1.The literary elegy in the Six Dynasties was not simply a kind of practical poems as it did originally.挽歌本是一个实用性的诗歌题材,而在六朝,文人挽歌诗经历了脱离礼仪、又回归礼仪的演变过程。
2)elegical poetry诗体挽歌
1.The Elegy for the Chivalrous Culture——A New Probe on the Theme of Fatal Spear;武侠文化的挽歌——《断魂枪》主题新论

1.A poem composed in elegiac couplets.挽歌挽歌对句体写的诗歌
2.elegy:a poem composed in elegiac couplets.挽歌:用挽歌对句体写的诗歌.
3.resembling or characteristic of or appropriate to an elegy.类似于挽歌、具有挽歌的特征或适合于挽歌
4.For Whom the Elegy is Writen--On "Tao Yuanming Write Elegy" by CHEN Xianghe;挽歌为谁而作——读陈翔鹤《陶渊明写〈挽歌〉》
5.Of or composed in elegaic couplets.挽歌体的挽歌对句体的诗的,用挽歌对句体写的诗的
6.Athem,Pastoral and Elegy-Three Connotations of Lily;赞歌·牧歌·挽歌——《百合花》的三层意蕴
7.A Love Song to Country Flavor;乡土恋歌——周同宾散文集《情歌·挽歌》论
8.To compose an elegy upon or for.以挽歌纪念或哀悼为某事或某人作挽歌
9.a poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person."挽歌,挽诗:专门为悼念某一死者所写的诗或歌."
10.On the Elegy in Dynasties of Wei,Jin a nd Late Han and Its Variety--Also as a Probe into the Birth of Elegy;汉末魏晋挽歌及其流变论——兼谈挽歌的产生
11.A funeral hymn or lament.哀乐,挽歌丧礼的赞歌或哀悼
12.A song or poem expressing deep grief or mourning.挽歌表达深切的悲伤或哀悼的歌或诗
13.the pastourelle or wooing song; and the coronacb, a type of lament.还有田园曲、求婚歌和挽歌
14.Ode or Elegy?--On the Religious Theme of The Centaur;颂歌还是挽歌?——论《马人》的宗教主题
15.Elegiac Feeling and Elegiac Form--On Xiangxi novels Lyric Art;挽歌情怀和挽歌形式——论沈从文湘西小说的抒情艺术
16.Brahms's 'Requiem' gets me every time.勃拉姆斯挽歌每次都使我感动。
17.Radiohead is singing a dirge to the record industry.”收音机头”乐队为唱片行业唱响了挽歌
18.Good heavens, what would be more tragic than that lament!天哪,还有什么比那首挽歌更悲伤的呢!

elegical poetry诗体挽歌
1.The Elegy for the Chivalrous Culture——A New Probe on the Theme of Fatal Spear;武侠文化的挽歌——《断魂枪》主题新论
5)elegy lyrics挽歌歌辞
1.There are some elegy lyrics such as Xie Lu,Hao Li and Liang Fu Yin Xing in Yuefu poems in the Han Dynasty.这些挽歌歌辞能够在丧葬活动中实际演唱的情况,一改先秦"禁乐"的丧葬制度,佐证了汉代挽歌送葬的丧葬礼制。
6)pastoral elegy牧歌式挽歌
