朦胧美,hazy beauty
1)hazy beauty朦胧美
1.The Fantastic Dream ——An analysis on the hazy beauty of Debussy s works;扑朔迷离的梦幻——试析德彪西作品的朦胧美特点
2.Weeds is a model writing about the hazy beauty.《野草》在创造作品朦胧美上可以说是典范之作,《野草》中人物形象塑造的模糊性,艺术象征画面的主体性和背景的迷茫以及奇特的梦境造成了一种朦胧美的意境。
3.Chinese modernist poetry school in 1930 s pursued the hazy beauty in mood as their creative art fulcrum.30年代的中国现代诗派 ,以追求情绪的朦胧美为其创作的艺术支点。

1.The Illusory and Imaginary Impression from the Sense of Haziness --On the Beauty of Bewilderment Embodied in Liaozhaizhiyi;雕空镂影 亦幻亦真——论《聊斋志异》的朦胧美
2.The elegant veiled mood of "Reed;情深景真 风神摇曳——《诗经·蒹葭》意境的朦胧美
3.The Fantastic Dream --An analysis on the hazy beauty of Debussy s works;扑朔迷离的梦幻——试析德彪西作品的朦胧美特点
4.Indistinct Beauty of Chinese Classical Poems andthe Background of their Language and Thinking;中国古典诗歌的朦胧美及其语言、思维背景
5.His beauty is dreamlike, like Sleeping Beauty; but his butterflies are very distinct and lifelike.黄国武在营造他的朦胧美人系列时,喜爱把美人与蝴蝶放在一起。
6.The Symbolization and Obscurity of the Image of the Two Characters in the Dream of Red Mansion--To analyze the scabby-headed monk and crippled Taoist;“双真”形象的象征意蕴和朦胧美——《红楼梦》癞头和尚、跛足道人形象浅析
7.From "Misty Poetry" to "Post Misty Poetry":the Transformation of Aesthetic Modernity“朦胧诗”到“后朦胧诗”:审美现代性的转变
8.It was a beautiful picture-very soft, and dreamy and beautiful.好一幅美丽的图画——文静、朦胧、幽美。
9.Behind it lay a bright hazy something.这幅好景的后面还有一个朦朦胧胧的美妙的东西。
10.Lush atmospheric touches in every room.每个房间都充满朦胧的艺术美
11.high, pale, pure and lovely song.高贵,朦胧,纯美而迷人的歌曲。
12.Beauty of Flimsy-Overview of Dim Poetry;“昙花一现”的美丽——朦胧诗回眸
13.On the aesthetic pursuit of the misty poetry and the influences on modern poetry;谈朦胧诗美学追求对当代诗歌的影响
14.Look Back on the Beautiful and Brilliant Twinkling--Also Talk about Hazy Poems;回眸美丽辉煌之瞬间——也谈朦胧诗
15.Comparision and Contrast of the Drigins and Internal Aesthetic Meanings of Symbolic and Misty Poetry;象征诗与朦胧诗渊源及审美意蕴比较
16.In fact, his paintings are opposite to reality.把美人画得朦朦胧胧,活脱脱像个“睡美人”,又爱把蝴蝶刻画得清清楚楚,活灵活现,惟妙惟肖。
17.Social Responsibility of Misty Poetry and Its Esthetic Value Under the Macroscopic Historical Background;宏观历史背景下朦胧诗的社会责任与美学价值
18.Influence of West Expressionist Aesthetics on Chinese Gloomy Poems;西方表现主义美学观对中国朦胧诗潮的影响

dim beauty朦胧美
1.All kinds of the poems were full of gloomy keynote and dim beauty.其雨诗笼罩着阴郁的基调和迷离的朦胧美
1.The Symbolization and Obscurity of the Image of the Two Characters in the Dream of Red Mansion——To analyze the scabby-headed monk and crippled Taoist;“双真”形象的象征意蕴和朦胧美——《红楼梦》癞头和尚、跛足道人形象浅析
4)the dimness and deep beauty朦胧深美
5)creating the dim beauty创造朦胧美
6)indistinct beauty of poems朦胧的诗美

月朦胧,鸟朦胧长篇小说。琼瑶作。1977年发表。韦鹏飞之妻欣相因迷恋一位男歌手而弃家出走。后鹏飞与女儿所在的幼稚园教师刘灵珊相爱,但仍对欣相一往情深。当刘灵珊得知欣相被男歌手抛弃而企图自杀时,便巧妙地安排她与丈夫、女儿相见。在韦家三口团圆之际,刘灵珊悄然离去。 【月朦胧,鸟朦胧】长篇小说。琼瑶作。1977年发表。韦鹏飞之妻欣相因迷恋一位男歌手而弃家出走。后鹏飞与女儿所在的幼稚园教师刘灵珊相爱,但仍对欣相一往情深。当刘灵珊得知欣相被男歌手抛弃而企图自杀时,便巧妙地安排她与丈夫、女儿相见。在韦家三口团圆之际,刘灵珊悄然离去。