1.Comprehension of Anglicized tolerance and intolerance from the historical context of Middle Ages will absolutely not exceed the limitation of that Age that tolerance got along with.在中世纪历史语境下理解英国式的宽容、不宽容,绝不会超越它所处的那个时代的限制。

1.They have little mercy on their enemy.他们对敌人毫不宽容
2.Intolerance is the mark of a Bigot不宽容是顽固者的标志
3.There was no tolerance for anyone who broke ranks.对溃逃者决不宽容
4.Tolerant or Intolerant: Two Faces Shown by God--Study of Problems of Tolerance in the UK in the Middle Ages;上帝示人的两张面孔:宽容与不宽容——中世纪英国宽容问题研究
5.excessive intolerance of opposing views.对于反对观点极度的不宽容
6.Not compatible or sympathetic, as in character.志趣不同的指性格上不宽容,无同情心的
7.Comprehension of Anglicized tolerance and intolerance from the historical context of Middle Ages will absolutely not exceed the limitation of that Age that tolerance got along with.在中世纪历史语境下理解英国式的宽容、不宽容,绝不会超越它所处的那个时代的限制。
8.not admitting of pardon.不可以被容许宽恕的。
9.(of a person) merciless;unwilling to relent(指人)冷酷的,不愿宽容的
10.Tolerance is another name for indifference.宽容是不关心的别名。
11.the government's tolerance of political dissent政府对不同政见的宽容
12.Generosity, Harmony but Different--on Wu Cheng-ye′s Generosity;宽容为本 和而不同——吴承业教授宽容思想刍议
13.Because treachery can't be forgiven.因为背叛行为是不可宽容的。
14.Am I not the most tolerant man in the world?难道我不是世界上最宽容大量的人吗?
15.I can not tolerate your carelessness.我不能宽容你的粗心大意。
16.I won't tolerate that impudent boy.我不能宽容那无礼的男孩。
17.The sword creates discord, while forgiveness brings concord.刀剑带来了不安定,而宽容带来和谐。
18.He kindly winked at the oversight.他宽容地故意装着不知那个过失。

3)He wouldn't let up on me.他毫不宽容我。
4)indeed not of what is wrong,—不是宽容错误,
5)He is not indulgent of fools.他不宽容傻瓜。
1.Comments on Headteachers (instructors ) "tolerance" in their work in Colleges and Universities;小议高校班主任(辅导员)工作中的“宽容”
2.On the academic expectations of tolerance;浅谈学术探讨的宽容期望
