1.Wu Weiye s Pains and His Ways of Release;吴伟业的痛苦内容和解脱方式
2.Du Fu wrote poems to record his pains at his frustrated ambitions to serve his country, bad court policies and the crisis of his nation.杜甫的诗篇记下了诗人深重的痛苦内容,如壮志难酬、报国无门之愤;国政失策、危机四伏之忧等,他对这些痛苦的解脱方式主要包括:干谒进取;诗酒遣愁;宴游交欢;游仙逃佛等;他的伟大,在于他有以国家之痛为痛,以生民之病为病的崇高情怀;他的痛苦内容,正是典型的中国古代知识分子的痛苦,体现了传统文化中最高境界的人文关怀。
1.Believing in Buddhism helps him find the way out of misery.对王维的痛苦内容及解脱方式的探讨,可得知其受到后人膜拜的魅力之所在。
3)painless endoscope loke无痛苦内镜
4)mental anguish内心的痛苦

1.Inward suffering is the worst of Nemesis.内心的痛苦是最厉害的惩罚。
2.Her mental anguish was beyond words.她内心的痛苦难以用言语形容。
3.She was too proud to show her grief in public.她十分自爱, 绝不当众流露内心的痛苦
4.Yet, what I suffered outside was nothing to what I underwent within.可是,我肉体上受到的痛苦比起我内心的痛苦来,实在算不得一回事。
5.The proud Ione took care to conceal the anguish she endured.骄傲的伊俄涅小心翼翼地掩饰着内心的痛苦
6.My bread shall be the anguish of my mind(Edmund Spenser)我的滋养物应是我内心的痛苦(埃德蒙 斯潘塞)
7.Once again, the President concealed anguish under a mask of courtesy and composure.总统又一次用礼貌和镇定掩盖着内心的痛苦
8.his bosom was bursting with the secret.她的的内心深处非常痛苦。
9.Her heart anguished within her when she learned that her husband had fallen in battle.得知丈夫阵亡的消息,她内心万分痛苦。
10.I would inwardly squirm at the unwanted attention.我的内心痛苦不安,真不想让人看到。
11.Grieve inwardly, ie not show one's grief内心痛苦(不表露出来)
12.The pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the Body心头的痛苦比肉体的痛苦更厉害
13.Esthetical Appreciation and Transcendence of Pain:Tao Yuanming s Inner World;对痛苦的审美与超越:论陶渊明的内心世界
14.Barton: I've always found that writing comes from a great inner pain.巴顿:我一直认为写作来源于内心的巨大痛苦。
15.feeling sharp psychological pain.感觉到极大的心理痛苦。
16."Ah," he thought, "the agony of it.""啊,"他心里说,"爱的痛苦啊!
17.The suffering of the refugees makes her heart sore.难民的苦难使她心痛。
18.Patience must suppose pain痛苦是耐心的前提条件

1.Believing in Buddhism helps him find the way out of misery.对王维的痛苦内容及解脱方式的探讨,可得知其受到后人膜拜的魅力之所在。
3)painless endoscope loke无痛苦内镜
4)mental anguish内心的痛苦
5)I was miserable inside.我内心痛苦。
6)indescribable agony难以形容的痛苦
