1.The relationship between Wang s poetry style and Buddhism;王维诗歌佛禅意象采撷论

1."The Trail is Not a Trail":American Beat Poets and Zen Buddhism;“道非道”:美国垮掉派诗人与佛禅
2.Analysis on the Buddhism thought of Hong Pi-mo work-《the poetry of the Tang Dynasty and the life of man》;浅析洪丕谟《唐诗与人生》中的佛禅思想
3.A Cross-cultural Study:the Beat Generation and Zen Buddhism跨文化个案研究——“垮掉的一代”与佛禅
4.Water and Moon Lead to Buddhist Conception,Fish and Dragon Listen Sanskrit--Trial remark on the Buddhist pensee in the poems by QIAN Qi;水月通禅观,鱼龙听梵音——试论钱起诗中的佛禅思想
5.Expressing the Spirit of Zen through Poetry--On the Influences of Buddhism on FEI Ming s Poem Creation;诗笔言禅心——浅谈佛禅思想对废名诗歌创作的影响
6.On Liu Zongyuan and chan--Talk about the Chan thought concurrently to is banished to the Liu zongyuan the digest function of the grievance;论柳宗元与禅宗——兼论佛禅思想对柳宗元贬谪情感的消解作用
7.As to Buddha's deep meditation, he had a deep understanding and was fascinated with it.对于佛禅,他有着深刻的理解,并沉溺于中。
8.Meditation as practiced in Zen Buddhism.坐禅象禅宗佛教中习练的默想
9.umbilic(al) cord(佛教徒意守丹田的)坐禅
10.Hence the traditional Buddhists reject Zen and the traditional Taoists also reject Zen.因此,传统佛教抵制禅,传统道教也抵制禅。
11."Zen Is Key to Poets"--A Brief Study on Zen Buddhism in Li Shangyin s Poems;“禅是诗家切玉刀”——浅论李商隐诗歌的佛学禅意
12.The Buddhism boundary named Damo for the“ primary ancestor” of China Buddhism Zen and the Shaolin temple had named the“ ancestor court” of Zen by praiseful.佛教界称达摩为中国佛教禅宗的“初祖”,少林寺被誉为禅宗的“祖庭”。
13.Buddhist Literature to the Edge of Literary World--The Research Compendium of Modern Buddhist Literature;文坛边缘的佛语禅音——当代佛教文学研究论纲
14.Primary Comparison between Zen of Chinese Buddhism and Geru Sect of Tibetan Buddhism汉传佛教禅宗与藏传佛教格鲁派的初步比较
15.Foshan Chancheng Yuantong Flexible Piping Factory佛山市禅城区圆通软管厂
16.On the Relationship and Significance of Buddhism, Zen and Chinese Colligraphy;佛、禅与汉字书写之关系及其意义浅论
17.Buddhist Senses in Kenneth Rexroth s Poems;肯尼斯·雷克思罗斯诗歌中的禅佛意蕴
18.Buddhism Zen Sect and the Death Complex of Kawabata Yasunari;佛教禅宗与川端康成的“死亡情结”

Zen Buddhism佛禅
1."The Trail is Not a Trail":American Beat Poets and Zen Buddhism;“道非道”:美国垮掉派诗人与佛禅
2.Thus his translation of Han-shan poems turned out to be the threshold of his attempt to fuse Buddhism(especially Zen Buddhism)and ecology.斯奈德对寒山诗的翻译一方面体现了他关注地方感和生态区域的生态思想,同时塑造和修正了他生态思想中的某些方面,如荒野观念,并成为他融合佛禅与生态观念的开端。
1.The present paper analyzes the absorption and sublation to the meditation in Yuan Mei′s poetry from different angles:thinking way,thoughts and content.拨开袁枚“不喜佛禅”的表象,即可看出他从思维方式、思想观念、表现内容等方面都对禅宗有所吸收与扬弃。
4)Chancheng in Foshan佛山禅城
5)forming ties to the Zen佛因禅缘
1.Most Beijing school poets are different in forming ties to the Zen.多数京派诗人有着各不相同的佛因禅缘,他们的人生经历及近禅思想反映在诗歌创作上,便形成了京派禅境诗歌。
6)Buddhist image佛禅意象

大禅佛【大禅佛】 (杂名)犹大禅师之德称也。祖庭事苑曰:“禅宗有二大禅佛:一名景通嗣仰山,一名智通嗣归宗常。”