1.Popularity and Leisure-the Trend of Chinese Proses in 1990s;通俗与闲适:90年代中国散文潮流
2.Lin Yutang advocated to live elegantly and leisurely in an artistic way.林语堂提倡以艺术的方式优游人生 ,他的人生哲学沾染着浓厚的闲适享乐的色彩。
3.Bewildered and lost, they generally returned to self and tried to seek comfort in love affairs or leisure.迷惘、失落中,他们普遍回归自我,在艳情或闲适中安顿心灵,寻求安慰,齐梁浮靡诗风再度受到青睐。

1.a scene of cosy domesticity闲适的家庭生活景象.
2.Here everything is easy.在这儿,一切都闲适省心。
3.On the Leisure Essays of Zhou Tongbin;闲适中的当下关怀——论周同宾的“闲适”散文
4.A Cultural Interpretation of "Leisure" and "Comfort"--Under the Basis of Inspecting Bai Juyi s Xianshi Poem;“闲”与“适”的文化解读——以对白居易闲适诗的考察为基础
5.This poem expresses the leisurely and comfortable mood of the poet.这首诗写出了诗人闲适的心情。
6.quiet: an antipode to focused busyness.闲适:同忙忙碌碌正好相反。
7.The World of Carefree and Leisure;冲淡闲适的世界——汪曾祺散文解析
8.Wang Wei’s “Easy” Life Spirit and Poetry Interest;王维“闲适”的生命精神与诗歌旨趣
9.Popularity and Leisure-the Trend of Chinese Proses in 1990s;通俗与闲适:90年代中国散文潮流
10.The "Leisure" Speech in the 30's Essays Contestation30年代小品文论争中的“闲适”话语
11.On the "Leisurely Prose" of the Eighties of the Twentieth Century略论二十世纪八十年代的“闲适性”散文
12.It is an idle philosophy born of an idle life, evolved in a different age, I am quite aware.我知道这是一种在与现代不同的时代里发展出来的,从闲适的生活中产生出来的闲适哲学。
13.Lead as quiet a life as possible during the24 hours before the flight.在登机前的24小时里,生活要尽可能闲适
14.Bathsheba, being in a negligent mood, leant so idly against the canvas.心情闲适的巴丝谢芭百无聊赖地靠在帆布上。
15.Next year his father will retire and take things easy.明年他父亲就要退休而过闲适的生活了。
16.Interpretation of Human Life Beyond Worries--On the Formation of Sushi s Concept of Carefree and Leisure Life;了悟人生 超越烦恼——论苏轼闲适观的形成
17.On the Evaluation of City Leisure Life Suitability--A Case Study of Linhai in Zhejiang province;城市休闲适宜性评价研究——以浙江省临海市为例
18.Leisurely and Comfortable Style in Discourse of Literature in the 1990s and Taoist HumanNature Theory;九十年代文学的闲适话语与道家人性论

Leisure and Comfort闲适
1.However, his mentality of leisure and comfort did not bring him good luck in everything, so that he often sought a balance at the psychological level through comparison with people inferior to himself.白居易晚年的心态以闲适为主,但以闲适为主并不意味着事事如意。
1.The self-image changes from romantic and prideful bel-esprit to suffering person, then to quiet anchoretic.宋代词人朱敦儒在作品中展现了完整的人生 ,其词中的自我形象经历了风流疏狂才子、忧患之士再到闲适隐士的嬗变。
4)the leisurely and placid sentiment闲适情调
5)leisure poem闲适诗
1.Research on Lu You had been focusing on his patriotic poems and thought,while neglecting his leisure poems and thought.长期以来,学术界对陆游的研究多集中在爱国诗及爱国思想方面,而对其闲适诗及闲适思想则很少关注。
2.In the Tenth Year of Yuanhe (815 AD), Bai Juyi categorized his poems into four types: satirical poems, leisure poems, sentimental poems and unregulated verses.元和十年(815),白居易在《与元九书》将自己的诗歌分为四类:讽谕诗、闲适诗、感伤诗与杂律,他还对这四类诗做了界定。
6)leisurely style闲适笔调
1.With natural and genial chatting tone, mild and leisurely narrative rhythm, colloquial but elegant sentence structure, Lun Yu Group s essays are provided with leisurely style and distinctive features, which are different from the "dagger and spear" style of argumentation essays.论语派的小品文以其自然亲切的闲谈语气、平和舒徐的叙述节奏、清顺自然的口语化句法 ,构成了小品文娓语闲谈式的闲适笔调 ,使其具有与说理文匕首投枪式的笔调迥然不同的特点。
