1.This article takes the flood of Han River in Hubei Province in 1935 as an example,manifesting the social abuses at that time,such as superstition,drifting refugees,natural and man-made calamities,and malpractice.以1935年湖北汉水水灾为例,展示了当时普遍出现的迷信观念盛行、灾民盲目流徙、天灾人祸并生、救灾积弊甚多的消极现象,并对自然灾害与社会流弊的关系进行了分析。

1.The Tendency of Treating Nature as Utensils--The Roots of Abuses Deriving from Dominant Thinking Model;自然器物化——主导思维范式之流弊所在
2.Exploring the National Spirit of Traditional Thought and Culture (a special topic for discussion);“立德”思想的历史流弊与理论价值
3.The advantage and disadvantage of computer aid in art design;电脑技术在艺术设计中的价值与流弊
4.Prevailing abuses are what we should oppose. we shouldn't follow others blindly.时俗流弊是我们应当反对的, 不可以随波逐流。
5.But it is my opinion that things must be done in such a way that there will be minimum disadvantages.但我认为,应把这种计划的流弊减少到最低限度。
6.It therefore excludes Chinese medicine, which relies on bodily orces that in the past could not be scientifically measured.它固然破除了中医“医者,意也”过于唯心的流弊
7.Penalty has its own limits which are determined by its defects, purposes, functions and costs.刑罚并非万能,而是有其局限和天然的流弊
8.Natural Disaster and Social Abuses--In a Case of the Flood of Han River in Hubei Province in 1935;自然灾害与社会流弊——以1935年湖北汉水水灾为例
9.A Brief Discussion about Trend and Drawbacks of Current Newspaper Layout;略论目前报纸版面设计改革的走向及流弊
10.Work keeps us from three great evils: boredom, vice, and need.工作使人类免除了三大流弊:生活乏味,胡作非为,一贫如洗。
11.From Owning Many Defaults to Showing a Distinct Feature--On how the News Programs of Our Civil Provincial Televisions Extricate Themselves from Predicament;从“症结”多多到“特色”渐明——省级电视台新闻性节目在流弊中突围
12.A Second Theme-analysis of Shen Zu-ling s Minifictions of the Ailments of Government Offices and Functionaries;机关流弊和干部畸形心态的剖示——沈祖连微型小说论析之二
13.Negative Effects of Traditional Bureaucracy and the Reforms of Administrative Management in China传统官僚制现代流弊与行政管理体制改革的路向选择
14.Takings turns will prevent disputes and malpractices like mortgages or sales."如此周流,又无争竞,亦不有典卖诸弊."
15.Students may be tempted to cheat in order to get into top schools.为进入一流学校,学生可能忍不住作弊。
16.Advantages and Disadvantages of the National Sports Meeting Player Exchange and Its Countermeasure Study;全运会运动员交流的利弊及对策研究
17.Analysis of the Social Origin and Drawbacks of the Popularity of Group Text Message Sending;浅析民间群发短信流行的社会原因与弊端
18.The Limitation of Mechanism Tendency in Traditional Mainstream Psychology;试论传统主流心理学机械论倾向的弊端

abuses in the late Han Dynasty汉末流弊
3)academic evil social practices学术流弊
4)Shortcomings of Zhexi Ci Poems浙派流弊
5)so as to put an end to abuses以杜流弊
6)problem and abuses问题和流弊

汉末英雄记《汉末英雄记》(《汉书英雄记》见《新唐书·艺文志》),八卷(《唐·志》作十卷)。三国魏王粲撰。王粲(177-217),字仲宣,山阳高平(今山东邹县)人。博学多识,为“建安七子”之一。他先依附刘表,后归曹操,任丞相掾、侍中。除《英雄记》外,尚著有诗、赋、论、议共六十篇。该书记述汉末乱世众多人物行状,可补正史之缺。此书久佚,明人辑有《王侍中集》。今从《黄氏逸书考》整理。一卷(江苏巡抚采进本) 旧本题魏王粲撰。粲字仲宣,高平人,仕魏为丞相掾,赐爵关内侯,事迹具《三国志》本传。按粲卒於建安中。其时黄星虽兆,玉步未更,不应名书以“汉末”,似後人之所追题。然考粲《从军诗》中已称曹操为圣君,则俨以魏为新朝,此名不足怪矣。《隋志》著录作八卷,注云残缺。其本久佚。此本乃王世贞杂抄诸书成之。凡四十四人,大抵取於裴松之《三国志注》为多。如《水经注》载白狼山曹操敲马鞍作十片事,本习见之书,乃漏而不载。又如筑易京本公孙瓒事,乃於瓒外别出一张瓒,以此事属之,不知据何误本,尤疏舛之甚矣。 ----出《四库总目提要》