1.At the same time,by the research of the views of Saofu in the Songs of the South State and the versions of “Lisao and Hanfu as the Forefathers” in th.同时 ,又通过分析楚辞学对骚赋的看法及赋学的“祖骚宗汉”说 ,认定二学虽分开而并未完全分离 ,其间自有相关的连结。
2)Prose Poems of Sao Style骚体赋
1.His Prose Poems of Sao Style, by focusing on major social and political events of the late Ming Dynasty, reflected his concerns about the political environment of his time and a strong aspiration of promoting traditional moral standard among the public.实际上,刘宗周的辞章修养十分丰厚,尤其是他的骚体赋创作成绩显著,至少在明代辞赋史上应占据一席之位。
2.Liu Zongyuan wrote more than 30 poems and proses,including two types of prose poems of Sao style and poetic prose,two thirds of which are prose poems of Sao style.柳宗元的辞赋作品约有三十余篇,包括骚体赋和散文赋两大类。

1.To Analyse the People s Acception and Prevalence to Qu Sao from Fu of Sao System in Han Dynasty;从骚体赋看汉人对屈骚的接受和传播
2.The Awareness and Value of Chu Ancestry in the Bans Sao-style Poetry;班氏家族骚体赋的楚祖意识及其价值
3.The Interpretation of Jia Yi's Sao-ti Fu to the Atmosphere of World Sorrow by Qu Yuan贾谊骚体赋对屈原“悲世之风”的解读
4.Unrecognized talent,profound thinking,discontent in palace and narrating behaviors--On original Ode to Sao Style influenced by Qu Yuan in Han Dynasty;不遇·玄思·宫怨·述行——简论屈骚影响下的汉代独创骚体赋
5.On JIA Yi s Relegation in Changsha and the Creation of His Fu;屈贬长沙 升堂赋坛──论贾谊贬长沙对其骚体赋创作的影响
7.The Doctrince of YinYang-WuXing and the Spatial Construction in the Fu of Sao Type;阴阳五行学说与汉代骚体赋的空间建构
8.Poetic Prose in the Style of Li Sao:a Literary Style of Lyric during the Han Dynasty--A concurrent discussion of the limitation of poems as lyric and subjective literature;骚体赋:汉代的一种抒情文体——兼议以诗歌为抒情文学和自觉文学的局限性
9.Differences between Shao and Fu;骚、赋文体辨——兼说屈作不当名赋
10.On the Similarity and Difference Between "Sao" (The Lament) and "Fu"( Prose-poetry )--As Well as the Gain and Lose of WU Zi-liang s Critiqueon The Selections of Refined Literature;关于“骚”“赋”之同异问题——兼论吴子良等批评《文选》别“骚”于“赋”之得失
11.On the Yuan Fu s Creations Practices of "Absorbing the Essence from the Sao and Fu of Han Dynasty";论元代辞赋“祖骚宗汉”的创作实践
12.ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FU AND SAO FROM THE VIEW OF LITERATURE HISTORY Still Explanation "Elegies of Chu" and "Xi"文学史视野下的赋、骚关系诠辨——兼说“楚声”与“兮”
13.An Investigation into the Origin of Fu: a study on the referents of "One can compose Fu when reaching heights" and "Blind Fu";赋体起源考——关于“升高能赋”、“瞍赋”的具体所指
14.Her figure was slender and her manner vivacious."身量苗条,体格风骚"
15.The gas has been used for civilian riot control as well as military.这种气体用于控制民间骚乱,也用于军事骚乱。
16.Discussion about the Origin and Creation of the Poetry in the Style of Li Sao Created by Qu Yuan;从《离骚》看屈原创制的“骚体诗”的来源及创造
17.The Discrimination of Sao in the Song Dynasty;宋人《离骚》辨体──从宋人对《骚》类作品的选评出发
18.Stylistic Inherit and Development of Mimic Sao-style Works in the Han Dynasty of Qu Sao汉代拟骚诗在文体层面对屈骚的继承与新变

Prose Poems of Sao Style骚体赋
1.His Prose Poems of Sao Style, by focusing on major social and political events of the late Ming Dynasty, reflected his concerns about the political environment of his time and a strong aspiration of promoting traditional moral standard among the public.实际上,刘宗周的辞章修养十分丰厚,尤其是他的骚体赋创作成绩显著,至少在明代辞赋史上应占据一席之位。
2.Liu Zongyuan wrote more than 30 poems and proses,including two types of prose poems of Sao style and poetic prose,two thirds of which are prose poems of Sao style.柳宗元的辞赋作品约有三十余篇,包括骚体赋和散文赋两大类。
3)Sao-style poetry骚体赋作
4)the Fu of Sao type骚体赋
1.The Fu of Sao type in the Han Dynasty inherits the lyric function of the original Sao Type,it expresses mainly depressed,worried indignant sentiments,but as the Fu of Santi in the Han Dynasty,the Fu of Sao type in the Han Dynasty has also been influenced by the mode of thinking of prose,some works of Sao type have showed certain functions of reasonable prose,descriptive prose or narrative prose.汉代骚体赋继承了原始骚体的抒情功能,主要是苦闷、幽愤等压抑之情的抒发,但与汉代散体赋一样,汉代骚体赋在发展演变的过程中也受到了散文式思维方式的影响,一些骚体赋又表现出与散文中说理散文、描写散文或叙事散文相类似的某些功能。
2.The doctrince of yinyang-wuxing and its symbolic thinking frame greatly influenced the spatial construction in the fu of sao type.阴阳五行学说及其象征思维框架对汉代骚体赋的空间建构影响很大。
5)Fu of Sao style骚体赋
1.Fu of Sao style is the important form of feeling and ideal expression of scholars in Han dynasty.骚体赋是汉代文人抒情言志的重要形式。
6)The Research about Fu of Li Sao Style of the Han Dynasty两汉骚体赋研究
