1.Emotion changes with scenery and diction changes with emotion is the key sentence of Wen Xin Diao Long·Scenery.“情以物迁、辞以情发”是《文心雕龙·物色》篇中的一句关键句,很多学者认为刘勰这个结论是当时十分普遍的观点,其实刘勰对这个结论的逻辑推导过程,是任何一个同时代的理论家都没有采用过的,这种推导过程正是刘勰的创新点所在,体现了他独特的生态文艺观,即使在今天看来也是十分先进的。
2.One is the igno-rance to the scenery, and the other is the failure to the connotation of the scenery.长期以来,人们对《呐喊》的研究不无误区:一方面是对《呐喊》中的物色熟视无睹、作壁上观,另一方面是对《呐喊》物色建构之三昧未能认真审视、攻苦食淡。

1.yellow or orange-red fat-soluble pigments in plants.黄色或桔红色植物色素,可溶于油脂。
2.Crying Out For The Scenery--Consideration of Connotation Of Seenery In Whoop;物色的呐喊——《呐喊》物色建构之三昧审视
3.a dark-green plant pigment having a brilliant green alcohol solution.一种深绿色植物色素,含有亮绿色酒精溶液。
4.a blue-black plant pigment having a blue-green alcohol solution.一种蓝黑色植物色素,含有蓝绿色酒精溶液。
5.biological stain生物染色,生物着色
6.chromogenic substrate显色底物,生色底物
7.civrine cameleon双色或多色棱纹织物
8.blue pigment in algae.藻类植物中的蓝色色素。
9.illuminated mixture[毛织物]色线增艳
10."Warm" colored objects, such as red, yellow, orange, etc.“暖色”的物体,诸如红的、黄色、桔黄色等。
11.Warm” colored objects, such as red, yellow, orange, etc.暖色”的物体,诸如红的、色、黄色等。
12.A brindled animal.有深色斑纹的灰色(或棕色)动物
13.contrast effect(交织物染色的)闪色效应,双色效应
14.To color or dye(something)in the hue vermilion.用朱红色给(某物)着色或染色
15.The color of a grizzled animal.灰色,灰斑色灰斑动物的颜色
16.An object having this hue.蓝色的物体有这种颜色的物体
17.any of a class of highly unsaturated yellow to red pigments occurring in plants and animals.植物与动物中极不饱和的黄色到红色的色素。
18.kiss roll pad dyeing面轧辊轧染(用于织物单面染色或双面异色染色)

Yarn-dyed Fabric色织物
1.Production of yarn-dyed fabric with soybean protain fiber yarn and cotton/polyester blended yarn;大豆蛋白纤维纱与棉/涤纱交织色织物的生产
3)subsidiary-color substance辅色物质
1.Objective: The effects of the different environment conditions and the subsidiary-color substance on the stability of the mockstrawberry fruit at the UV spectrum.目的:研究不同环境条件及辅色物质对蛇莓果实色素在紫外和可见光区的稳定性的影响。
4)dyed fabrics染色织物
5)colored woven fabric色织物
1.Design of Warping & Arranging Pattern Processing Software of Composed Pattern Colored Woven Fabric;复杂花形色织物整经排花工艺软件的设计
2.Through the analysis of the structure and property of spandex,the key points that how to stabilize the width and maintain the elastic recovery and water shrinkage of spandex elastic colored woven fabric were disussed.文章通过对氨纶的结构和性能的分析,提出如何稳定氨纶弹力色织物的门幅,保持织物弹性回复率和缩水率的方法,探讨了氨纶弹力色织物后整理加工工艺。
6)green logistics绿色物流
1.Applying new package to build green logistics;运用新包装营造绿色物流
2.The implementation of green logistics management in China s agricultural products;我国农产品实施绿色物流管理的探讨
3.Railway Development Opportunities under the Green Logistics Environment;绿色物流环境下铁路发展的契机
