1.From the end of Ming Dynasty to the Mid-Qing Dynasty, China painting arena turned on a rich profusion of paintings of various schools, among which Xin an painting school is an outstanding one featured with easiness, calmness and simplicity.新安画派以其清逸、冷静、简约的画风在当时的中国画坛独树一帜。

1.There are nine picturesque peaks that look very much alike.九嶷山脉由九座山峰组成,九座山峰都极其清逸秀丽,十分相似。
2.Be also that time, let me know the lotus flower in rain, she is that so to stand erect in rain, so of pure leisure.也就是那个时候,让我知道了雨中的荷花,她在雨中是那样的挺立,那样的的清逸
3.To gather shop, business center and break bar round the lobby, it will offer guests happy service.酒店大堂堂皇清逸,弥集商场、务中心和休闲酒吧于一体,给客人以方便周到的服务。
4."born into poor but cultured families, they will become high-minded scholars or recluses. ""若生于诗书清贫之族,则为逸士高人"
5.Trend of Scholar Drawing in Ming and Qing Dynasties: A Perspective of Ni Zan s "Natural Grace";从倪瓒的“逸气”窥探明清文人绘画思潮
6.Shen drew upon the inheritance from the painting traditions of the Song and Yuan dynasties and formed his own fresh and elegant painting style.他融汇宋元传统,形成雄伟清新、粗放雅逸的风格。
7.Since the Cold Water is Green,Clear Empty Beautiful Ease--Ginger Kui of outs teanding figure disturlring the refingd word and sending寒水自碧 清空俊逸——骚雅词派的翘楚姜夔
8.The Study of Serum Proteomics and the Mechanism of Immune Escape in Gastric Carcinoma;胃癌血清蛋白质组学及免疫逃逸机制的研究
9.Vigour of Style with Freshness and Elegance--Reflections on Reading Mr. Liang Guanghua s Poems Coollection for Jianjiang River;风骨健朗 清新俊逸——喜读梁光华先生《剑水行吟集》
10.Since the Cold Water is Green,Clear Empty Beautiful Ease--Ginger Kui of outs teanding figure disturlring the refingd word and sending;寒水自碧 清空俊逸——骚雅词派的翘楚姜夔
11.Purity in Soul and Elegance in Appearance--The Influence of Metaphysics on the Style of Arts and Crafts of Wei & Jin Dynasty;清秀神俊 韵逸洒脱——玄学对魏晋工艺美术风格的影响
12.With Sorrow Indignation Beyond Majesty and Elegance Broad-mindedness and Profundity Within Delicacy and Mildness;寄悲慨于雄放飘逸之外 寓旷远于清丽婉曲之中——苏轼词风之我见
13.Uncommon, Beautiful Style and Unrestrained, Delightful Life -An Approach to Fan Cheng-das Early Poems;范成大初年吟咏之清丽俊逸诗风与豪纵快意的生活
14.Role Played by Zhang Shizhao s Sun Yat-sen in End-of-Qing Revolutionary Propaganda;试论章士钊编译的《孙逸仙》在清末革命宣传中的地位和作用
15."Carefree pen" "carefree energy of life" "carefree style" --the limited view of the inner meaning connection in the painting of NI Zan;“逸笔”“逸气”“逸格”——蠡测倪瓒绘画中“逸”的内蕴关联
16.Production Structure( casual clothing and adornment) Basides its comfort, simplicity, natural and healthy, Qiaofu clothes emphasize more on its freshness, elegance and relaxation.同样是休闲服装运动装,在体现舒适、约、然、康之外,巧妇制衣更强调了清爽、逸舆随意。
17.The near equilibrium prevents the air in the core from escaping-and it makes for a cool sound when the canister is popped open.内外气压相近可防止球体内空气逸出,因此,打开铁罐时会有清脆的声响。
18.Clear Micro Pale Far Center Chord,Elegant Lofty Qu Zhongjing--Xi Shan Qinkuang Performs Aesthetics Thought To The Violin Performance Enlightenment;清微淡远中和音 飘逸高雅曲中境——《溪山琴况》表演美学思想对小提琴演奏的启示

1.From the end of Ming Dynasty to the Mid-Qing Dynasty, China painting arena turned on a rich profusion of paintings of various schools, among which Xin an painting school is an outstanding one featured with easiness, calmness and simplicity.新安画派以其清逸、冷静、简约的画风在当时的中国画坛独树一帜。
3)muddy water settlement浑水澄清
4)store the clear water and discharge the muddy water蓄清排浑
5)storing muddy water and releasing the clear蓄浑排清
1.In order to achieve hyper-sediment concentration transportation, the Xiaolangdi Reservoir should adopt the operational mode of "storing muddy water and releasing the clear, scouring the channel by clear water, increasing sediment concentration through scouring and tr.为实现高浓度调沙,小浪底水库应该采用“蓄浑排清,清水刷槽;加沙造浓,高浓度输沙”的调水调沙方式,并通过“横向冲蚀”技术,来源源不断地形成高含沙水流出库。
6)pure and easy style清朗俊逸

清浑1.清澈和浑浊。 2.是非;好坏。