1.From being deserted to self-salvation through committing suicide for love:analysis of women s fates by taking three examples;从被抛弃、殉情到自我拯救——以卫女、刘兰芝、三巧儿为例谈婚变后女性的命运
2.By his acute peculiar introspection posture,he surveied two kinds of indispensable survival forms in human s survival condition: lonely survival and self-salvation.他以其特有的、敏锐的内省姿态审视着人的生存状态中两种不可或缺的生存形式:孤独生存与自我拯救
3.The paper attempts to reveal the poetess’status anxiety,her inner Inferiority Complex,her choice of seclusion and her self-salvation from the perspective of psychoanalytic theory.文章试从精神分析理论的角度解读艾米莉·狄金森遭遇的身份危机、压抑在内心深处的"自卑情结"、其谜一般的隐居生活及其自我拯救

1.The Bible tells Christians to work out their own salvation.圣经告诉基督徒要自我拯救
2.Seeing Li Shangyin redemption himself from learning immortal to the religion of buddhism;从“学仙”到“倿佛”看李商隐的自我拯救
3.Self exile and Self save --the Spirit of Asu Yueer?s Poetry自我放逐与自我拯救——论阿苏越尔的诗歌精神
4.Emily Dickinson’s Inferiority Complex and Her Self-salvation艾米莉·狄金森的自卑情结及其自我拯救
5.Spiritual Encirclement Breaking and Self Deliverance──On Wang Xiaobo and His Novels精神突围与自我拯救──论王小波及其小说
6.The Fatal Experience of the Female Body and Self-salvation--A Re-interpretaion of The Field of Life and Death;女体世界的生死辗转与自我拯救——《生死场》再解读
7.On The Main Bodies Subsistence Predicament and Its Self-resolve in" Bian-Feng and Bian-Ya" Poems;“变风变雅”中主体的生存困境与自我拯救
8.Self-rescue of Folk Culture:from ZHAO Shu-li to ZHAO Ben-shan民间文化的自我拯救:从赵树理到赵本山
9.Self-Rescue of Modern Soul:Rigional Sense in Wolf of Wasteland现代灵魂的自我拯救:《荒原狼》中的宗教意识
10.Self-Rescue in a Degenerating Era--Hesse s Humours View in the Wolf in the Wasteland;堕落时代里的自我拯救——从《荒原狼》看黑塞的悲剧幽默观
11.The Identity Crisis and Self Salvation of Native Americans;“世界之间”的美国印第安人身份危机与自我拯救——西尔科《摇篮曲》浅析
12.Walking on the Cutting Edge of Spirit--Analysis on the Schizosis and Self-salvation in Haizi s Spiritual World;在精神的刀刃上行走——浅析海子精神世界的孤独性与自我拯救
13.The Self-rescue of People in the Incomplete Life Circumstances--On the Suffering Consciousness in Shitiesheng s Prose;残缺人生境遇的自我拯救——史铁生散文的苦难意识
14."For from the past God is my King, working salvation in the earth."神自古以来为我的王,在地上施行拯救。
15.I believe we help to redeem each other through the power of acceptance我相信通过接受的强大力量帮助我们拯救自我。
16.{I needed the chip to save my own vault. Sorry.{我需要芯片来拯救我自己的避难所。抱歉。
17.It will not prop up your ego or console you when you are down.当你倒下时它不能支撑起你的自我或拯救你。
18.For if I would not take this for a Deliverance,既然我自己没有把平安渡过第一次灾难看作是上帝对我的拯救,

1.In women writers works, they stress the living predicament caused by the materialization of the commercial society, sexual discrimination of male authoritative language, and their confusion in self-saving strategies.作家们在其作品中着重抒写了由商业社会的物化和男权话语的性别歧视所造成的城市女性的生存困境 ,以及她们在寻找自我拯救的策略时的迷
3)Rescue and Self-rescue拯救与自我拯救
4)self-rescued soul自我灵魂拯救
5)self-degradation and salvation自卑与拯救
6)Sky-Byte: Save my prized hostages!拯救我的人质!
