1.Narrating a story about some African Americans who can "fly" in the novel,Morrison expresses,by means of symbolism,African Americans\' strong desire to preserve their traditional ethnic culture and pursuit of freedom and real life.在小说中,莫里森以"黑人会飞"这一古老的民间传说为情节发展主线和象征核心,向读者展现了几种不同的"飞翔",表达了以奶人为代表的非裔美国黑人族群渴望保存民族传统文化的强烈愿望和对自由、真实生活的热切向往。
2.Where does the snake fly--Review on Su Tong s novel why can the snake fly;本文主要从"蛇"与"飞翔"这两个意象切入文本,主要探讨了苏童这部长篇小说思想指向———对当下小人物奋斗历程的穿越和审视,并且指出文本在当下文坛的意义。

1.You need to have a good instructor, and to fly, fly, and fly.你需要有一个好的指导员,然后飞翔飞翔飞翔。”
2.A plane is flying in the air.一架飞机正在空中飞翔
3.Bats flit about in the twilight.蝙蝠在暮色中四处飞翔
4.Bats are flitting about in the dusk.蝙蝠在黄昏中四处飞翔
5.Birds are flapping about everywhere.鸟儿到处展翅飞翔
6.Follow the flight of a bird;可以仰望飞翔的小鸟;
7.A kite flying above the playground.在操场上空飞翔的风筝
8.Flight is natural to birds.飞翔是鸟类的天性。
9.I dreamt ~about flying last night.我昨晚梦见我在飞翔
10.I dreamt about flying last night.昨夜我梦见我在飞翔.
11.(heraldry) arrows flighted argent.(纹章学)“飞翔的银箭标记”。
12.ghostly shapes of bats flitting about in the dark黑暗中蝙蝠飞翔的鬼影.
13.Swallows put up very good flight performances.燕子飞翔婀娜多姿。
14.No need to teach an eagle to fly .教鹰飞翔,无此必要。
15.A lot of seagulls are seagulls are flying over the sea.许多海鸥在海面上飞翔
16.free flight aviary雀鸟可自由飞翔的鸟舍
17.Swallows fly about, carefree and at liberty.燕子自由自在地飞翔
18.Birds are flying high up in the air.鸟儿在高空中飞翔

1.and succeeds in exposing the theme of "flying"——a return to black culture.形象地展示了“飞翔”——回归黑人文化的主题及其深刻内涵。
2.Toni Morrison s Song of Soloman displays the mythic flying traditions among African Americans. 美国当代文坛著名黑人女作家托尼·莫里森的重要作品《所罗门之歌》再现了欧洲、美洲和非洲神话中的飞翔传统。
1.The relationship between utilization of triglyceride and glycogen and sustained flight in the moths of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera was investigated in the laboratory.对吊飞个体的测定表明甘油酯和糖原是棉铃虫飞翔的能源物质,蛋白质含量和飞行活动无明显的相关关系。
5)gliding flight滑翔飞行
1.The necessary conditions for gliding flight were deduced, and the method of calculation, approximate formula for estimating the gliding range were also proposed.本文针对弹丸滑翔飞行的运动特性 ,根据能量守恒原理 ,采用能量分析法对弹丸在滑翔段的弹道特性进行了研究。
2.In this dissertation, some researches have been made on how to extend the range of projectiles by gliding flight greatly.本文主要从如何增加炮弹滑翔飞行的射程角度来研究其弹道特性以及舵偏规律等相关问题。
6)flight period飞翔期
