1.Shiwudagu”means the verse s explanation and understanding can t be very exact.“诗无达诂”的意思是对于诗的解释与理解不会完全准确 ,这是古诗解释中的一个普遍现象。

1."Yiyinizhi" and "No Thorough Interpretation for Poetry" under the Perspective of Hermeneutics;解释学视野中的“以意逆志”和“诗无达诂
2.The two explaining method of the debatable verse;中国古诗鉴赏中的“达诂”与“坐实”
3.Critical significance of literary interpretation in ancient China;中国古代阐释的批评学意义——“诗无达诂”说研究
4.On the Literary Appreciation on the Basis of Diachronic Works and Synchronic Receivers;文艺无达诂——从历时性的作品和共时性的接受者谈文艺鉴赏
5.There Is No Ultimate Authoritative Explanation for Poetry; Translators Just Do What They Think They Can;诗无达诂 译尽其能——评毛泽东词《沁园春·长沙》五种英译本
6.Gan dialect and exegesis of "da"(达),"shang"(伤) and "ling"(凌);赣方言与“达”、“伤”、“凌”的训诂
7.Analyse the Exegetical Characteristics of Hong Liangji s ChunQiuZuoZhuanGu;论洪亮吉《春秋左传诂》的训诂特色
8.The Stylistic Rules and Layout and Xungu Methodology in Jing Yi Shu Wen;《经义述闻》的训诂体例和训诂方法
9.Gu Jing Jing She Wen Ji and the Early Academic Style of Gu Jing Jing She;《诂经精舍文集》与诂经精舍早期学风
10.On Huangsheng s zigu and yifu;论黄生《字诂》《义府》对训诂学的贡献
11.A Preliminary Analysis of Ma Xu-lun's Emendation and Exegesis on Lao-Tsi浅析马叙伦《老子校诂》的训诂特色
12.Research & Evaluation of Project Fearibility项目可行性研究与评诂
13.Interpretation of the Glosses "Going Against the Current" and "Going With the Current" in The Book of Songs;《诗经·蒹葭》“遡洄”“遡游”诂训
14.A Group of Cognates of Old Chinese for King;《尔雅·释诂》“林、烝,君也”解
15.Reconsideration about Exegesis and Exegetics--On the academic contribution of Wangning’s;训诂与训诂学复议——兼评王宁的学术贡献
16.Interpreters of Ancient Chinese Poems and their Limitation;诂诗与诂诗者的局限——由“大漠孤烟直”想到的
17.Chinese-Tibetan Comparison and Chinese Exegetics;汉藏比较与训诂学——《诗经·大雅·生民》训诂举隅
18.Explanations of Words in Ancient Books《经籍籑诂姓氏·分纂》和《补遗姓氏·补纂》训诂文献考

different interpretations of a poem诗有达诂
4)Study on Yang Shuda's Exegetics杨树达训诂研究
1.Gan dialect and exegesis of "da"(达),"shang"(伤) and "ling"(凌);赣方言与“达”、“伤”、“凌”的训诂
2.Synonyms Exegesis in "ER YA" and Explaination in Great Dictionary;《尔雅》异名训诂与大型辞书释义
3.Role that exegesis plays in appreciating ancient poems;浅谈训诂在古典诗歌鉴赏中的作用
1.The explanations of ancient TIM classics was first given in Canon of Medicine.中医经典中的训诂,最早的是在注释《内经》中出现的。
2.The mistakes and reasons for mistakes of the usage and explanation of these six words and phrases are discriminated in this article.《庄子》疑难词语很多,本文选取《逍遥游》中的六个疑难词语,考释其词义源流、结构演变和词性变化,辨析其 在使用和训释方面存在的失误及其产生的原因,并补正他人训诂之失。
