1.Four Errors of the Collate on Quansongshi (全宋诗)Reflected the Rhymes;从韵脚字谈《全宋诗》的校勘问题(四则)

1.Four Errors of the Collate on Quansongshi (全宋诗)Reflected the Rhymes;从韵脚字谈《全宋诗》的校勘问题(四则)
2.(prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse.(诗律学)符合韵脚。
3.A humorous verse, usually consisting of two unmatched rhyming couplets, about a person whose name generally serves as one of the rhymes.四行诗一种幽默体裁,通常包括两个长短不一的押韵对句,与某人的名字一般用作一个韵脚有关
4.a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines.以有韵律的韵脚写成的构成韵律行的作品。
5."House" is a rhyme for "mouse"."house"是"mouse"的同韵字。
6.I have disencumbered myself from rhyme我摆脱了韵脚的羁绊。
7.Viewing the Rhyme Dictionaries Based on Which Characters Were Covered in Yunjing(A Rhyme Mirrow) in Comparing Yunjing with the Other Related Rhyme Dictionaries in catalogue and Array Order从《韵镜》与相关韵书韵目及其排序之比较看《韵镜》列字所据之韵书
8.The Phonological Development of Hekou(合口) in Xie(蟹) System Reflected by Rhyme System in Song Dynasty宋代河南诗词用韵灰韵系、泰韵合口字的演变
9.To use alliteration in speech or writing.押头韵在话语或文字中使用头韵
10.The Principle of Same Niu about the Choice of Yunmu of Qieyun;论《切韵》韵目用字的“同纽原则”
11.On Studies of Certain Character's Rhyme Category Evolution in Tang Yun Zheng《唐韵正》个别字韵部演变研究考论
12.Studies on the Rhyme Dictionaries Which Yunjing Is Based on from a Comparison of Yunjing with Related Rhyme Dictionaries;从《韵镜》与相关韵书之比较看《韵镜》列字所依据的韵书
13.She rhymes "love" with "dove".她将"love"与"dove"两字押韵。
14.Having a metrically complete pattern, especially having the full number of syllables in the final foot.Used of verse.押韵的,完全韵脚的格律完整的形式,尤指最后的韵脚其音节数完整。用在诗歌中
15.A few lines of rhyming doggerel don't count as poetry.几行押韵的蹩脚诗算不上是诗.
16.I have nearly caught the rhymes myself.我几乎都要跟上它的韵脚了。
17.A line of verse consisting of five metrical feet.五音步的每行有五个韵脚的一种诗
18.She had the expression of a great lady in spite of large hands and feet.她虽然粗手大脚,却有大家闺秀的丰韵。

1.According to the concerned music score of Chinese operas, the thesis analyzes the rhyming of the book, sums up fifteen rhyme classes, and also compatres them with Chung yuan Yin Yun,and Zhu Gong Diao of the Jin Dynasty, and Yuan drama.元代诸宫调流传下来的仅有一种———《天宝遗事诸宫调》,本文根据相关曲谱,分析其用韵情况,归纳出 15个韵部,并与《中原音韵》、金诸宫调、元曲作对比,发现其个别韵脚及其读音并未与《中原音韵》完全一致,从而揭示出当时存在的一些语音发展变化现象,还新发现了一些《中原音韵》应收未收之字。
2.In a poem,full stop should be used after a rhyme,but not to end a line.韵文的标点应是在韵脚处用句号,非韵脚后不应用句号,但释绍昙一些诗的标点出现了与该条例相反的情况。
3.With the profound and overall investigation into Wei-feng,this article maintains that the seven poems of Wei-feng is composed of seven fashions of rhyme whose conceptions are very ingenious.文章通过对《魏风》的全面考察发现,《魏风》七篇,用韵七式,构思巧妙,韵脚采用立体表现方式,与主题相得益彰。
3)end-rhyme(rhyming word that ends a line of verse)脚韵
5)Research on Rhyming Words in Different Text about Tang Poetry唐诗韵脚字异文考
6)rhymed characters韵字
1.Generally speaking,among the 7896 frequently used rhymed characters,there are 3909 characters with level tones,3787 char.据调查,旧读入声常用字1313个,派入上声、去声的704个,入声字仍为仄声,派入平声的615个入声字(阴平159、阳平456)仅占《九道辙》全部常用韵字的12。
