1.The paper will elementarily make the complex conception of the demonic clear by the investigation of the demonic s development history.通过对恶魔性概念的历史考察和溯源,初步理清恶魔性概念的双重复杂内涵。
2.In the classics, there are always demonic character images, whose charm always attracts reader of every times firmly.伟大的文学作品中,总是那些富有恶魔性的人物形象散发出最迷人的光辉。

1.Of, concerning, or characteristic of the devil; satanic.恶魔的恶魔的,关于恶魔的,有恶魔性质的;穷凶极恶
2.The Demons in Literary Images and Analysis of Factors Consisting of Demons;文学形象中的恶魔及恶魔性因素辨析
3.Discussion on Devil Factor in Li Pei-fu s City Lamp;试论李佩甫《城的灯》中的恶魔性因素
4.The Deep Cause of Those Demonic Character Images in Literature;试论文学恶魔性人物形象的深层动因
5.A Tentative Analysis of the Demonism in Thomas Mann s "Doctor Faustus;试论托马斯·曼的《浮士德博士》中的恶魔性
6.Floating Dream of Dirty World,and Fragmentation of Humanity浊世苍生的浮梦 人性景深的断残——刘恒小说中的恶魔性因素探析
7.To represent as diabolical.描述成恶魔,象恶魔一样
8.of or relating to Satan.恶魔的或与恶魔有关的。
9.From Human to Devil, from Devil to Angel: On the Human nature of Les Misérables;从人到恶魔,从恶魔到天使——试论《悲惨世界》中的人性问题
10.Of, relating to, or suggestive of a fiend;diabolical.恶魔的恶魔的,与恶魔有关的令人想起恶魔的;恶魔的
11.Angel and Devil--Discussion On the Female Images in the World Myths;天使与恶魔——世界神话中的女性解读
12.Devilish conduct or character.恶行恶魔的行径或恶德
13.The study of demons.鬼魔学对恶魔的研究
14.The villain was a fiend incarnate.这个恶棍是恶魔的化身。
15.turn into a devil or make devilish.变成恶棍或成恶魔般的。
16.Week of Demon: Double growth for Demons and Horned Demons.恶魔族周:魔和角魔督军的产量加倍。
17.The Evil Queen has a magic mirror.邪恶的皇后有一面魔镜,
18.We raise the devil just for pleasure.我们招唤恶魔来娱乐。

factors consisting of demon恶魔性因素
1.Analysis of factors consisting of demons opens up a new domain for studies on China s contemporary literature, for literary images of demons have long-lasting charming.恶魔性因素的探讨为中国现当代文学研究开辟了新的领域,具有恶魔性因素的文学形象富有不朽的艺术魅力。
3)images of demons恶魔性形象
1.Analysis of factors consisting of demons opens up a new domain for studies on China s contemporary literature, for literary images of demons have long-lasting charming.而在读者的意识中,恶魔性与恶魔概念往往混为一谈,为使该项研究得以深化,辨清恶魔性因素的真正含义,正确区分恶魔性形象与恶魔的差别,则具有重要的认知意义。
4)the villainous male恶魔式男性
1.Correspondingly, Luther also consciously accentuated the image of Devil combating the mighty fortress—God, so that the concept of "trouble" in Psalm 46 was explicitly expressed as the damage done to the Chr.诗篇46》,但路德在其中却毫不犹豫地舍弃了《诗篇46》的作者所精心选择的"避难所"意象,代之以充满火药味的"坚固堡垒"意象;与此相应,路德还有意识地突出了那些与上帝这座"坚固堡垒"争战的恶魔形象,从而使《诗篇46》中含糊提到的"患难"之义,被明确指控为魔鬼对基督徒的"毁伤"。
2.They are either pure female like angle or evil devil,expressing deep recognition of British real social life.悲剧中的女性退为次要人物,她们要么是纯洁的天使,要么是狠毒邪恶的恶魔,体现了作者对英国社会现实生活的深入认识。
3.In the novel of The Scarlet Letter,Chillingworth becomes a devil tormenting his enemy crazily and without any pity from an honest,fair person,which has complex reasons.在小说《红字》中,齐灵窝斯之所以由一个先前诚实、公正的人,变为毫无怜悯之心、疯狂折磨其仇人的恶魔,是有其复杂原因的。
1.Analysis of factors consisting of demons opens up a new domain for studies on China s contemporary literature, for literary images of demons have long-lasting charming.恶魔性因素的探讨为中国现当代文学研究开辟了新的领域,具有恶魔性因素的文学形象富有不朽的艺术魅力。
2.The “demons”,Heathcliff and Carmen are distinctive for their rich disposition.希兹克利夫和卡门“恶魔”气质浓郁而独特。

恶魔【恶魔】 (异类)障碍佛道之恶神之总称。圆觉经曰:“恶魔,及诸外道。恼身心。”法苑珠林曰:“恶魔波旬,将八十亿众,欲来坏佛。”(参见:魔)