1.Weeds:A Love Poem or a Revolution Poem——Two Mutually Exclusive Interpretations of Weeds;《野草》是爱情诗还是革命现实的思考——《野草》两种互不相容的解读孰是孰非
2.LuXun s Weeds Factor in Chinese Modern Lyrics;中国现代散文诗中的鲁迅《野草》因子
3.The Historical Inheritance of the Doubt Spirit from Weeds by Mu Dan;穆旦诗对《野草》中怀疑精神的历史传承

1.Dream Unconsidousness soul;梦 无意识 心灵——《野草》解读
2.Success in Reproducing the Lasting Appeal of Wild Grass--Appreciation of Liu Shicong s English Translation of Wild Grass;野草之韵的成功再现——刘士聪英译散文《野草》赏析
3.Discourse Mode Analysis of Ye Cao from Narratological Perspective;叙事学视野下《野草》的话语模式分析
4.wild roses, strawberrries野生的玫瑰、 草莓.
5.This is the story of the weeds: the origin of the species.这就是野草的故事:野草的物种起源。
6.The cattle are grazing (in the field).牛正在(田野里)吃草。
7.Grass grew on the sidewalks.人行道上,野草丛生。
8.They pulled up the weed by the root.他们把野草连根拔起。
9.We must dig up the weeds.我们应把野草挖掉。
10.Their garden is choked up with weeds.他们花园里野草丛生。
11.The weeds crowded out the flowers.野草霸占鲜花的土地。
12.slashing at the tall weeds with a stick用棍子抽打高高的野草
13.The flowers were choked by weeds.花被野草盖没而凋落。
14.Weeds grow around the house房屋四周长满了野草。
15.We sat on the grass to have our picnic.我们坐在草地上野餐。
16.A thick growth of weeds covered the yard.庭院长满浓密的野草。
17.Weeds always flourish.-- Desiderius Erasmus野草生命力强。——伊拉斯谟
18.These horses were feeding quietly in the field.马静静地在田野吃草。

Wild Grass《野草》
1.Taking a Closer Look at Lu Xun and Interpreting His Wild Grass;走近鲁迅——解读《野草》
2.Discourse Analysis of Wild Grass;绝境中的自我观照——《野草》三篇的文本解析
3.The Existentialism in Luxun s Wild Grass;论鲁迅《野草》中的存在主义
3)Ye Cao《野草》
1.Discourse Mode Analysis of Ye Cao from Narratological Perspective;叙事学视野下《野草》的话语模式分析
2.The Solitary’s Character and Spiritual Showing——Review on Lu xun’s Ye Cao;孤独者的人格意志及其精神显现——再读《野草》
4)"Wild Grass"《野草》
1.The Philosophical Ideas of Life in "Wild Grass";论《野草》的生命哲学思想
2."Wild Grass"by Lu Xun:Its Influence of Sceptical Spirit upon Mu Dan s Poetry;鲁迅《野草》的怀疑精神对穆旦诗的影响
3.Tendency to poetics:unfamiliar characteristics in "Wild Grass";《野草》的陌生化诗学特征
1.Aesthetically Interpreting Red and Green Images in Weeds;《野草》中红色与青色意象的审美解读
2.Analysis Over The Hazy Beauty Of Weeds Written By Lu Xun;试论鲁迅《野草》的朦胧美
1.In order to observe the rabbit s taste to wild grasses that grow in west area of Henan province, we feed Japan White Rabbit, Ha White Rabbit, crossbreed of them with 50 species of grass. 为了解肉兔对豫西地区各类野草的适口性,提高野草在养兔生产中的利用效果,本试验利用当地50种常见野草饲喂日本大耳白兔、哈白兔及二者杂种,观察肉兔对野草的适口性。
2.In order to learn the resources of grass for rabbits in Luoyang City, Henan province, We investigated nine counties and six districts in Luoyang and visited numbers of farmers who were feeding rabbits. 为了解河南省洛阳市发展养兔生产野草资源状况,对洛阳市九县六区各类地块进行了实地考察,并在各县、区选择部分兔农进行了入户调查。
