1.The Implied Meaning of Jujiu(osprey) in Guanju of The Book of Songs;关于《诗经·关雎》篇的雎鸠喻意问题

1.By riverside are cooing A pair of turtledoves;关关雎鸠, 在河之洲
2.The Implied Meaning of Jujiu(osprey) in Guanju of The Book of Songs;关于《诗经·关雎》篇的雎鸠喻意问题
3.Guan-guan go the ospreys , On the islet in the river . The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : -- For our prince a good mate she .关关雎鸠,在河之洲。 窈窕淑女,君子好逑。
4.Why does the water cock sing?--A principle research on China lyric theory;“雎鸠”究竟为何“关关”?——中国古典抒情理论的本原性探讨
5.The diameter is 9-20 mms,presenting the circular or ovals,the CT is worth 5-20 HUs,strengthen to scan and all did not enhance,with the wreath pond connect with each other 9,cooking stove week have no dropsy.?≡罹?⑸?诼雎缒ち亚
6.With a contribution per Rotarian of US$222.57, District3740' s performance reflects the overall success of the annual giving campaign in Korea, where all but one of the country's17 districts achieved their fundraising goals.厍?骄?课环雎稚缋嗫?
7.of Epicurus or epicureanism.伊壁鸠鲁的或伊壁鸠鲁学说的。
8.Of or relating to Epicurus or Epicureanism.伊壁鸠鲁的或伊壁鸠鲁学说的
9.To be joined together by means of dovetails.鸠尾榫接头用鸠尾榫结合在一起
10.Confucius said: "The Kuan Tzu [Note: The Kuan Tzu ("The Cry of the Ospreys") allows for pleasure without Being lewd and allows for grief without Being too painful."子曰:「关雎,乐而不淫,哀而不伤。」
11.The Confucian Interpretive Strategies in “ Shijing - GuanJu”从《诗经·关雎》看儒家的释义策略
12.Harmony in Family and the Administer of the Country--The Explanation of the Cultural Connotation in Guanju;室家之道与天下之理——《关雎》的文化阐释
13.On the English Version of Reduplication in Ospreys;从翻译美学看《诗经·关雎》中的叠字英译
14.Aesthetic appreciation of "guan ju" in The Book of Songs;《诗经·关雎》审美谈——兼与程俊英先生商榷
15.Query on Guan Zhui Bian·Mao Shi Zheng Yi·Guan Ju(4);读《管锥编·毛诗正义·关雎(四)》献疑
16.Learning of Shi-jing from Pre-Qin Period to Han Dynasties- From the Perspective of Interpretation History of the Poem Guan-ju;从《关雎》的阐释史看先秦两汉诗学
17.Touching Love and Far-reaching Implication--The Analysis of Crying Ospreys from The Odes of Zhou and The South, Book of Songs;情思缠绵 意蕴深远——《诗经·周南·关雎》解读
18.A Paean of Love--the artistic approach on Guanju;爱情的礼赞——《关雎》之艺术探微

The quack of the cormorants关关雎鸠
1."The quack of the cormorants" generally means the harmonious and customary subject of human marriage by way of borrowing the quacking of the cormorant couples."关关雎鸠"是以雎鸠鸟的雌雄和鸣,兴起"乐得淑女以配君子"的主题。
3)"Fair, fair, " cry the ospreys关关雎鸠,
4)On the "The Quack of the Cormorants""关关雎鸠"考释
6)Guan Ju关雎
1.The Two Stages of the Book of Songs Being Classic Viewed from Guan Ju and Its Significance;从《关雎》看《诗经》在传播中的两个经典化过程及其意义
