1.Since the publication of The Good Earth,scarce attention has been paid to the detail of a flock of crows whirring and cawing over the head of Wang Long,the protagonist.飞旋在主人公王龙头顶上的乌鸦这一细节自《大地》问世以来很少引起人们的关注。
2.The image of crow is relatively important in Chinese literature as one of the bird- images.乌鸦意象是中国文学中一种比较重要的禽乌意象。
3.By probing into the cultural connotation of crow, this paper states that each word not only bears the rational meaning which is human being s understanding of the objective world, but also concentrates the cultural meaning in human social practice, which is result of the synthetic effects of many factors, such as cultural background, folk custom, etiquette, nice or nasty psychology.本文旨在通过对“乌鸦”一词文化意义的探讨,说明每个词语里面不仅烙印着人类对客观世界认识的理性意义,而且也凝聚着人类社会实践中的文化意义,而这种文化意义的被赋予与衍变是文化背景、民俗礼仪、好恶心理等各种因素综合作用下的结果。

1.crow; raven; rook; jackdaw; chough; magpie; jay.乌鸦;大乌鸦;秃鼻乌鸦;寒鸦;红嘴山鸦;鹊;松鸦。
2.A Eurasian crow(Corvus monedula).寒鸦、鹩哥欧亚的一种乌鸦(寒鸦小乌鸦属)
3.Raven-lore: An understanding of the speech of ravens allows the Lore-master to call upon one.乌鸦之语:默念乌鸦之语从而召唤一只乌鸦
4.Thank you, Miss Crow.谢谢你,乌鸦小姐。
5.Oho! The crow has a piece of meat.哦!乌鸦有一块肉。
6.Hello, black bird, @ the fox says,“你好,乌鸦 ,” 狐狸说
7.carrion crow:a common European crow (Corvus corone) having glossy black plumage.小嘴乌鸦:一种普通的欧洲乌鸦(小嘴乌鸦),有光滑的黑色羽毛。
8.A common European crow(Corvus corone) having glossy black plumage.小嘴乌鸦一种普通的欧洲乌鸦(小嘴乌鸦),有光滑的黑色羽毛
9.Confusion between the crow and the rook is quite common.把乌鸦和白嘴鸦弄混是很平常的事。
10.Confusion of/ between the crow and the rook is quite common.乌鸦和白嘴鸦的混淆是相当平常的。
11.group of trees where rooks nest秃鼻乌鸦结巢的丛林.
12.The lamb had been pecked by crows.那只小羊被乌鸦啄了。
13.Bring the ring, you crow!你把那个圆环扛来,乌鸦
14.When the wolf grow old , the crow ride him .狼老威风失,乌鸦当马骑。
15.A crane and a crow had made a league on oath.鹤和乌鸦宣誓结盟。
16.The crow croaked disaster.乌鸦呱呱叫预报灾难。
17.Nourish a raven and he will scratch out your eyes.喂饱的乌鸦,啄你的眼睛。
18.She waved her hand and scattered the crows..她挥动胳膊来驱散乌鸦

1.In the poem a great number of images, including raven, bust, and chamber door, are adopted to express the morose and melancholic feeling, and further present the subject of "Death of Beauty".《乌鸦》是爱伦·坡的代表作,集中体现了爱伦·坡诗歌创作理论的象征主义倾向:通过各种意象,创造神圣美,追求快乐和愉悦。
2.The raven as a major image rules the mood of the whole poem.坡是美国19世纪浪漫主义时期的重要作家,他的作品《乌鸦》则是一首凝聚了诗人四年心血的经典之作。
3)the raven乌鸦
1.Inextricably Plaintive and Serenely Graceful——A Textual Analysis of the Beauty of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe;缠绵悱恻 哀凄幽婉——论埃德加·爱伦·坡《乌鸦》之美
4)large-billed crows (Corvus macrorhynchus)大嘴乌鸦
1.The group and activity law of large-billed crows (Corvus macrorhynchus) have been studied in the alpine area during spring of 2004.在2004年春季,对高寒地区大嘴乌鸦(Corvus macrorhynchus)的集群与活动规律进行了调查研究,共设置了35个有代表性的样线。
1.As a result,the species composition of crow flocks wintering in Shenyang City is C.发现冬季集群于沈阳市郊的乌鸦主要由小嘴乌鸦(C。
6)Wuyazui fountain乌鸦咀泉
1.The outside disturb analysis of Wuyazui fountain;乌鸦咀泉的外界干扰分析

乌鸦【通用名称】乌鸦【其他名称】乌鸦 (《嘉祐本草》) 【异名】巨喙乌(《禽经》),大嘴乌(《禽经》注),黑老鸦(《滇南本草》),老鸦(《痘疹论》)。 【来源】为鸦科动物大嘴乌鸦等的全体或肉。 【动物形态】大嘴乌鸦 为鸦科较常见之一种。体长约50厘米。嘴粗壮强直,色黑,嘴缘光滑。虹膜黑褐色。通体纯黑色;L体除头顶、后颈及颈侧外,多少染有绿蓝色亮辉;喉部沾深蓝辉;翼及尾的下覆羽有些羽尖带蓝或绿色辉,下体余部无光亮;翼羽底面的羽干基段灰白色。脚强,趾爪均黑色。 常见于田野、屋旁及山区树丛中。性机警,鸣声粗厉;食物为玉米、花生、豆类、瓜果及昆虫、腐肉等。分布全国各地。 本动物的头(乌鸦头)、翅羽(乌鸦翅羽),胆(乌鸦胆)亦供药用,各详专条。 【性味】酸,平。 ①《嘉祐本草》:"平,无毒。" ②《日用本草》:"味咸,平。" ③《纲目》:"酸涩,平,无毒。" 【功用主治】祛风定痫,已痨止血。治头风、眩晕,小儿风痫,虚痨咳嗽吐血,骨蒸潮热。 ①《嘉祜本草》:"治瘦、咳嗽,骨蒸劳,小儿痫。" ②《本草图经》:"治急风。" ③《纲目》:"肉,治暗风痫疾及五劳七伤,吐血咳嗽,杀虫。" 【选方】①治老人头风,头晕目黑:乌鸦肉、天麻,炖汤服。(《四川中药志》) ②治小儿疯狂:乌鸦肉、猪胆汁、钩藤、全蝎、黄连。同煎服。(《四川中药志》) ③治虚劳瘵疾:乌鸦一只,绞死去毛肠,入人参片,花椒各五钱,缝合,水煮熟食,以汤下;鸦骨、参、椒焙研,枣肉丸服。(《便民食疗》) ④治五劳七伤,吐血咳嗽:乌鸦一只,栝蒌瓤一枚,白矾少许。入鸦肚中,缝扎煮熟,作四服。(《寿域神方》) ⑤治乳汁不下:乌鸦3只。炒熟,随意食用。(《吉林中草药》) ⑥治秃疮:乌鸦3只,黑矾适量。先将乌鸦用黑矾喂饱,装罐内,用黄泥封好,糠火烧枯,研成细末,香油调匀,敷患处。(《吉林中草药》)