
1.It is a memorable portrait of an era.它是时代不朽写照
2.a sombre picture of the future of the world世界未来的惨淡写照.
3....,as is often the case with sb……,这常是某人的写照
4.Transmitting the Spirit" and the "Strength of Character" of Wenxindiaolong--On transmitting the spirit of Zmplicit and Bright;传神写照与《文心雕龙》的风骨——兼论《隐秀》篇的传神写照式解读
5.A close - up lens is ideal for taking close - up picture .近摄镜用来拍特写照片最理想。
6.A close - up lens is ideal for taking close - up pictures.近摄镜用来手特写照片最理想。
7.However, I still write letters.但是,我照样写信。
8.4. Rewrite the following sentences after the model.仿照例子重写句子。
9.heliographic printing照相制版印刷, 影写版
10.My mum had a fever yesterday.五、仿照例子改写句子。
11.I wrote the letter at his dictation.我照他的口述写信。
12.The license said,"You are hereby given the right to fish and hunt in this county."执照上写道:"凭此照可在本县境内渔猎。"
13.On Realistic and Freehand Sound Effects of Animations写实与写意:动画音效的二元审美观照
14.Is this portrait taken from life or copied from photograph? This is a portrait from life.这像是写生的还是照相仿描的?这是写生像。
15.Do they think they can avoid making mistakes if they merely read prepared speeches?写出来照着稿子念就没有错误?
16.he wrote the date on the back of the photograph.他在照片的背面写上了日期。
17.I wrote on the back of it: "Thank you, Rosie."我在照片的背面写道:“谢谢你,罗西
18.You are to fill in the form with the information you hear.按照听到的内容填写表格。

snapshot writing快照写
3)truly reflection真实写照
4)realistic portraiture现实写照
1.Dominated by emotion,literators writing intention leaded realistic portraiture in selecting subject matter and personal comparison and compensation in expressing idea.情感支配创作心态,进而表现为历史剧创作中题材选择的现实写照性与主旨表达的自喻性、补偿性。
5)a portrayal of times时代写照
6)spiritual portrayal精神写照

写照【写照】 (杂语)画肖像谓之写照。照者镜也。见镜之所照,模仿而写其面像也。