1.Comparison on the product trapping ways in the m-phthalonitrile production;间苯二甲腈生产中产品捕集方式的比较
2.A Comparison of Modern Women Formal Dress Culture between Shes in Zhejiang and Miao in Guizhou;浙江畲族与贵州苗族近代女子盛装比较探析
3.A comparison of acoustic emission characteristics in typical ply stacking angle of UHMWPE/LDPE composites;典型铺设角度UHMWPE/LDPE复合材料的声发射特性比较

1.sonic comparator声波比较[比长]仪
2.method of paired comparison对偶比较法 成对比较
3.method of comparative study比较研究法 比较研究法
4.he was quite well-built, quite fat really,他长得比较壮,比较胖,
5.main comparator主比较器主比较电路
6.chart comparison unit海图比较器海图比较器海图比较
7.Comparative Culture,Comparative Philosophy and Comparative Philosophy of Science;比较文化、比较哲学和比较科学哲学
8.On comparison in comparative research subjects-with reference to comparative education;谈谈“比较学科”研究的“比较”——以“比较教育”为个案
9.On Comparative Sentences Without Comparision in Meaning and Without Comoarision in Form;浅谈无比较意义和无比较形式的比较
10.Compare continual and continuous.试比较continual和continuous.
11.Compare wait for and expect.试比较wait for和expect.
12.She's fairly tall with a... a good figure.她比较高,体形好。
13."Worse" is the comparative of "bad"."worse"是"bad"的比较级。
14.`better' is the comparative form of `good'.better是good的比较级。
15.""Faster"" is the comparative form of ""fast"".""Faster""是""fast""的比较级。
16.Compare machine, tool, etc.试比较machine、 tool等词.
17.comparative philology比较语言[语文]学
18."Better" is the comparative of "good".“Better”为“good”之比较级。

1.The analyses compares and application of the daily soft starter of the belt conveyer;带式输送机软起动装置的分析、比较和应用
2.To compare the results from two kinds of automatic biochemistry analyzers;两种全自动生化分析仪分析结果的比较
3.Test and compare several types of ventilators;几种常用呼吸机的比较测试
1.A comparative analysis of R&D project evaluation methods;研究与开发(R&D)项目评估方法的一种比较分析
2.Soilless culture comparative analysis of different base substances;无土栽培之不同基质的比较研究
3.The Comparative Methods of the Programme on visual FoxPro;基于Visual FoxPro的程序比较方法
1.The contrast of two processes for production of powdered AP by "slurryconcentration method;两种料浆法粉状磷铵流程比较
2.Contrast of a Few Calculating Methods on Fall Velocity of Water Drops Lei A’lin;几种计算水滴降落速度方法的比较
3.The contrast between recognitions on Europe of Binchun and Wangtao;斌椿和王韬对欧洲认识的比较
1.The Same Source and the Different Current Direction——on the comparision of changing path of Lu Xun s and Zhou Zuo-ren s ideologies of humanitarianism.;同源而异流——鲁迅周作人人道主义思想演变轨迹比较
2.Having a integrated comparision of three kinds of technology, provides a choice basis for the model of made-nitrogen equipments in Petro-chemical complex.介绍了工业生产应用中三种制氮设备技术:深冷法、变压吸附法和膜分离法,对三种工艺技术进行了综合比较
3.In the meantime it also preseats some main technical properties,construction,features of home box transformer substation and comparision with American box transformer substation.介绍了美式箱变的技术性能和结构 ,并结合我国国情对其进行了技术分析 ,同时介绍了国产箱变的一些主要技术性能、结构、特点并与美式箱变进行了比较
1.This paper gives comparation of one picture with the other for better understanding on knowledge of Quantum.本文讨论量子力学中常用的两种绘景的比较,便于更好地学习和理解量子力学知识。

比较比较  两种事物之间的对比,诸如大小、高低、长短、前后、上下、左右、精神、营养、病情等都可作比较。