1.This paper deeply analyzes the relationship between pilgrimage and tourism from the anthropological perspective.朝圣和旅游都是人类社会经济和文化发展到一定阶段的现象,是人类有异于日常生活的另一种"生活方式"。
2.He is a legendary figure in Tibetan history, because he went on a pilgrimage in Tibet and out of Tibet five times and took the chair of chief tutor of Ladakh king.达仓热巴,原名才旺伦竹,法名阿旺嘉措,是藏传佛教后宏期与大译师仁钦桑布齐名的著名僧人,一生曾五次到西藏及西藏以外的地方朝圣,后来做了拉达克国王的首席国师,是一位一生充满传奇色彩的历史人物。

1.a pilgrim who journeys to Mecca.去麦加朝圣过的朝圣者。
2.The pilgrims prostrated themselves before the altar.朝圣者都匍伏在圣坛前.
3.one who journeys to a sacred place.去神圣的地方朝圣的人。
4.pilgrims visiting the shrine到圣徒墓地朝圣的人.
5.A journey to a sacred place or shrine.朝圣,朝觐到圣地或神殿去的旅行
6.hajji | haji | hajj | hadji赴麦加朝圣之回教徒
7.sneak a look at the Christmas presents朝圣诞礼物偷看一眼.
8.He is planning to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca.他打算去麦加朝圣
9.The pilgrims journeyed to Jerusalem朝圣者前往耶路撒冷。
10.Pilgrims travel to Mecca in specially chartered planes .朝圣者们乘专机去麦加。
11.The pilgrim route to the Christian holy places in Sinai went through the Neger.前往西奈圣地的朝圣路线通过内格夫。
12.The Route of Santiago de Compostela圣地亚哥-德-孔波斯特拉朝圣之路
13.A medieval European pilgrim who carried a palm branch as a token of having visited the Holy Land.圣地朝圣者中世纪欧洲的朝圣者,其带着一个棕榈枝作为到过圣地的标记
14.A religious devotee who journeys to a shrine or sacred place.朝圣者,朝觐者旅行到神殿或圣地去的宗教虔诚者
15.He invites us to that inner pilgrimage which is called adoration.祂邀请我们走内心的朝圣旅程,也就是朝拜。
16.Santiago de Compostela was an important place of pilgrimage in the Middle Ages.中世纪圣地亚哥一德孔波斯特拉是朝圣的要地.
17.Santiago de Compostela is an important place of pilgrimage in the middle age.中世纪圣地亚哥一德孔波斯特拉是朝圣的要地。
18.Santiago de compostela be an Important place of pilgrimage In the middle age中世纪圣地亚哥一德孔波斯特拉是朝圣的要地

modern pilgrimage现代朝圣
1.Through an analysis of tourism anthropology, a conclusion is drawn that traditional pilgrimage could be an initial form of tourism while tourism has evolved into a new form of modern pilgrimage.从旅游人类学的分析中,我们可以得出这样一个结论:传统的朝圣不失为一种初始形态的旅游,而旅游又衍生成了一种新形式的现代朝圣
3)spiritual pilgrimage心灵朝圣
1.This is a complete course of spiritual pilgrimage,from which modern people may gain many favourable inspirations for their cultural life.这是一场惊心动魄的灵魂之战,一段完整的心灵朝圣历程,它可以给现代人的精神生活以诸多有益的启发。
4)artistic pilgrimage艺术朝圣
5)secular pilgrimage世俗朝圣
1.Tourism story is a means to interprete the culture of the tourism spots,which serves as one of the objects of tourism beauty appreciation,and helps tourists to delight themselves during their “secular pilgrimage”.旅游中的故事是对旅游目的地文化进行解释的工具 ,是旅游审美的对象之一 ,也是帮助人们渡过世俗朝圣仪式的手段。
6)New Year pilgrimage元旦朝圣
1.The basic content of this culture includes the New Year pilgrimage,temple fair and mid autumn incense burning.这一文化的基本内容表现为元旦朝圣、南岳庙会、八月香火等三种基本形
