1.On absurdity of Guan Hanqing s plays;略谈关汉卿戏剧的荒诞性
2.On the absurdity of waiting for godot;浅论《等待戈多》的荒诞性

1.The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity.这谬论的荒诞性已被充分揭露。
2.On Absurdity in Edward Albee s Early Plays;论爱德华·阿尔比早期戏剧的荒诞性
3.Study on the Pan-absurd Phenomenon of Chinese Contemporary Art;中国当代艺术中的泛荒诞性现象研究
4.The experience of "traveling north" to Harbin made Fengzhi realize the absurdity of the existence of human beings.哈尔滨的“北游”,使冯至认识到人类存在的荒诞性
5.Explorations in Incredibility & Originality of Liu Laolao s Drunken Sleep in the Yihong Garden;刘姥姥醉卧怡红院的荒诞性及其创意求索
6.Seriousness Behind Absurdity --Reconsidering Ionesco′s Dramatic Style;荒诞性背后的严肃性——对尤奈斯库戏剧风格的再认识
7.Of or relating to absurdism or the absurd.荒诞主义的,荒诞的
8.Absurd World: From Humanistic Dissimilation to Humanistic Evil--on the Theme of Yu Hua s Absurd Novel;荒诞世界:从人性的异化走向人性的邪恶——论余华小说的荒诞主题
9.From "Absurd" To See the Differences Of the EAST-WEST'S "Betwixt and Between" Art从“荒诞”看东西方“之间性”艺术的差异
10.Being Alive: A Modern Tragedy Composed of "Absurdity" and "Irrationality"《活着》,由“荒诞”与“非理性”构成的现代悲剧
11.On autobiographical nature of Metamorphoses;荒诞背景下的真实——论《变形记》的自传性
12.On Absurdity and Its Philosophy in the Modern British and American Literature;英美现代派文学中的荒诞及其哲理性
13.Sense Reconstruction of the Absurd Life --Reread Get out of the Pass;荒诞人生的理性重建——鲁迅《出关》之解读
14.Absurdity--the Modern Explanation of The Escape In 1934荒诞——《一九三四年的逃亡》的现代性阐释
15.fantastic dreams, stories荒诞的梦、 故事.
16.The Uncertainty of the Subjectivity and Its Influence on Modern Absurd Narrative in China;主体意识的不确定性与中国现代荒诞叙事
17.Transfiguration: the Intertextual Interpretation of Carver s and Kafka s Absurd Style;变异:卡佛与卡夫卡荒诞风格的互文性解读
18.On the Illusion Characteristic of A Dream of Red Mansions;从薛家经年漂泊之荒诞看《红楼梦》的梦幻性特征

Absurdity themes荒诞性主题
1.Aphasia of the Traditional Language——On the language of theatre of the absurd;传统语言的失语——略论荒诞派戏剧的语言
2.Poetical Pursuing of Absurd life ——Purport Searching in BLUE HORSE;荒诞的人生 诗意的追寻——《蓝色的马》的意蕴探微
3.From "Absurd" To See the Differences Of the EAST-WEST S "Betwixt and Between" Art;从“荒诞”看东西方“之间性”艺术的差异
1.Seeking the Mistake for being Punished The Ethical Claim in the rear of the Fantastic Story of Golden Age;为惩罚寻找错误——《黄金时代》荒诞背后的伦理诉求
2.Explain fantastic to like life while being sad directly Fantastic innovation and creation of sending the drama out of the common;直喻荒诞悲喜人生——论荒诞派戏剧与众不同的革新与创造
3.The achievement and limitation on fantastic school drama ——Informal discussion about Lnoesco s Touer;荒诞派戏剧的成就与局限——尤奈斯库的《头儿》漫论
1.Truth behind Absurdity:On the Realistic Logic of Alice s Adventures in Wonderland;荒诞背后的真实——论《爱丽斯漫游奇境记》中的现实逻辑
2.Cu Zhi and Transformation:behind absurdity;《促织》与《变形记》:荒诞的背后
3.Existence of destiny and absurdity——On Li Rui s novels and human confrontations;宿命与荒诞的生存——试论李锐小说对人类存在困境的追问
1.life-rebuildy and anti-absurdness and transabsurdness——Understanding Outsiders from the angle of way of narration;重构生活与反抗、超越荒诞——从叙述方式的角度解读《局外人》
2.He has a good command of narrative art of setting off,absurdness,allegory,which enables his works to present a very strong sence of realism,combining with the criticison of real society,So that his works are ever-lastingly attractive to veaders.阎连科的小说是一种"超越主义的现实主义"的写作,善于运用对视、荒诞、寓言化等叙事艺术,有着很强的真实性,融汇着深刻的现实思想批判,也使他的写作成为有生命力的常青之树。
3.The antagonism between the true absurdness and the illusory loftiness existed in the feudal nobles’ .六朝时代,一度被誉为风流蕴藉的华丽时代,士人们"玄远冷俊"、"高简瑰奇"的"做派"中隐含着丰富的文化品格,具有独特的审美价值;个体生命在演绎传统赋予的崇高意义的同时,又时时不忘消解生命价值的尊严,真实的荒诞与虚无的崇高有机统一,不同程度地存在于士人们的精神层面中,这是值得关注的文化现象。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-