1.glutinosa and Solarium lycopersicum,while Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus (TYLCCNV) and its DNAβinduces distinctive vein thickening and enations as well as leaf curling.烟草曲茎病毒(Tobacco curly shoot virus,TbCSV)/DNAβ在烟草和番茄上能引起曲叶症状,而中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus,TYLCCNV)/DNAβ除引起曲叶外还引起寄主的脉突和耳突症状。

1.Some months ago, her husband experienced a sudden profound hearing loss in one ear.几个月以前,他丈夫遇上单耳突发性耳聋。
2.The projection of skin-covered cartilage in front of the meatus of the external ear.耳屏在外耳耳道前面的有皮肤覆盖的软骨突起
3.Her ears stick out.她的耳朵向外突出。
4.a Turkic language spoken by the Turks.土耳其人所说的突厥语。
5.Having ears or earlike projections.有耳朵的或有耳状突起的
6.Observations on the Efficacy of Auricular Point Plaster Therapy for Sudden Deafness耳穴贴压治疗突发性耳聋的疗效观察
7.Improved skin flap on post aurem and mastoid region to restore the defect of ear lobe改进的耳后乳突区皮瓣修复耳垂缺损
8.Middle Ear and Mastoid Surgery for Chronic Secretory Otitis Media中耳乳突手术治疗慢性分泌性中耳炎
9.The plasty of cavity of auricular concha and mastoid obliteration can raise drying ear rate.耳甲腔成形和乳突腔骨膜瓣填充可增加干耳率。
10.Effect of Chunxiangcaocongerpian on NO、ET in Patients with Sudden Deafness;唇香草聪耳片对突发性耳聋微循环障碍的影响
11.An earlobe-shaped part, process, or appendage, especially at the base of an organ.耳状突起一个耳垂状的部分、突起或附肢,尤指生于器官根部
12.Among them, 10 patients had sudden deafness, and the rest included endolymphatic hydrops in 5; perilymph fistula in 2; mumps deafness in 2 and otitis media with effusion in 2.结果:10名病童属突发性耳聋,约占同时期186名突发性耳聋病人的5%。
13.The wine bottle has two handles sticking out.这个酒瓶子有两个耳柄突出来。
14.The brakes screeched when the car stopped suddenly.汽车突然停住,发出尖锐刺耳的刹车声。
15.All at once there was a deafening roar from the warship.战船突然发出震耳欲聋的炮声。
16.large owls having prominent ear tufts.有突出耳毛的大型猫头鹰。
17.Suddenly he heard a loud, shrill noise.他突然听到一个响亮刺耳的声音。
18.Hyperbaric Oxygen(HBO) Therapy of Sudden Sensorineural Deafness(SSND)高压氧综合治疗突发性耳聋的疗效

ear and mastoid chisel耳乳突凿
5)mastoid knife耳乳突刀
6)parotic process耳旁突

耳耳1.众盛貌。 2.《三国志.魏志.崔琰传》:"与训书曰:'省表﹐事佳耳!时乎时乎﹐会当有变时。'……有白琰此书傲世怨谤者﹐太祖怒曰:谚言'生女耳'﹐'耳'非佳语。'会当有变时'﹐意指不逊。于是罚琰为徒隶。"后因以"耳耳"表示有所不足之辞﹐犹言罢了罢了。 3.挺拔貌。