1.Study on the Loneliness and Limitied Relief of Liu Zongyuan s Poems in the YongZhou Period;试论柳宗元永州时期诗歌中的孤寂情怀及其有限消解

1.Study on the Loneliness and Limitied Relief of Liu Zongyuan s Poems in the YongZhou Period;试论柳宗元永州时期诗歌中的孤寂情怀及其有限消解
2.Solitude behind Passion: A Brief Analysis of Sexism in Sula;激情背后的孤寂:《秀拉》中的性别主义
3.Shame, Despair, Solitude!耻辱,绝望,孤寂!
4.because it relieves loneliness-爱能解除孤寂感??
5.Lonely Soul,Feelings of Commiseration--Another Talk About Xiao Hong;孤独的灵魂 悲悯的情怀——也谈萧红
6.Her air of complete loneliness allied with a quiet dignity touched me.她神情一片孤寂,却心平气和,仪态端庄,深深触动了我。
7.When holidays spark loneliness of being apart, and the feeling swell within my heart... I wish you well!当假日带来离愁孤寂,百般情感涌起,让我不能自已……我祝福你!
8.There, lonely and solitary, she missed the companionship of human beings and the kindness of her husband.在那里,嫦娥倍觉孤独和寂寞,她思念着人间的欢合和丈夫的温情。
9.I awoke with a horrid sentiment of oppression, and found I was alone.我怀着极可怕的忧郁心情醒了过来,觉得很孤独。
10.The Isolation Awareness and Religion Complex of Huang Guobin s Literature Works;论黄国彬作品中的“孤独意识”与“宗教情怀”
11.The natural beauty, the humanistic beauty, the lonely and sad feelings are the emotional expression of the imagery;冲淡平和的自然之美、人情之美,哀怨忧郁的孤寂之情、无奈之情是其意境的情感表现;
12.Ascending Alone Depressedly Feelings of Solitude Eternally --Analysis to the Aesthetic Value of Tang Height-ascending Poems;黯然独自登高 千古寂寞情怀——唐代登高诗审美价值探析
13.Her desolation is greater now that the children is away.孩子们走了,她更觉孤寂。
14.Her desolation was greater now that the children were away孩子们走了,她更觉孤寂
15.a lonesome hour at the Bar.酒吧里一段孤寂的时光
16.Her desolation is greater now that the children are away."孩子们走了,她更觉孤寂。"
17.Her face had the usual fulness of expression which is developed by a life of solitude.她脸上带着平常素有的多愁善感的丰富表情,由于孤独寂寞的生活,她的这种表情愈加深化了。
18.And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better that to see the smiling face of a good friend.如果我们情绪低落或感到孤独寂寞,那么,没有什么比看到好友的笑脸更让人开心的事情了。

1.This article discusses the cause of Wang Ji s "loneliness" and performance in his poems from two aspects.“孤寂”是王绩生存状态最显著的特征。
2.Yet the brilliance never conceals the her essence of loneliness caused by the family, marriage, illness, as well as the contradictions between the ideal and reality, mind and emotion, along with life and death.前言:简介当前林徽因研究的状况,以及本文欲从林徽因灿烂而孤寂的人生入手,研究其对新文学的探索与追求。
1.Nature in heart, bliss of solitude:On Wordsworth s reflections on nature;自然心底存 欢愉孤寂时——论华兹华斯自然观
2.The price of freedom:death and solitude——On the outcome of Victorian feminists自由的代价——死亡 孤寂——维多利亚时期女性主义者的结局
4)meditating on the past alone孤怀
5)Lonely soul孤寂心灵
6)depress and loneliless忧闷孤寂
