.Functional response and searching rate of Chrysopa sinica larvae on Frankliniella occidentalis nymphs;中华草蛉幼虫对西花蓟马若虫的捕食功能反应与搜寻效应
2.Functional responses of Chrysopa sinica,Propylaea japonica and Leis axyridis to Bemisia tabaci;中华草蛉、龟纹瓢虫和异色瓢虫对B型烟粉虱的捕食功能反应
3.Survival and Development of Immature Chrysopa sinica and Propylaea japonicaFeeding on Bemisia tabaci Propagated on Transgenic Bt Cotton;取食Bt棉的棉粉虱对中华草蛉和龟纹瓢虫幼虫存活和发育的影响
4)Chrysopa septempunctata大草蛉
1.Preliminary research on habitat selection of Chrysopa septempunctata in farmland in central Hebei Province;冀中农区大草蛉(Chrysopa septempunctata)栖息地选择
2.Dynamic Analysis on the Vitellogenesis of Chrysopa septempunctata;大草蛉卵黄发生的动态分析
3.Attraction effect of main volatile components from tea shoots and flowers on Sphaerophoria menthastri(Diptera:Syrphidae) and Chrysopa septempunctata(Neuroptera:Chrysopidae).;茶梢和茶花主要挥发物对门氏食蚜蝇和大草蛉引诱效应
5)Chrysopa formosa丽草蛉
1.Survival, development and fecundity of Chrysopa formosa feeding on Aphis gossypii propagated on transgenic Bt cotton;取食转Bt基因棉花上的棉蚜对丽草蛉发育和繁殖的影响
6)Chrysopa phyllochroma叶色草蛉
1.The study of Chrysopa phyllochroma larvae: Starvation endurance ability;叶色草蛉幼虫的饥饿耐受性研究
2.The developmental progress of female reproductive system of Chrysopa phyllochroma Wesmael was divided into 5 levels according to its anatomic characteristics, and the gradation was verified by the corresponding contents main biochemical components including nucleic acid, protein, phospholipid etc.系统解剖并观察了叶色草蛉雌性生殖系统,根据其在生殖过程中的解剖学变化特征,将雌性生殖系统发育分为5级,其中卵巢发育为2、3、4级的成虫分别处于产卵初期、盛期和末期;同时各级卵巢鲜重和核酸、蛋白质、磷脂及酸溶性磷等主要生化成份含量变化测定表明,各级卵巢差异明显,3级卵巢最重,4级与2级次之,5级与1级最低,结果进一步验证了雌性生殖系统发育解剖学分级的正确性。
3.The predation efficiency of Chrysopa phyllochroma Wesmael was studied under laboratory condition at constant temperature, main results were as follows: 1) The functional response of the green lacewing to cotton aphid can be described by using Holling(1959) s equation , the predation capacity was gradually increased with the growth of green lacewing under the condition of (26±0.研究了华北棉区捕食性天敌优势种叶色草蛉对棉田主要害虫棉蚜的捕食效应,主要结果如下:1)叶色草蛉幼虫对棉蚜的功能反应能用 Holling Ⅱ型方程很好地拟合;2)在较长的停食时间后,草蛉幼虫的瞬时攻击率下降,单头猎物的处置时间延长;3)在草蛉幼虫对自身密度的功能反应中,搜索常数和干扰常数随龄期增大而增大,同时也随猎物密度增大而增大;4)各个龄期的叶色草蛉幼虫对若蚜都有明显的选择倾向;5)提出了Cain选择指数的修正型。

中华草蛉  脉翅目草蛉科的 1种。中国特有种,是常见的有益昆虫。体长 9~10毫米,翅展约25毫米(见图)。头部黄白色,两颊和唇基两侧各有一黑条,上下几相连;下颚须和下唇须暗褐色,复眼金黄,触角细长丝状,灰黄色,但基部两节与头部同色。胸和腹部黄绿色,背面中央有一条相连的黄色纵带。足黄绿色,跗节黄褐色。 4翅透明,翅痣黄白色,翅脉黄绿色,但前缘横脉的下端和径横脉的基部均为黑色,翅基部的横脉和两组阶脉也多为黑色,脉上有黑色短毛。    卵单粒散产,基部有丝柄;幼虫可长达 6毫米,黄白色,头部有"八"字形褐纹,体侧毛瘤黄白色,背侧有紫褐色纵带纹。幼虫捕食蚜虫、棉铃虫(小幼虫)等害虫,已应用于生物防治。中华草蛉一年 5代,以成虫越冬,体色由绿转黄,并出现红斑,翌年变回绿色时才性成熟而交尾产卵。成虫喜食花粉和蜜露而不捕食动物性食物。中华草蛉与广布欧美的普通草蛉(C.carnea)非常近似,但为不同的种。