1.Special Explanation For Literature——the ingenious truth;文学别解——巧妙的真话
2.He is also a thinker who analyzed the truth of history with his dignified and sagacious thought.文章试图从"诗人必需说真话"、"我生活着故我歌唱"、"我们不仅看着,而且在思考着"三个方面诠释艾青诗集《归来的歌》的特有内质,从而挖掘其诗作的情感的真实性、鲜明的时代性和丰富的哲理性。
3.The author believe that truth is the basis of people, and also the basis of composition writing.作者认为,真是做人之本,也是作文之本,因此,教师在作文教学时要鼓励学生说真话,写他所想,说他想说,将心中对生活的真情实感通过文字表现出来。

1.These are sincere words, not just empty rhetoric.这不是假话,是真话
2.Truth is beautiful without doubt, and so is lie .真话固然美好,谎话亦然。
3.A true friend should tell the truth.真正的朋友应该说真话
4.Speak the truth, and you need to have no shame.你说真话,就不必害羞。
5."Because, in truth, Albert"--“因为,说真话,阿尔贝——”
6.She cannot be relied on to tell the truth.别指望她能说真话.
7.In my heart of hearts I knew it wasn' t true.说真心话,那不是真的。
8.Fax: 086-029-86693008传真(电话): 086-029-86693008
9.Fax: 086-029-5276737传真(电话): 029-5276737
10.Fax(phone): 086-029-86693008传真(电话): 029-8405082
11.show one's (true) colors露出真面目 [本性],说出真心话,吐露真言
12.The words of the preacher really carry conviction.牧师的话真的令人心服。
13.He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our Backs背后说好话,才是真朋友
14.If It be not right , do not do It , If It be not true , do not say It .事不正不做,话不真不说。
15.Are you in jest or in earnest?你在说笑话还是当真的?
16.It' s odd that he hasn' t telephoned me.真奇怪,他没给我打电话。
17.Mom 's phone call be a real shoot In the arm妈的电话真能鼓舞人
18.What an extraordinary conversation.真是别开生面的谈话。

Cross-talk distortion串话失真
3)simulative myth仿真神话
1.The writings about bodies combined with the Chinese contemporary market economy and consumption culture produced excessive simulative signs and images,and created a simulative myth of literary narration about body freedom.当代中国的市场化和消费文化与有关身体的文学写作结合在一起,制造了身体的过量仿真符号与影像,从而产生了一个有关身体自由的文学叙事仿真神话。
4)speak truth讲真话
1.Therefore,we must advocate speaking truth,strengthen the measures and give more effort to encourage people to speak truth.民主生活会上不讲真话风气的蔓延,严重影响了民主生活会的质量。
5)effective speech真实话语
1.This article focuses on the Derrida s deconstruction of the distinction between the effective speech and the imaginary speech implied in Husserl s Logical Investigations.本文主要讨论了德里达对胡塞尔在《逻辑研究》中所作的关于"真实话语"与"想象话语"之区分的解构。
6)distorted words话语失真

真话1.犹言实情。 2.实话。