1.Tao is the essence of Zhuangzi’s Philosophy; Xinzai and Zuowang are ideal approach to reach transcendentality; Peripateticism is the optimum state of liberal life and the integration of heaven and earth is the world view of necessity."道"是庄子超越哲学的核心,"心斋"与"坐忘"是达到超越的理想手段,"逍遥游"是生命自由的最佳境界,"万物齐一"是追求生命自由的必然世界观,《庄子》追求生命自由精神境界的思维方式对于我们现代人仍有借鉴意义。
2.and the "Returning Hometown"of Tao YuanMing,and expound the corresponding artistic life state to "habitation"and "peripateticism" from the aspect of reasons for returning hometown,the process of return,and the analysis of the concrete poem text.还乡是古今中外文学艺术的永恒主题,本文试图将荷尔德林《返乡——致亲人》与陶渊明的《归去来兮辞》加以比较,从"还乡之原因"、"还乡之进程"及具体诗歌文本的解析,来阐述两者之间"栖居"与"逍遥"所对应的人生艺术境界。
3.Zhuang Zi s peripateticism has two types of meaning.庄子逍遥的旨趣有两层涵义:一是庄子认为如能够泯除物我,达到物我合一之境界,就会体验到自我之愉悦。

1.In and out and all a-bout.忽左 忽右 多逍遥
2.Existence and Freedom:Heidegger and Zhuangzi;存在与逍遥——海德格尔与庄子《逍遥游》
3.They've gotten away with it.他们一直逍遥法外。
4.Should a criminal go free?能让罪犯逍遥法外吗?
5.The criminal remains unapprehended..该罪犯仍逍遥法外。
6.then sent her on her way rejoicing.然后打发她逍遥去了。
7.87 Merry is he that hath nought to lose.87无物可失的人最逍遥
8.the last night of the Proms逍遥音乐会的告别夜场.
9.That escaped prisoner is still at large.那个逃犯仍逍遥法外
10.The escaped prisoner a still at large.那个逃犯还在逍遥法外。
11.The escaped criminal is still at large.逃走的罪犯仍逍遥法外。
12."Wind and rain, coming in from sea, Have cooled this pavilion above the lake"海上风雨至, 逍遥池阁凉。
13.An Interpretation of Free Traveling through a Study of Autumn Water;从《秋水》意趣看“逍遥”之境——庄子《逍遥游》臆说
14."Carnival" and "Being Carefree"--Comparison of Bakhtin s Poetics and Zhuangzi s Thought;“狂欢”与“逍遥”——巴赫金狂欢化诗学与庄子逍遥游思想异同比较
15.″I Feel as Leisurely as Floating White Clouds″--The Leisure Realm in Chen Baisha s ″Enjoyment of Nature″;“逍遥逍遥,白云如我闲”——陈白沙“自然之乐”的休闲境界
16.Thousand-Year-Long Puzzle of Xiao Yao You--A Book Report on Chen Yinque s Research on Xiao Yao You;《逍遥游》的千古难题——陈寅恪先生《逍遥游向郭义及支遁义探源》读后
17.Salvation or Dallying?--An Inguiry into the loss of spirit on the Part of Modern Men Initiated by Delivering and Dallying;拯救耶?逍遥耶?——由《拯救与逍遥》所引发的对现代人精神失落的追问
18.Three points concerning ZHUANG Zhou s Wandering About at Leisure;“逍遥”三论——陈寅恪先生《逍遥游向郭义及支遁义探源》读后

1.From Salvation to Being Carefree——Viewing the course of humanist concern in Cao Yu s early dramas through the shared plots of "running away" and its limitation;从拯救到逍遥——由“出走”情节看曹禺早期剧作人文关怀的历程及其局限性
2.Evolution of Zhuangzi s Carefree Thoughts in Weijin Dynasty;庄子“逍遥游”在魏晋文学中的嬗变
3.The word"carefree" looks by no means like what Xiang Xiu, Guo Xiang explained meaning "freely"."逍遥"一词并非像郭、象二人解释的"自由自在"之意。
1.Zhuang Zi’s Argumentation over Smallness and Bigness and the Purport of Xiaoyao;庄子“小大之辩”与逍遥之旨
2.With individual experience in life,the author makes a modern interpretation to Chuang Tzu s philosophy of life from four aspects,namely,subject and object being one,the utility of the useless,(of fishing) forgetting each other in rivers and lakes,as well as Xiaoyao-wandering .结合个人的人生体会,我们从齐物我、无用之用、相忘于江湖、逍遥四个方面,对庄子人生哲学的现代意味进行了阐发,以期对现代人的人生有所裨益。
4)free and unfettered逍遥
1.Starting out from the theory of life, an ontology, Guo Xiang thought that the best way of life is pursuing the life which accords with and goes well with the true nature of the subject and the ideal realm of life is pursuing a free and unfettered realm in the present world.《庄子》提出的“逍遥游”的生活方式与人生境界亦成为郭象理论的归宿。
1.For a long time he has been viewed as a dallying butterfly.长期以来,评论界都认为他是一只逍遥的蝴蝶。
6)ambulatory form逍遥型;逍遥型

逍遥  中国战国时期哲学家庄子的哲学用语。指一种个人精神绝对自由的境界。《庄子·逍遥游》集中阐述了这一思想。庄子认为:真正的逍遥在于任其自然。小鸠、大鹏以至列子御风而行都是各有所待,都是有条件的,所以都不是绝对的逍遥。"若夫乘天地之正,而御六气之辩,以游无穷者,彼且恶乎待哉?故曰:至人无己,神人无功,圣人无名"。只有凭借天地的正道,驾御阴、阳、风、雨、晦、明六气的变化,以遨游于无穷者,才是无所待的至人。至人无我、无为、无名,与天道一体,达到了"天地与我并生,万物与我为一"的境界,就有了绝对的自由。至人是庄子的理想人格,逍遥游是庄子哲学所追求的理想境界,二者其实是神秘主义者的幻觉。后人对《逍遥游》有不同解释。魏晋玄学家向秀、郭象认为逍遥可分为无待(圣人)与有待(常人),一切有待的物(包括人类)只要安于性分即是逍遥,说"夫大鹏之上九万尺,之起榆枋,小大虽差,各任其性,苟当其分,逍遥一也"。东晋名僧支遁(314~366)不同意这种解释,他说:"夫桀跖以残害为性,若适性为得者,彼亦逍遥矣。"认为逍遥是精神"玄感不为",应变无穷,只有无待的至人才能做到。