1.THE SPIRITUAL RESPONSE OF NATURE AND MAN——A Comparative Study of the Ecological Literature of Mandumai and Prishvin;自然与人的神性感应——满都麦与普里什文生态文学的比较研究
2.MAN AND NATURE LIVING IN PERFECT HARMONY IS ECOLOGICAL PHILOSOPHY——On the Philosophical Source of Ecological Novels By Mandumai;天人和谐 生态哲学——论满都麦生态小说的哲学渊源

1.THE SPIRITUAL RESPONSE OF NATURE AND MAN--A Comparative Study of the Ecological Literature of Mandumai and Prishvin;自然与人的神性感应——满都麦与普里什文生态文学的比较研究
2.MAN AND NATURE LIVING IN PERFECT HARMONY IS ECOLOGICAL PHILOSOPHY--On the Philosophical Source of Ecological Novels By Mandumai;天人和谐 生态哲学——论满都麦生态小说的哲学渊源
3.On Sundays, the McDonald's, the Kentucky's and the Pizza Hut are all jammed with customers.每个星期天,麦当劳、肯德基和比萨饼屋都挤满了顾客。
4.The street was crammed with reporters, photographers, cameras and microphones.街已挤满了报界记者,摄影记者,到处都是照相机和麦克风。
5.Where, oats, and the like are cereals.麦、燕麦等等都属于谷类。
6.Macbeth is ripe for shaking.麦克白已经恶贯满盈。
7.His mouth was full of biscuit.他满嘴都塞满了饼干。
8.Wheat, maize and oats belong to the grain group.小麦,玉米及燕麦都属谷类。
9.Wheat is grown in various parts of the country.全国许多地方都种小麦。
10.The future holds limitless possibilities, Milo未来充满了无穷无尽的机会,麦洛
11.He was filled with joy when he looked at the green cornfield.他望着那碧油油的麦田, 心中满是喜悦。
12.He crooned into the microphone.他充满柔情地对着麦克风唱流行歌曲。
13.His body hair was slicked with perspiration.他那满胸满肚的毛都亮晶晶的沾满了汗水。
14.After the annual stocking, the pond was alive with trout.在一年的放养后,池塘满满的都是鳟鱼。
15.Tuesday is all booked up,周二整天的日程都是满满的,
16.Bases loaded: Bases are said to be loaded when there is a base runner on each base.满垒:每个垒上都有跑垒员称作满垒。
17.Make every day count.让每一天都充满意义。
18.Broken cups lay here, there and everywhere, over the floor.打破的杯子满地都是。

Man du mai's fiction满都麦小说
1.The Methods for Extracting Alteration Anomalies Based on the ETM~+ and Aster Data——A Case Study of the Mandula Area;基于ETM~+与ASTER数据的矿化蚀变信息提取方法研究——以满都拉地区为例
4)Chengdu's Manchu City成都满城
5)Man Duhai满都海
1.Mongolian Literature Study of Man Duhai s Actions;满都海夫人事迹蒙古文献考
6)Chendu Manchuria成都满族
