1.On the Written polemics between C.T.HSIA and Jaroslav Pr■ek;论夏志清与普实克之笔战
2.Historical Vision,Aesthetic Idea and Modern Interpretation——The Critical Study on the History of the Chinese Fiction by C.T.Hsia;历史眼光、美学构想与现代阐释——夏志清的中国小说史论初探
3.On C.T.Hsia's Study of Chinese Fiction;论海外华人学者夏志清的中国小说研究

1.The Changing of History Awareness of Modern Chinese Fiction--From C.T. Hsia to Chen Pingyuan;小说史观的变迁——从夏志清到陈平原
2.The Impact on Mainland China by "Obsession with China:The Moral Burden of Modern Chinese Literature" of C.T.Hsia夏志清“感时忧国”说对内地学界的影响
3.The Xia s Schema and New Literary History Composition: Concurrently on Xia Zhiqing s History of Modern Chinese Fiction;“夏氏范式”与新文学史编著——兼评夏志清《中国现代小说史》
4.On C.T.Hsia's Study of Chinese Fiction;论海外华人学者夏志清的中国小说研究
5.Sense of Concern in the Literature of Seventeen Years:Comments on C.T. Hsia s "Obsession with China";论十七年文学的忧患意识——兼与夏志清教授商榷
6.A History of Modern Chinese Fiction: Constructs Pattern, Viewpoint of the History of Literature and Criticism Standards;论夏志清《中国现代小说史》的文学史建构方式、文学史观和批评标准
7.Fair and Objective Literary History?--Seen from Xia Zhiqing s and Cao Juren s Literary History Writings;“公正”而“客观”的文学史?——由夏志清和曹聚仁的文学史书写谈起
8.Conflict And Intergrowth:The Meeting Of Two Kinds Of Literary Value--the Analysis of Xia -Zhi qing s Literary Concept;冲突与共生:两种文学价值观的交遇——夏志清的文学理念整体观
9.Historical Vision,Aesthetic Idea and Modern Interpretation--The Critical Study on the History of the Chinese Fiction by C.T.Hsia;历史眼光、美学构想与现代阐释——夏志清的中国小说史论初探
10.The Impact on the Studies on Modern Chinese Literature of Mainland China Since the New Era by C.T. Hsia夏志清对新时期以来内地中国现当代文学研究的影响
11.Blind Alley of Zhang Ailing Research: Mr. Xia Zhiqing’s Excessive Flattery on Zhang Ailing张爱玲研究的死胡同——论夏志清先生对张爱玲的“捧杀”
12.Enough volunteers were got together to keep the beaches all through the summer.足够的志愿人员已组织起来, 使海滩在整个夏天保持了清洁。
13.Cold drinks are in demand in the summer.夏季需要清凉饮料。
14.Charlotte glanced at one of the magazines.夏洛特瞥了一眼其中一本杂志。
15.Developing “Digital Local Chronicles” and Inheriting Chinese Civilization建设“数字方志” 传承华夏文明
16.A Brief Textual Research into the Ningxiazhi Collected by the National Congress Library of Japan日本国立国会图书馆藏《宁夏志》考略
17.Study on Ninglingting Zhicao that collected in the Toyo Bunko日本东洋文库藏宁夏《宁灵厅志草》考略
18.His mind wandered when he had a very high fever.他发高烧时神志不清。

Xia Zhiqing夏志清
1.Fair and Objective Literary History?——Seen from Xia Zhiqing s and Cao Juren s Literary History Writings;“公正”而“客观”的文学史?——由夏志清和曹聚仁的文学史书写谈起
2.On Xia Zhiqing s Prejudice on Leftist Literature;论夏志清对左翼文学的“偏见”
3.Blind Alley of Zhang Ailing Research: Mr. Xia Zhiqing’s Excessive Flattery on Zhang Ailing张爱玲研究的死胡同——论夏志清先生对张爱玲的“捧杀”
3)Rhizoma Pnelliae清半夏
5)Ming and Qing local records明清方志
1.There is lots of information about local natural geography and humane geography in Ming and Qing local records, which features its summarization, localization, practice, rich geographical information, and true and original material.明清方志中记载着大量的区域自然地理和人文地理信息,且具有综述性、地域性、实用性强,地理信息丰富,资料较为原始可靠的特点,这为国土资源的研究、开发和利用提供了可靠的文献基础。
6)clear flag清除标志

夏有志祖籍山东临清,北京人。民盟成员。1961年毕业于北京艺术学院美术系油画专业。历任北京艺术学院美学教研室助教,1963年该学院撤销,调中学任教师20余载,1984年被北京作家协会聘为合同制专业作家,任北京儿童艺术剧团编剧,二级编剧。职业作家。香港中文文学双年奖特邀评委。1979年开始发表作品。1981年加入中国作家协会。著有长篇小说《少年情》、《天国童子营》等11部,中篇小说《赖宁之歌》、《钱!钱?钱……》等18部,中短篇小说选集《玉兰芬芳》、《夏有志获奖小说选》等4部,影视文学剧本《普来维梯彻公司》、《紫石峪·五道弯》(均已录制播出或拍摄发行)等8部。 夏有志 1939年生,山东临清人。1961年毕业于北京艺术学院美术系,留校任教,后在中学任语文教师二十多年。1985至1990年被聘为北京作家协会合同制专业作家。现为北京儿童艺术剧团专业编剧。中国作家协会会员。1979年开始儿童文学创作。主要作品有:短篇小说集《买山里红的孩子》《玉兰芬芳》,中篇小说《窗台上的脚印》《比木多耳》,长篇小说《泥骆驼和小铃铛》《三个和一个》《少年情》《普莱维梯彻公司》等。作品多次获全国奖。