1.Times Portraiture and Profound Exploration ——perspective of the novelettes won the second Lu Xun Literature Awards;时代的写照与深邃的探索——第二届鲁迅文学奖中篇小说获奖作品透视
2.The Continuity of Extended Picture of Life——the countryside female images study in recent novelettes;生命长卷的绵延——近五年中篇小说中的农村女性形象
3.Status quo of novels in movie——A case study on novelette adapted to movie;小说在电影世界中的浮沉——关于中篇小说电影改编的个案考察

1.A short story or novella.短篇小说,中篇小说
2.Knock out several novelettes匆匆写出几部中篇小说
3.An Impression of Novellas in 2006;小说过眼录——2006年中篇小说印象
4.A talented woman writer, she published many short stories, medium-length and long novels. The Diary of Miss Sophia, which established her reputation, once aroused strong response in the society.丁玲是我国现代富有才华的女作家,曾陆续发表了多部短篇小说、中篇小说和长篇小说。
5.《Black Cloth》 is a medium-length novel of Bi feiyu.《青衣》是毕飞宇创作的一个中篇小说
6.He has published short stories, a novella and a novel.已发表多篇短篇、中篇和长篇小说。
7.Prize-Winning Stories From China中国获奖短篇小说选
8.Best Chinese Stories中国优秀短篇小说选
9.Stories of Old China中国古代短篇小说选
10.The religious trace and fatalist element gradually reduced and his creative efforts became more steady and solid.许地山以创作短篇小说和散文为主,《春桃》是其短篇小说中的名篇。
11.Among the medium-length novels and short stories she has left behind, Hands is one of the most well-known pieces.她留下多部中、短篇小说,《手》是其中的名篇之一。
12.This short text is selected from a novel.这篇短文摘自一篇小说
13.select a title for a short story为短篇小说选个篇名
14.Dash off a short story匆匆写出一篇短篇小说
15.He began writing in 1930 and created many long and medium-length novels and short stories.1930年起从事文学创作,著有长篇小说和中短篇小说多部。
16.On Zoomorphism in Kafka's Novels卡夫卡中短篇小说中的动物形象探析
17.Short Story Rising with Chinese Novel Rhetoric Modern Reforming;短篇小说的兴起与中国小说修辞的现代转型
18.a prequel that featured the characters of the famous novel in their youth.描述著名小说中青年期的先行篇

medium-length novel中篇小说
1.The words and phrases learning of the medium-length novel “Poor Liza” written by Karamzin;卡拉姆金的中篇小说《可怜的丽莎》中的词采研究
2.The works of the third decade medium-length novels in the-20th-Century new-vernacular literature demonstrate new characteristics and pluralistic orientation both in the thought content and in the art form and aesthetic style.20世纪新文学发展第三个十年(1937--1949)的中篇小说创作,无论在思想内容,还是在艺术形式和美学风格上,都表现出新的特色和多元化趋向;特别是一些成功之作在艺术形式和美学风格上的通俗化追求,使中篇小说开始为一般民众所了解和接受;走向民间,走向大众,已逐步成为一种创作趋势和发展方向。
1.A survey has showed that novellas in 2007 are characterized by the gene variation in narrative and coding,esp.综观2007年的中篇小说,其叙事编码的基因变异是非常突出的特征,尤其是"底层叙事"的结构性变化。
2.During these 10 years, novellas, which are especially attractive, even become the very important criteria to evaluate writers.而中篇小说在这十年中的表现尤为抢眼,甚至日益成为评价作家创作水平高低的重要标准。
1.To Build the Palace of Literature in the Waves of Times ——On Mao Dun s novels 1920s and 1930s;在时代浪潮中构建文学殿堂——谈茅盾二三十年代中长篇小说创作
6)middle length novels of Hunan湖南中篇小说
1.There were a few famous and excellent works in middle length novels of Hunan in the first 50 years of P.新中国50年特别是新时期以来的湖南中篇小说,名篇佳构联袂而出,令人目不暇接,文苑震惊,有口皆碑,堪称湖南文学的代表。
