
1.On the Relationship of the Parties in the Agency for Unnamed Principal and the Perfection of Chinese Regulations over it;试分析隐名代理中当事人之间的关系及我国隐名代理制度的完善
2.Probe into Financial Accounting in Dormantpartner Investment Surrogating;隐名投资中显名投资人“代为投资”会计核算初探
3.The Research on Dormant Investment of Company of Limited Liability;有限责任公司隐名投资法律问题研究
4.The condition of having a disguised or concealed identity.隐姓埋名,匿名隐匿姓名身份或隐姓埋名的情况
5.She became Nova Cain.改名叫诺娃?该隐。
6.One whose identity is disguised or concealed.隐匿姓名身份者,隐姓埋名者
7.To conceal his name?隐藏自己的名字吗?
8.(p,a)-sensitive k-anonymity:privacy protection model(p,a)-sensitivek-匿名隐私保护模型
9.Norminalization is the main source from which grammar metaphor derives.名词化隐喻是产生语法隐喻的一个重要来源。
10.Noun Metaphor covers a large proportion of the metaphorical use.名词性隐喻是使用频率最大的一种隐喻。
11.Implied Cultural Features in the Motivation of Naming Argot Jargon;论隐语行话命名理据中的隐型文化特征
12.A Cognitive Perspective to Semantic Interpretation of Metaphtonymic Noun-Noun Compounds in Chinese and English;汉英隐转喻名名复合词语义的认知研究
13.Creativity and Mechanism of the Implicit Meaning of "N1+de+N2" Structure;“名_1+(的)+名_2”定中结构隐喻的创造性及运作机制
14.Retirement School and Their Personage Demeanour: From FEI Ming, SHEN Cong-wen to WANG Zeng-qi;归隐派与名士风度——废名、沈从文、汪曾祺论
15.You must provide a name for the hidden field.您必须为隐藏的域提供一个名称。
16.The famous actor now lives in seclusion.那位著名的演员现在过着隐居生活。
17.Naruto, the Japanese manga series, came fourth in the list.日本动画片《火隐忍者》名列第四。
18.It is fair to cover celebrities private lives in the mass media?大众媒体报道名人隐私是否公平合理?

undisclosed agency隐名代理
1.The undisclosed agency in Contract Law may be an adapt explanation to the relatio.在拍卖中,用代理、行纪、居间来说明委托人、拍卖人、买受人的关系,既与拍卖实践不符,也无法解释《拍卖法》第40条规定;三者的关系应按《合同法》规定的隐名代理来处理。
2.WT5”BZ]By comparing the similarities and differences between the stipulations about agency in China and those in UK and USA,and〈The Agency Convention〉,and analyzing both the civil agency and the external trade agency,we conclude that it is rational to institute undisclosed agency in China.运用比较研究法 ,将我国代理法律制度与英美法和《代理公约》相关内容相比较 ,从民事代理、外贸代理等方面分析 ,认为应借鉴英美法 ,在我国建立隐名代理制度 ,这既有利于完善我国的代理立法 ,又可使我国的代理法律制度与国际公约和国际商事代理的通用规则相一
3.Starting with the analysis to the definitions, origin and design of undisclosed agency in common law system and contrasting it to the rules of agency and commission agency in civil law system, the author first brings forward a new theory as to the differences of agency law between common law system and civil law system.本文首先通过对英美法隐名代理和被代理人身份不公开的代理的概念、起源和制度设计的分析以及与大陆法代理和行纪制度的比较,重新审视了两大法系代理法的区别及相关的理论学说,并介绍了有关国际条约融合两大法系代理法的努力。
3)Invisible signature隐形签名
1.An invisible signature digital watermarking algorithm based on binary operation;基于二值运算的隐形签名数字水印算法
4)anonymous pronoun隐名代词
1."某"、"某甲" and "某乙" are commonly used anonymous pronouns in Chinese,referring to someone or something but there are few discussions on them as self-addressing pronouns."某"、"某甲"、"某乙"是人们所熟知的隐名代词,用来代替人和事物的名称,而作为自称代词,就鲜见探讨了。
5)Witness Anonymity证人隐名
1.Witness Anonymity in Criminal Procedure Law——From the Perspective of Human Rights Protection;人权保护视野下的证人隐名制度
6)metaphodc names隐喻名
