1.About the Time of KunQiang streaming into Peking;关于昆腔传入北京的时间问题

1.About Setting Ancient Poems to Music With Kun Tune;关于昆腔谱唱古诗词曲问题——中学语文教学中的“吟诵涵咏”方法初探
2.A girl I met on Yuleshow's blog. One who loves traditional opera, especially Kun and Yue.一个在豆子她爸的网志上碰到的女生。热爱昆腔和越剧,以及其他戏曲。
3.A membranous external auditory structure, as in certain insects.鸣腔某些昆虫的薄膜状外部听觉结构
4.Further on WEI Liang-fu's Tone Reform--Reply to Mr. DAI He-bing on the Sound and Status of the Kunqu Opera再论魏良辅声腔改革——就昆曲语音、昆曲地位答戴和冰先生
5.It took all of Kunta's self-control to grip his flooding rage.昆塔尽了全部的力量才克制住自己的满腔怒火。
6.The Standard of Melody in New Kunshan Accent and the New Issue of "No Hormonious Musical Rhythm"in Tang Xianzu s Drmamas;新昆山腔的曲律规范与汤显祖剧作的“失律"
7.The Assimilation, Fusion and Development of Chinese Operatic Arts and National Vocal Music in Terms of Kunqu Singing从昆曲演唱艺术看民族声乐对戏曲声腔艺术的吸收、融合与发展
8.A Study of Median Lethal Dose(LD_(50)) of Doxorubicin on Mice with Intraperitoneal Injection(i.p.)阿霉素对昆明种小白鼠腹腔给药的半致死剂量研究
9.This chakra begins in the pelvis but includes a complex energy flow known as sexual energy and kundahlini.该脉轮始于盆腔,但包含了一个所知为性能量与昆达里尼的复杂能量流。
10.The neuter caste in social insects.群居昆虫中的无性昆虫
11.`She's an entomologist.' `Come again?' `An entomologist she studies insects.'`她是昆虫学家.'`请再说一遍.'`昆虫学家--她研究昆虫.',
12.Be careful. The insect has stings.当心,这昆虫有刺。
13.Well, Kunming, I suppose.嗯,我想是昆明吧。
14.Your brother says that compared to the one in Kunming-"你哥哥说比昆明--”
15."Good," said Mr. Quincel.“好,"昆塞尔先生说。
16.Quintus SMYRNAEUS昆图斯(士麦那的)
17.To lay or deposit eggs in.Used of certain insects.昆虫产卵使某些昆虫产卵
18.An aphid, especially one of the genus Aphis.蚜属昆虫蚜虫,尤指蚜虫属昆虫

Kun tune singing with Gongchi music昆腔谱唱
3)new kunshan accent新昆山腔
4)the Kunshan Opera昆山腔
1.A Textual Study on the Emergence of the Kunshan Opera and Its Variations;昆山腔的产生与流变考论
5)Jinhua kunqiang tone金华昆腔
1.Jinhua kunqiang tone is one sort of local kunqu opera.金华昆腔是昆剧地方化的一支 ,本文就“金华昆腔”最后的职业全昆班的兴、盛、衰、亡的过程与原因作一番记叙和论述。
6)Kunshan tune drama昆腔传奇
1.This brought to Kunshan tune drama a completely new value concept and Zeitgeist, revealing on the stage numerous "colorful scenes of the civilian life".这致使昆腔传奇显现出全新的价值观念和时代精神,在戏剧舞台上展示出一幅幅“五光十色的平民社会”生活场景。

昆腔  中国戏曲音乐类别的一种,见戏曲音乐。