1.There has always been something wrong about the meaning of "Jian an Feng-Gu(style)" in terms of its content,form,diction and meaning.关于"风骨"涵义,一直存在从内容与形式、文辞与文意角度理解的错误,通过刘勰、钟嵘、陈子昂等人的论述,可以认定:"风"指作品中蕴含的作者的强烈情感状态,"骨"则指作品中富有感染力的语言表达状态。

1.Theoretical Intention of Emphasis on Selection of Ci and Fu inCollection of Classical Chinese Proses;《古文辞类纂》重视辞赋选录的理论指归
2.To alter the wording of(a text).改变(文章的)措辞
3.Rhetonic has three types: Figure rhetoric, Cultural rhetoric and Philosophical rhetoric.辞格学可以有三种:修辞辞格学、文化辞格学和哲学辞格学。
4.Three Topics on Speech Figures during the Cultural Revolution(1966-76);文革修辞格三题——文革修辞研究之十
5.Evasion in speech or writing.遁辞讲话或文章中的托辞
6.The techniques of translation Rhetoric:faithful in Ends,and elegant in means;文学翻译的修辞技巧:情欲信,辞欲巧
7.Rhetorical Function of Onomatopoeia;英语拟声辞格的形式及文本修辞功能
8.Chuci and Chu s Society Culture--The Second Probing Chuci s Root;楚辞与楚国社会文化——楚辞探源之二
9.He is always loading his writing with fancy phrases.他写文章常堆砌辞藻。
10.A succinct style lends vigor to writing.措辞简练使文笔有力。
11.We request that no flowers be sent.敬辞花圈〔讣文中用语〕。
12.a phrase with a literary flavor有文学味的说法 [措辞]
13.Sght to be typical of newspapers, containing many cliches新闻文体(多陈辞套语的)
14.Demonstrating Shen, Wu, Qing and Ci in Wen Xin Diao Long;论《文心雕龙》的“神”、“物”、“情”、“辞”
15.Acceptance and Expression of Rhetoric -- LV Zuqian’s thoughts of rhetoric according to Guwen guanjian;修辞接受与修辞表达——从《古文关键》评点看吕祖谦的修辞思想
16."Intertexture" in Western Literary Theory and "Huwen" in Chinese Rhetorics;西方文论的“互文”与汉语修辞的“互文”
17.There is no exact English equivalent for this Chinese expression.这个中外辞句在英文中没有完全相等的辞句。
18.The Comparation of Rhetorical Thouhgt on Wenze Written by Chenkui and Rhetoric Written by Aristotle;陈騤《文则》和亚里士多德《修辞学》修辞思想比较

cultural rhetoric文化修辞
1.This paper,according to the angle of the generalized rhetoric of contemporary Chinese language,discusses tea from the romance love,etiquettes and religions,some artistic aesthetic aspects to prove that tea is a cultural rhetoric prototype rich in lingering charm as well as a good drink.茶不仅是饮品,从现代汉语广义修辞学的角度来看,它在婚恋、礼仪、宗教、艺术审美几个方面有着丰富的文化修辞意义,是一个意蕴丰厚的文化修辞原型。
2.Popular culture is not only a new cultural expression and an artifact but also a cultural rhetorical strategy and a special economic form of contemporary society.流行文化通过各种文本修辞和运作修辞的选择,创造并维持一种基本的修辞关系,修辞关系各方以一种互相填平的方式成全对方;流行文化不仅是一种商品,一项工艺,一种社会力量,而且还是当代社会的一种文化修辞学,一种推动社会发展的特殊经济形态。
3.As a social rhetoric,contemporary Chinese literary criticism has been characteristic of social signals and cultural ruptures for the past 60 years,which can be found in the alternatives of political rhetoric,aesthetic rhetoric and cultural rhetoric.作为一种社会修辞,中国当代文论近60年的发展过程中,话语策略呈现明显的标志性、断裂性,具体表征为政治修辞、审美修辞和文化修辞的交错更替。
3)verbal-visual rhetoric figure图文辞格
1.With the ad information coming from both language and pictures, verbal-visual rhetoric figures are usually characteristic of the beauty in meaning change.由于信息源出图文两途,广告图文辞格常常用于以意义变化美为特征的辞格,而图画形式本身所具有的表达力,又使得广告图文辞格也能用于以形式美为特征的辞格。
4)dictionary file辞典文件
5)the explanation in Cihai dictionary《辞海》释文
6)literature rhetoric文学修辞
1.Wang Meng s Three-dimensional Research to Literature Rhetoric;王蒙对文学修辞的立体研究
2.The literature rhetoric expressions of repeat,parable,metonymy,and exaggeration in graphic art were elaborated and discussed.阐述了反复、比喻、借代、夸张的文学修辞表现手法在平面图形艺术中的表述,表达了图形设计借助于文学修辞能够创造出更具有想象力和创造性的图形。
3.In teaching college English writing teachers emphasize grammar,the use of words and expressions and the structure of the passage,but ignore the application of literature rhetoric methods in writing.大学英语写作教学中,教师往往只注重语法、词汇和篇章结构的处理,而忽略文学修辞手段,因此学生写作时语言单调直白,缺少生气。
